Radiant Operational Engagement - Interventional Radiology


File:Reactor Services.png

What are we doing? edit

We are establishing a quarterly outlet for primary TS to check-in with *** to gather feedback about specific pieces of functionality, provide updates on key issues, understand their priorities, and to address challenges that they are currently facing.

TL;DR/Takeaways edit

  1. Schedule a recurring, quarterly call between yourself, your organization's ***, and at least one analyst
  2. Create a Guru note upon scheduling the call
  3. Grab a relevant topic from this wiki to use
  4. Update the agenda provided below with your selected topic
  5. Hold your call and take good notes
  6. Go back and update your Guru note with all notes from the call, including 1-10 happiness scores

Why? edit

Why IR Nurses? edit

The ... role is a useful position situated between operational leadership and clinical staff.....

How is this different from Talk IR? edit

Talk IR calls will occur every 18 months on average. However, our users want to hear from us more often than that! Providing a quarterly outlet to discuss high level goals and challenges, as well as gather feedback, will be a big win for our users!

If your customer has a Talk IR call, that will replace one of the quarterly calls with your breast imaging coordinator. You can cancel the occurrence for that quarter. But still complete the Guru note (more info below) with any relevant information gathered during the Talk IR call.

Also, unlike Talk IR, which is led by a Talk Radiant coordinator, these quarterly calls will be primarily led and coordinated by the customer's primary TS (you).

Scheduling the Call edit

Introduce the call to your Radiant team edit

Introduce the idea of a quarterly check-in with ... on one of your weekly IT calls. You can use some of the following talking points to describe why we're doing this, and what we expect to come out of this. Also, when introducing this to your Radiant team, identify a point person from the IT team to include on the calls - this can be the Radiant PM, lead analyst, or lead IR analyst (if applicable).

  • Why?
    • To assist Epic in understanding the top priorities of our ... users
    • To identify challenging workflows and work to improve them
    • To provide a regular platform for breast imaging coordinators to provide feedback and hear updates
  • What's going to come out of this?
    • There will likely be some follow ups that can also be fixed with build or system configuration

Schedule the call edit

Instead of asking your IT team to coordinate the call, you should instead ask for the contact information for your customer's breast imaging coordinator(s) so that you can reach out and work out the logistics directly. If your customer takes issue with your reaching out to operations directly, or wants to have a meeting room, it is fine for them to own the meeting request.

Don't worry about doing the back-and-forth over email to find a time when everyone is available. Choose a time and push it out far enough (usually a month or so) out that your breast imaging coordinator(s) and IT representative can make that time work. Set a recurrence of once every three months. If they absolutely cannot make that time work, they will let you know, and you can reschedule at that point. You can reach out to your breast imaging coordinators using this <link>F:\Radiology\TS\Operational Engagement\Meeting Request Template.oft|meeting request template</link> - be sure to include a WebEx, a recurrence, and change the length of the meeting to an hour! (also - please save a copy of the outlook template instead of opening it)

Preparing for the Call edit

Follow the process outlined below to prepare for your quarterly touchbase with your IT and operational counterparts:

  1. Once the call is scheduled, create a customer-facing copy of the ..... Put in a Template
    1. You can save the word doc in the appropriate folder <link>F:\Radiology\TS\Operational Engagement\Quarterly Agendas|here</link>.
  2. Create a new Guru note of type "Operational Check-In"
    1. The subject should be IR Nurse Check-In
    2. Update the date/time of the Guru note to reflect the actual date/time of the call <- i.e. you should initially create the note once scheduled, don't wait until after the call
    3. Copy the internal agenda template as a starting point, and add any additional notes as necessary
    4. The happiness score can be anything if you're documenting this for a future date, just be sure to update it when the call occurs!
    5. You should also take notes during the call on this Guru note, and update it once the call has occurred
  3. Go through the rest of this wiki to prepare the agenda and yourself to lead the call. Feel free to update the copy of the template as you see fit based on your customer's needs.
  4. Optional: Schedule a 15 minute touch-base to review the agenda and prepare for the call with one of Radiant's <link>http://guru/Staff/YellowPages/Default.aspx?skillid=60194%7CApplication Operational Owners</link>.
  5. In the week prior to the call, make any necessary updates to the agenda/Guru note.
  6. Review the agenda with your TL at least one week in advance of the call.
  7. At least 5 business days prior to the call, send the agenda to the meeting attendees.

