Private Incident Reporting System/Announcements/August 2023

Four Updates on the Private Incident Reporting Project

Hello everyone. Sorry to use English. Please help translate to your language.

For the past couple of months the Trust and Safety Tools team has been working on finalising Phase 1 of the Incident Reporting System project.

The purpose of this phase was to define possible product direction and scope of the project with your feedback. We now have a better understanding of what to do next.

  1. We are renaming the project as Incident Reporting System
  2. We have some feedback from researching some pilot communities to share with you
  3. We have updated the project’s overview
  4. We have the first iteration of the reporting extension ReportIncident

Please visit the project's update page to get more details.

On behalf of Trust & Safety Tools Team –– STei (WMF)