Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Guidelines/PID/What is a PID/Table most frequently used PIDs in scholarly communication

PIDs that are most frequently used in scholarly communication (a non-exhaustive overview)
Abbreviation Description Typical content type Where to get Example
DOI DOIs are digital identifiers for objects (whether digital, physical or abstract) which can be assigned by organisations in membership of one of the DOI Registration Agencies; the two best known ones are CrossRef, for journal articles and some other scholarly publications, and DataCite for a wide range of data objects. As well as the object identifier, DOI has a system infrastructure to ensure a URL resolves to the correct location for that object. (source) Most typically for research articles, books but also other digital content types 1. ) From publishers withCrossRef or DataCite membership

2.) From institutional libraries who has DataCite membership

3.) From data repositories

Paper: Book:

Book chapter:

Data set:

ORCID ID Your ORCID iD is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you.

(source and further reading) || Persons || From ORCID ||

HDL Handles are unique and persistent identifiers for Internet resources, with a central registry to resolve URLs to the current location. Each Handle identifies a single resource, and the organisation which created or now maintains the resource. The Handle system also underpins the technical infrastructure of DOIs, which are a special type of Handles. (source) Data sets (finished or unfinished) and other digital scholarly objects From repositories or to implement a handle system, directly from the Handle.Net Registry
ARK ARK is an identifier scheme conceived by the California Digital Library (CDL), aiming to identify objects in a persistent way. The scheme was designed on the basis that persistence "is purely a matter of service and is neither inherent in an object nor conferred on it by a particular naming syntax". (source) Archival resources, data sets at all levels of granularity (large collections vs. pieces of a single document) From repositories.

DASCH also uses ARKs as PIDs.

To implement an ARK system, contact the California Digital Library (CDL).

Data set:
Wikidata ID Each Wikidata entity is identified by an entity ID, which prefixed with Q (e.g. Q12345 ), properties are prefixed by P (e.g. P569 ) and. lexemes are prefixed by L (e.g. L1 ).

(source) || Entities, properties, lexemes || Wikidata ||

The overview above does not include other PIDs types that are primarily used by the library and archival domain such as URNs, PURLs, VIAF IDs, or PIDs that are specifically designed for one preprint repository such as arxiv ID or HAL ID.

For a more detailed guide with decision trees) to select PIDs for different content types with different budgets etc. see: