See Wikimedia South Africa/Copyright Amendment Bill/Timeline

ReCreate is an umbrella copyright advocacy group of users and creators of copyright. ReCreate was formed in 2018 as a response to misleading information being put out about the Copyright Amendment Bill (CAB), that was hindering the reformation process and tainting public opinion. Affiliates include Blind SA, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU), South African Guild of Actors (SAGA), Artists Unite, South African Free Lancers Association (SAFREA), Scholarly Horizons, the University of Witwatersrand Gender Equity Unit and independent filmmakers, artists, activists and academics.

ReCreate participates in South Africa's copyright legislative process through formal written submissions and public hearings, as well as informally through consultations. ReCreate facilitates dialogue and workshops on copyright and copyright reform for interested organisations and movements, and where possible, with policy makers.

ReCreate has been increasingly getting involved in and organising broader discussions on access to knowledge and progressive copyright, including as one of organisers and participants of the Right to Research in Africa Conference 2023. This is part of the broader Right to Research in International Copyright series that was launched in 2021 by the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP). An internationally recognized intellectual property and information law research and academic program of American University Washington College of Law.

WATCH: Wikimedia ZA for Freedom of Panorama

Wikimedia ZA, Freedom of Panorama and Copyright reform in South Africa

Produced by ReCreate 2023

WATCH: South African Guild of Actors (SAGA) for Fair Royalties

South African Guild of Actors (SAGA) on Fair Royalties and Copyright Reform.

Produced by ReCreate 2023