Research:Daily main namespace pages created by autopatrolled users

Daily main namespace pages created by autopatrolled users
is a count of the number of non-redirecting page creations in namespace by users who are not identified as bots and who belong to user groups that have the "autopatrol" right, on date .
WMF Standard
no parameters
SET @date = "20170801";
SET @wiki = "enwiki";

    COUNT(*) AS page_creations_main
    `database` = @wiki AND
    page_namespace = 0 AND
    page_is_redirect = 0 AND
    performer_user_is_bot = 0 AND
    performer_user_groups REGEXP "sysop|bot|autoreviewer" AND
    rev_timestamp BETWEEN @date AND
        DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(@date, INTERVAL 1 DAY), "%Y%m%d%H%i%S")

Daily main namespace pages created by autopatrolled users is a standardized metric used to measure the number of non-redirecting pages that are created in the main namespace (page_namespace == 0) by users whose page creations do not require patrol/review on a given day.

Discussion edit

The definition of an "autopatrolled" user depends on the configuration of a given wiki. Administrators and bots are generally two groups that always have this right, while others may or may not. The example SQL query is designed to work on the English Wikipedia and will have to be adapted to work with other wikis.

Time lag edit

As this is a daily metric, a full 24 hours must elapse after the beginning of the date (UTC) in order to calculate an uncensored value.

Analysis edit

Discussion edit

Notes edit