New Readers/Annual Plan 1819

Program Manager: Anne Gomez
Executive Sponsor (C-level): Toby Negrin

CDP Goals and Outcomes

Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)       #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content

 X  #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach

      #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures

      None of the above

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal:

New Readers directly supports “Knowledge as a Service - increase reach” because its goal is to increase the reach of Wikipedia’s knowledge to more readers worldwide, particularly in regions where awareness and usage of Wikipedia is low relative to internet penetration.

Program Goal
In this coming fiscal year, we will increase the number of individuals coming to Wikipedia (using unique devices in major languages as a proxy) in target groups. We will do this by partnering with local communities to raise awareness of Wikipedia’s value, improving the experience of new readers, and improving access to the Wikipedia content through offline support.

See the evolution of our thinking and plans in the deck to the right.

Outcome 1 Access: People without internet access can read Wikipedia.
Outcome 2 Awareness: More people in target countries/languages know what Wikipedia is.
Outcome 3 Discovery: More people in target countries/languages visit Wikipedia.
Outcome 4 Retention: More people in target countries/languages find Wikipedia useful and return to it.
Outcome 5 Syndication: More people in target countries/languages read Wikimedia content outside of Wikimedia sites.

CDP Targets

Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Access: People without internet access can read Wikipedia. 1. 15% increase in number of end users of Kiwix. See full list of Kiwix targets here.

2.  Healthcare workers in Nigeria use Wikipedia content to support their work.

1. Baseline/endline number of downloads for Android apps and from Kiwix directly.

2. User feedback through interviews & monitoring visits. Usage data of wifi hotspots.

Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Awareness: More people in target countries/languages know what Wikipedia is. 15% increase over baseline of respondents with internet access who report having heard of Wikipedia closely following interventions. Baseline/endline targeted phone or web survey asking “have you heard of Wikipedia?”
Outcome 3 Target 3 Measurement method
Discovery: More people in target countries/languages visit Wikipedia. More people in target countries/languages visit Wikipedia due to interventions. Baseline/endline analysis of site traffic (unique devices).
Outcome 4 Target 4 Measurement method
Retention: More people in target countries/languages find Wikipedia useful and return to it. More people in target countries/languages return to Wikipedia.

Note: we will also investigate why people do or do not return to Wikipedia

Baseline/endline analysis of site traffic:

 -Retention (when    


 -Unique devices vs.    


Note: develop understanding through qualitative research & user testing

Outcome 5 Target 5 Measurement method
Syndication: More people in target countries/languages read Wikimedia content outside of Wikimedia sites TBD

Note: this is highly exploratory, so targets are difficult to define.

Evaluative design research. Usage metrics TBD dependent on implementation.

Budget segments & outputs


Audiences: CDP Budget Segment 1

Team: Audiences (Product, Design, Engineering)
Outcome # 3: Discovery
Output 1
A series of data-driven product experiments to support improved ranking and appeal in search engine results.

Possible experiments include:

  • Structured markup
  • AMP
  • Placeholder articles
Outcome # 4: Retention
Output 2
Collaborate with communities to see if there could be better first experiences/welcoming for new readers to their Wikipedia, in conjunction with awareness campaigns (Communications Outputs 1 & 2).
Output 3
A series of data-driven product experiments to support better experiences of Wikipedia.

Possible experiments:

  • Making the Wikipedia experience more appealing through:
    • Adding a feed to the main page and/or portal
    • Custom content types such as short articles
    • Reduced data costs through on-demand lazy loading for the web
    • Lite Android app
    • Improving template styles for mobile display
  • Surfacing content in other languages:
    • Truly multilingual search
    • Cross-language project pollination
    • In-context translations
    • Geolocated portal language display
Outcome # 5: Syndication
Output 4
Explore new form factors for Wikimedia content outside of Wikimedia properties.

Ideas include:

  • Messaging integrations
  • Interactions through voice
  • Content syndication to 3rd party sites

Audiences (Program Management): CDP Budget Segment 2

Team: Program Management
Outcome # 1: Access
Output 1
Direct support of Kiwix, which is essential central infrastructure for the majority of offline educational resources. An investment in Kiwix will have an outsized impact on the offline educational community. Support through funding and advising (strategy, user experience, product, etc.).

Funding goals:

  1. Develop clearer strategy for Kiwix, with focus on reusers
  2. Develop feedback loops between Kiwix and their reuse customers
  3. Resolve technical issues in Foundation-owned code that interfere with parsing & presenting content offline
  4. Reduce Kiwix’s technical complexity, allowing for easier reuse
  5. Improve user experience of Kiwix apps
Outcome # 2, 3, 4: Awareness, Discovery, Retention
Output 2
Analysis of effectiveness of campaigns (see Communications Outputs 1 & 2 and Partnerships & Global Reach Output 3).
Output 3
Community coordination support for campaigns (Communications Outputs 1 & 2 and Partnerships & Global Reach Output 4).

Communications: CDP Budget Segment 3

Team: Communications
Outcome # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Access, Awareness, Discovery, Retention, Syndication
Output 1
Communications support for launch of key projects, such as social media, press, etc. (see other budget segments for more detail).
Outcome # 2, 3, 4: Awareness, Discovery, Retention
Output 2
Marketing campaigns to support general awareness, conducted in partnership with community volunteer committee. In previous fiscal year, these have been online video campaigns.

See Partnerships & Global Reach Outputs 3 & 4 and Program Management Outputs 1, 2, & 3 for supporting activities.

Output 3
Following general marketing campaigns, product marketing campaigns to support specific workflows for new readers. Implementation details TBD.

See Partnerships & Global Reach Outputs 3 & 4 and Program Management Outputs 1, 2, & 3 for supporting activities.

Community Resources: CDP Budget Segment 4

Team: Community Resources
Outcome # 2, 3, 4: Awareness, Discover, Retention
Output 1
Complete Inspire campaign / Rapid Grants round that began in previous fiscal year. Support grantees to raise awareness in their communities and use those projects to inform future grant requests.
Output 2
Create Rapid grant application templates and funding guidelines focused on awareness. These templates and guidelines will be developed based on evaluation of and learning from Inspire campaign grants.

Education: CDP Budget Segment 5

Team: Education
Outcome # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Access, Awareness, Discovery, Retention, Syndication
Output 1
Advise new readers team on how to engage with professional and Wikimedia-based education communities for all projects.

Partnerships & Global Reach: CDP Budget Segment 6

Team: Partnerships & Global Reach
Outcome # 1: Access
Output 1
Complete offline medical pilot in Nigeria that started in the previous fiscal year, including report about possibility to scale. Based on the feedback from the Center for Disease Control in Nigeria and The Africa Center, there was a change in direction from an at-scale pilot to a "proof of concept". There will be 20 total devices deployed into the field and no longer deployment all 36 states.
Outcome # 2, 3, 4: Awareness, Discovery, Retention, Syndication
Output 2
Survey general population in target markets before and after awareness activities. (See also Communications Outputs 1 & 2 and Program Management Outputs 1, 2, & 3)
Output 3
Work with partners to procure placement for media to support campaigns (See also Communications Outputs 1 & 2 and Program Management Outputs 1, 2, & 3)
Output 4
Support campaigns (Communications Outputs 1  & 2) with strategic guidance around markets, key audiences, and messaging needs.
Output 5
Pursue partnerships for inclusion of Wikipedia content on other sites, in the form of context cards.