This project was implemented with the support of UNESCO under the framework of the UNESCO/UNOCT project
on the Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) through Youth Empowerment in Jordan, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, co-funded by Canada.
Medinas of the Maghreb region are a genuine illustration of peace and coexistence, through their heritage that reflects ethnical and religious diversity,and cultural mixity.
The aim of this contest was to shed lights on this multicultural dimension in 10 Medinas listed as UNESCO World Heritage, through photographies of monuments, public spaces, objects, festivities, traditions and scenes of the daily life that illustrate religious diversity and union of different cultures and/or ethnicities.
The contest started on 1st of October 2020 and ended on 31st of October 2020.
Organizing team
Nassima Chahboun, Yamen , Dyolf77.
Contest Page
You can find the contest page here.
Uploaded Photos
Participants have uploaded +1000 photos.
You can find all uploaded photos here.
Casbah of Algiers, Algeria
Medina of Essaouira, Morocco
Medina of Fez, Morocco
Medina of Kairouan, Tunisia
Medina of Marrakech, Morocco
Medina of Meknes, Morocco
Medina of Rabat, Morocco
Medina of Sousse, Tunisia
Medina of Tetouan, Morocco
Medina of Tunis, Tunisia