Stakeholders edit

  • Epic Attendees
  • Required Customer Attendees:
    • Radiant project lead or lead IR analyst
    • At least one IR Nurse

Epic-owned Sections edit

We own the following sections of the agenda:

  • Introductions & Happiness
  • Epic Updates
  • <Epic-owned Topic>

Follow these steps to prepare the Epic-owned sections.

Introductions & Happiness edit

  • Introductions
    • Allow customer attendees to introduce themselves first
  • Happiness
    • The 1-10 scale is the same one that we use on Talk Radiant calls and you must ask and record this for everyone on the call
      • 1 = Go back to paper (some customers might think this is funny, some might not)
      • 5 = Epic meets my core needs
      • 10 = Epic exceeds virtually all of my expectations

Review Past Documentation and Issues edit

Review the items below to help determine what issues and development requests should be added to the agenda for discussion:

  • Previous Talk Radiant or Quarterly Call notes
    • Be sure to mention any follow-ups from previous Talk Radiant or quarterly check-in calls. Even if these follow-ups have not been completed, we need our customers to know that these things have not fallen off our radar.
    • If we don't come through on our promises from these calls, then our customers will fail to see the benefit.
  • Important SLGs
  • High priority development requests
  • PLV and Progress Report notes if your customer recently went live
  • Any open flags or app alerts

Epic-owned Topic edit

Below is a link to various topics you can select for your call. Use judgement to decide which one would be most relevant and useful for this quarter's call. Each topic comes with specific talking points and questions for you to ask - gather feedback, be inquisitive, and be sure to pass any important feedback along to the IR group in the way of an email and QAN where appropriate. Don't feel restricted to going through these talking points - poke and prod with your own questions about the respective topic using your better judgement! REPLACE THE LINK

Update the Agenda edit

  • Update the "Epic Updates" section of the agenda
    • If you don't have three key issues to discuss, that's fine, remove the extraneous ones
    • If you have more than three key issues to discuss, that's also fine
  • Update the "Epic-owned Topic" section of the agenda
    • The name of the section should match the name of the topic you chose
    • The talking points and questions should be in a bulleted list in this section (you can copy and paste the customer-facing agenda list from the wiki)
      • The internal agenda list is just for your reference for during the call
    • Add any additional talking points as necessary

Customer-Owned Topics edit

Your IR Nurses own the Challenges & Improvements section, as well as the Goals & Priorities section. When you send the agenda prior to the meeting, explicitly call out the topics each stakeholder owns. This will ensure the point people take the time to prepare for the meeting beforehand and they are not surprised by the need to prepare for the meeting. You can use the email template found REPLCE THE LINK IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS <link>F:\Radiology\TS\Operational Engagement\Agenda Email Template.oft|here</link> (please save your own copy when prompted to Open or Save), don't forget to attach the agenda!

(if someone has the email template locked, you can also look at ALSO THIS ONE <link>F:\Radiology\TS\Operational Engagement\Agenda Email Template.docx|this word doc</link>)

Follow Ups edit

  • For issues that need immediate escalation, talk to your TL or the IR FAO
  • For things that can be addressed with build/system configuration/workflow redesign, follow up with your team
    • Create an SLG if your team is good at using Sherlock
    • Through email/phone if they respond well to that
  • For things that would need development, write a QAN!
    • Please tag QANs that come out of this with extended property RADIANT OPERATIONAL ENGAGEMENT QAN [141283] along with the customer that brought it up (networked to SLG)
    • Even if you can work around something, please write QANs for any enhancements that you come across
  • Make sure to update your existing Guru note for this occurrence of the call! (as detailed in 'Preparing for the Call' Step 2)
  • In the event you have more than a few follow-ups it may be worthwhile to create and send a summary document to attendees. See here for a <link>\\epic.com\files\docs\Radiology\TS\Operational Engagement\Operational Engagement Summary Doc Template.docx|sample template</link>.

Resources edit

Questions? Reach out to the Radiant <link>http://guru/Staff/YellowPages/Default.aspx?skillid=60194%7CApplication Operational Owners</link>