Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Updates/Member change/ja

This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/Updates/Member change and the translation is 50% complete.

MCDC membership change

Dear friends,

As a process facilitator for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, I would like to inform you that Alice Wiegand (User:Lyzzy), elected member of the committee, decided to step down from her membership due to personal reasons. The committee and I would like to thank Alice for all the work she has done in setting up the committee and providing input to get the drafting process going.

As Alice was elected to the committee, the next candidate on the alternates list will replace her. However, a “constraint of no more than 2 elected members per wiki project” was implemented for the elections. The first runner-up has English Wikipedia as their main wiki, which already has two representatives in the committee. As a result, Reda Kerbouche (User:Reda Kerbouche) will serve as an alternate.

ウィキメディア参加は2010年以来で、さまざまな役職の一部としてタマジット利用者グループ(Tamazight User Group )の創設に立ち合い、サンクトペテルブルク利用者グループの理事のひとり (Saint Petersburg User Group)でした。ウィキメディア運動のさまざまな委員を務め、また使用言語はフランス語、アラビア語、ロシア語、シャウィーア語をなめらかに使い、業務は英語で行います。当委員会の業務は Reda さんの参加で貴重な視点を得るものと確信しています。

Reda さんにはすでにこの新しい職掌を引き受けてもらい、次回の委員会2月6日(日)出席に向けて個別研修に入っています。


Kaarel Vaidla