Module:Affiliate Indicators/Programs

Module documentation

Program Metrics Capture (PMC) entries related to Affiliate Health Indicators.



Each entry looks like this:

		unique_id = 'ntgu5059jvf',
		program_id = 't2iikfoiaa7',
		program_name = 'program one',
		pmc_start_date = '01/12/2020',
		pmc_end_date = '26/12/2020',
		program_type = 'Conference Attendance',
		resourcing_type = 'WMF APG',
		active_editors_involved = '7',
		new_media_added = '8',
		individuals_involved = '7',
		articles_added = '6',
		diversity_focus = 'Gender',
		partner_name_linked_to_program = '8',
		partner_type = 'Education',
		reach_of_partner = 'Local',
		status_of_partnership = 'Emerging',
		dos_stamp = '2020-12-08T23:11:14.646Z',



First, a note on the general syntax: editing these entries is comparable to editing templates on Wikipedia such as infoboxes, but with a few key differences:

  • Each "block" is wrapped in curly brackets, with a comma following each entry, as you can see above.
  • To add a new entry, add a block like above below the last entry, but before the final } on the bottom of the module that closes off the whole thing.
  • Each value after the equals sign has to be surrounded in single quote marks. Here we use single-quotes instead of double quotes. If, however, you want to use an apostrophe, you will need to escape it with a backslash. For example: Wikimedia\'s mission is to make knowledge available to everyone.
  • dm_structure is a special key that takes as value and array and this in Lua is done with curly braces {} and it's comma separated to distinct the values from one another.
  • Indenting is not strictly necessary but it does look nice.


  • unique_id is used to distinguish programs per affiliate health indicator. NOTE: an affiliate can handle multiple programs. This is a foreign key.
  • program_id is the unique identifier to distinguish each program submitted per affiliate.
  • program_name is the name of the program that is being captured.
  • pmc_start_date is the program start date.
  • pmc_end_date is the program end date.
  • program_type: program type selected from the drop down menu.
  • resourcing_type is the resourcing type of the program based on grants etc.
  • active_editors_involved is the active number of editors involved in relation to the program.
  • new_media_added: new number of media added for the program captured.
  • individuals_involved: the number of individuals involved for the program captured.
  • articles_added: number of articles added for the program that is being captured.
  • diversity_focus: diversity focus.
  • partner_name_linked_to_program: the partner name linked to the program that is being captured.
  • partner_type: partner type per above.
  • reach_of_partner: this is how to contact the partner in the case of affiliate evaluation of the program.
  • status_of_partnership: status of the partnership for that program.
  • dos_stamp: date of submission stamp.



The strings of text presented on the Affiliate Health Indicators Form are stored in Template:i18n/Reports and can be translated through the Translate interface.

Note that this module stores English versions. To update English text, you should update this module directly.

Even if you are editing this module by hand, there is no need to update Template:i18n/Reports by hand, (however, if you see that Template:i18n/Reports needs to be marked for translation, you are welcome to do so!)

return {