Since 1996 I have had this (wacky?) idea of WEB interactive Novels. I actually coined it "NovaPedia" ... no really and truly. Fact / Fiction it is agnostic. The idea being it is intelligently interactive from within it's contents to a non bias database of knowledge, facts / figures etc. which resides in the cloud. Of course you guys werent around at that time.

At that time I started writing (well had a go at least) a sci fi Novapedia with links that went, well ...really nowhere.... The idea being, click, (today it could be touch or even speak the request), on a word or phrase containing a place, person, occurrance in history or thing of interest. This could be anything like "Mediterranean" or "String Theory" or "Greece", or "Einstein" or "9/11" which are hotlinks within the novel and once activated by the reader a window pops up with an explanation. Initially, so as not to intrude too deeply into the reading of the novel, the window will give a simple outline of the person, place, object or occurrence but with the ability to drill deeper at the reader's discretion.

Incorporating multimedia would not be too far fetched either. Pix of people, places, buildings, even You Tube style video all within the body of an electronically transmitted novel from the cloud whose knowledge base comes from WikiPedia. I believe NovaPedia could incorporate numerous other features which will only be thought of or implemented post deployment and in line with what the people would like to see included.

I thought this may be an interesting enterprise to incorporate WikiPedia into such a thing called NovaPedia novels. The books could be old, new or perhaps never before published giving buddying writers out there a chance to bypass the traditional book publishing industry and at least get their work read by a wider audience. Then again you may think I am nuts in which case I may have to concur.

Could be naive of me to think this is doable,but thought it may be worth a mention to you guys.