Personal acquaintances
(Redirected from PA)
The WikiProject Personal Acquaintances connects Wikipedians who have met in real life by a database system logging confirmations of users who have met another user as physical human beings.

editQuick How-to guide
edit- Go to de:Special:Preferences and set the language to your preferred one.
- Go to de:Spezial:Einstellungen#mw-prefsection-gadgets (Section "Veränderung der Oberfläche") and check the box at "Erweiterte Benutzeroberfläche für Persönliche Bekanntschaften aktivieren, um Bestätigungen hier vornehmen zu können." (this is the only text that has no translation yet).
- Go to de:Wikipedia:Persönliche Bekanntschaften/neue Anfragen (it will be in English if you followed step 1) and register yourself. Then talk to confirmed participants at meetings and ask them to verify your person & username.
- Once you have got confirmations by three users you can start confirming other participants on the same page.
- (optional) Post your username into this list to receive bot-messages on your talk page for the confirmations you receive.
- Users that have been confirmed can, and should, confirm other users that they have met personally in real life. There is no value or assessment involved. The relationship of users to each other (sympathy, antipathy, ménage à trois or friendship) does not matter, only the pure fact if you met a real person owning the user account.
edit- You may only participate with one user-account.
- You must not confirm users that you haven't met in person in real life.
- Do not disclose any private information in the confirmation comment, just give the name of the meeting or leave it blank.
- Read the full project page and guidelines at WP:Personal acquaintances or in other languages.
User template
editUser language | ||
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Users by language |
- Template:User Personal acquaintances
- Other versions at d:Q16744021
- wm2016:Template:User Personal acquaintances for Wikimania 2016
editThe project page was started in 2008 by TAXman following an idea by FritzG. Earlier similar thoughts were drafted in en:Wikipedia:Trust network started by Pcb21 in February 2004, de:Wikipedia:Vertrauensnetz started in July 2004 by Elian and Web of trust (Vertrauensnetz) started by Arnomane in 2005. Another concept is the "bail procedure" started in 2008 by Markus Mueller.
You can read more on this project's history in German at de:Wikipedia:Persönliche Bekanntschaften/Rückblick or in Czech at cs:Wikipedia:Osobní známosti/Kronika.
editMain page:
- de:Wikipedia:Persönliche Bekanntschaften, a multi-language page giving access to the database entries.
- de:Wikipedia:Personal Acquaintances, English page in de-wp
- de:Wikipedia:Connaissances personnelles, page français en de-wp
- de:Wikipedia:Ontmoete Wikimedianen, Nederlands pagina in de-wp
- de:Wikipedia:Osobní známosti, Čeština strana v de-wp
- c:Commons:Personal acquaintances, multi-language page also in português, русский, 日本語 and more...
- Wikidata: d:Q15054065 (Català, Čeština, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, ...)
- wm2016:Personal acquaintances
- toollabs:pb/beta/ (English); toollabs:pb (Deutsch)