Open Culture/Glossário GLAM/P
Panel discussion refers to a moderator-led event where several speakers discuss a pre-defined topic.
Wikidata: Q2100278 Referências: Visualização: |
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Parallel session refers to an event that takes place simultaneously to another.
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Physical event refers to an event where people gather physically to one location to participate in the event.
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Plenary event refers to an event where all participants are in the same room.
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Policy office hours refers to an informal, unrecorded event where participants engage in discussions about a specific policy area related to copyright and digital cultural heritage. Participants are given the equal right to participate.
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Presentation refers to activity where someone describes, shows or explains something to a group of people.
Wikidata: Q604733 Referências: Visualização: |
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Preview is a reduced size or length audio and/or visual representation of Content, in the form of one or more images, text files, audio files and/or moving image files.
Wikidata: Q1324197 Referências: Visualização: |
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Problem statement refers to a brief description of the problem that the activities of the organisation seek to address.
Wikidata: Q4374193 Referências: Visualização: |
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Except where otherwise noted, the Open Culture/GLAM Glossary and its supporting documentation are made available under a CC BY 4.0 license. |