
A metric is a quantitative measure used as a proxy to the shape or scale of some real quantity. Metrics are the basis of quantitative analysis and statistics. This page documents a set of metrics used by researchers in academia and at the Wikimedia Foundation to study the behavior of wiki editors, the growth of wiki content and the effects of new features.


User metrics apply to edit users, registered or anonymous.

user classes define populations of users sharing some properties. E.g., an active editor is defined as a user who performs at least 5 edits in a month.
user behavior metrics measure the amount and type of behaviors that wiki editors engage in. E.g., the time within-session approximates the amount of time that a user spends editing.


Page metrics describe the characteristics of pages in the wiki. E.g., the byte length of a page describes the number of UTF-8 bytes required to store the articles content and the unique in-links of a page has describes the number other pages that link directly to it.

Pages are also classified based on metircs. E.g., pages in the main namespace with more than [FIXME] bytes of content are included in the count of articles for a wiki.
