NEH Reference materials grant application/List of suggested evaluators
Missing: another one or two evaluators in the humanities, a respected editor/researcher, and another reference librarian
- en:Richard Stallman
- en:Eben Moglen
- General Counsel, Free Software Foundation
- Professor of Law & Legal History
- Columbia Law School,
- 435 West 116th Street,
- New York, New York 10027
- voice: 212-854-8382
- fax: 212-854-7946
- Email:
- Marianina Olcott
- Associate Professor/Humanities Program Coordinator
- Humanities Department
- San Jose State University
- One Washington Square
- San José, California USA, 95192 - 0092
- Bldg FO 118
- Email:
- Phone: 408-924-4455
- Fax: 408-924-4576
- Paul Jones (Vitae)
- Director, the iBiblio digital archive at UNC Chapel Hill
- Founding board member of The American Open Technology Consortium
- Member, board of trustees, Chapel Hill Public Library
- Email:
- Phone: 919-962-7600
- Fax: 919-962-8071
- CB #3456, Manning Hall
- UNC-Chapel Hill
- Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-345
- en:Lawrence Lessig
- Professor of Law
- Stanford Law School
- Crown Quadrangle
- 559 Nathan Abbott Way
- Stanford, CA 94305-8610
- voice: (650) 725-2565
- Email:
- en:Ward Cunningham
- Creator of the WikiWiki concept
- 7830 SW 40th Avenue
- Portland, Oregon 97219
- Phone: 503-245-5633
- Email:
- en:Howard Rheingold
- Creator of the term Virtual Communities
- (contact information available)