Programs & Events Dashboard/Using the Dashboard/Starting new programs/Assigning articles to editors

Starting New Programs: Assigning articles to editors


For classroom assignments and some events, the program facilitators may want to assign which articles participants are working on. This feature allows facilitators to help contributors pick topics to work on, and identify the right content within the scope of the program. To assign an article, see:

  • Once a program has editors signed up, go to the “Editors” tab.
  • Click the “Assign Articles” button
  • For each editor you should get the following options:
    • ”Assign an article” -- allows you to assign contributors which article to work on
    • ”Assign a review” -- allows you to assign contributors which article someone else is working on for peer review. This second option is an organizing tool only, it doesn’t change how metrics are tracked for individual contributor elements.
  • Click the “Done” button at the top to save