Facebook Event Page

Pertemuan Wikimedia Solo
Solo Wikimedia Meetup

Time (Waktu): 24.09.2011 (Saturday-Sabtu) 18:00 − 21:00

Venue (Tempat): Batik Kaoeman

Jl. Wijayakusuma No. 17 – Kampung Batik Kauman, 57122, Solo

Wikimedia Meetups +/-
Upcoming (calendar)
Oxford 102 21 July
Brixton 1 30 July
London 206 14 July
Edinburgh 16 29 June
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Exeter 8 June
Oxford 100 19 May
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Attendees (Yang Hadir)

  • Bennylin
  • Helmy
  • Gunawan :D
  • Sadrah
  • Setya
  • Fathur
  • Sabrina
  • Sofia

Outcomes (Hasil)

  1. http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/MeetupSolo

Sign up (Mendaftar)


Time and venue of this meetup are now confirmed. Tell your friends ! Hurry, place is limited !
Tempat dan tanggal sudah pasti. Beritahu temanmu ! Tempat terbatas !

  • Expected spending (Perkiraan pengeluaran): Gratis! (Thanks to the host: Mr. Gunawan Setiawan and Mr. Helmy Nor Amien @patingcelometan)
  • Don't forget to bring your own laptop.
    Jangan lupa bawa laptop kalian.


Wikipedia Introduction and Writing Training
Perkenalan dan Pelatihan Menulis di Wikipedia
Come early (5 p.m.) and talk about MediaWiki/technical stuff !
Datang lebih awal (jam 17.00) dan membahas tentang hal-hal teknis/MediaWiki !