Private Incident Reporting System/Translations/Design Feedback and Interview Invite Message

Private Incident Reporting System - Mapping out Korean wikipedia’s local reporting workflow


Hello all,

The Trust and Safety Tools team of the Wikimedia Foundation has started building the Private Incident Reporting System, which aims to make it easy for users to report harmful incidents safely and privately. The team is interested in piloting their research on three wikis, and Korean Wikipedia is one of them.

Based on some initial research and contributions by some editors, we have created this diagram (Korean and English) that we think may be a combination of official and unofficial processes that a user and an administrator would go through while dealing with a report of harassment on Korean Wikipedia.

Korean Wikipedia harassment reporting workflow (Korean)
Korean Wikipedia harassment reporting workflow (English)

Request 1: Does this workflow reflect your experience? We want to understand how reporting harassment actually works in practice on Korean Wikipedia. Do your and others’ experience match the documented workflow? If not, where and how (and how often) does it differ from that workflow.

You are invited to share your thoughts here, or email our designer, Aishwarya ( if your thoughts contain private information.

Request 2: We're hoping to privately and confidentially interview active editors who have experienced, observed, and/or responded to harassment on Korean Wikipedia. We are especially interested in interviewing editors who are women and members of the LGBT̟+ community. Nevertheless, we welcome everyone who wishes to be interviewed. We will record the interview but your personal identifiable information will not be published. To indicate your interest, please complete this 2-3 minute survey (Korean or English). Prior to your interview we will ask that you sign this release form (Korean or English).

Based on your feedback, the team will begin designing possible workflows for the private incident reporting system and how it might plug into your platform.

Your interest and participation in this project is deeply appreciated! Thank you!