Design of training modules.
- header — base training name; default value is
- for "Grants" namespace — "Program Evaluation"
- for others — "Wikimedia Training"
- topic — topic's name in the current training; value used as name of subpage;
- topic display — displayed topic's name; may be differense from "topic" value;
- color — bacground color for topic pane; default value is "gray"; transferred into {{:Project:Training/colors}} as postfix of "topic" value (e.g. if "topic" value is "Some" and "color" value is "blue", then transferred "Someblue")
- base — name of base page (more general topic); by default,
- value used as link for "Menu" item;
- if exists page with name equal
, then displayed "Resource" item with link to this page;
- index — name of index (with Table of Content) page for current topic; by default,
{{{base}}}/{{{topic}}} index
- page — page number; if defined, displyed caption "Page # of ##";
- link —
- image —
- img_alt
- img_caption
- horizontalimage —
- himg_alt
- himg_caption
- quote —
- source —
- video —
- thumbtime —
- time —
- video_alt
- video_caption
- size — size for image or video; default value is
- for image - "200x300px"
- for horiz. image - "300x300px"
- for video - "300x300px"
- pagestyle, predefined as
- "400-width" / "text" / "textwithimage" —
<div style="max-width:400px">
- "600-width" / "extendedtext" / "quote" —
<div style="max-width:600px">
- "800-width" —
<div style="max-width:800px">
- "400-width" / "text" / "textwithimage" —
- projectname — name of project for which the training is made; by default "Wikipedia"; used for generate category name;
- uc — swith for uppercasing training name as part of category name
See also