MediaWiki:WMDE FR2017/Resources/DesktopBanner.js

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/*jshint latedef: nofunc */
/*jshint unused: false */
/* globals mw, alert, GlobalBannerSettings */
var finalDateTime = new Date( 2017, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59 ),
	/* jshint -W079 */
	GlobalBannerSettings = typeof GlobalBannerSettings !== 'undefined' ? GlobalBannerSettings : {},
	/* jshint +W079 */
	baseDate = replaceWikiVars( '{{{donations-date-base}}}' ),
	collectedBase = parseInt( replaceWikiVars( '{{{donations-collected-base}}}' ), 10 ),
	donorsBase = parseInt( replaceWikiVars( '{{{donators-base}}}' ), 10 ),
	donationsPerMinApproximation = parseFloat( replaceWikiVars( '{{{appr-donations-per-minute}}}' ) ),
	donorsPerMinApproximation = parseFloat( replaceWikiVars( '{{{appr-donators-per-minute}}}' ) ),
	noIntervalSelectedMessage = replaceWikiVars( '{{{no-interval-message}}}' ) || 'Bitte wählen Sie zuerst ein Zahlungsintervall.',
	amountEmptyMessage = replaceWikiVars( '{{{amount-empty-message}}}' ) || 'Bitte wählen Sie zuerst einen Betrag.',
	amountTooLowMessage = replaceWikiVars( '{{{amount-too-low-message}}}' ) || 'Bitte geben Sie einen Spendenbetrag von min. 1€ ein.',
	amountTooHighMessage = replaceWikiVars( '{{{amount-too-high-message}}}' ) || 'Der Spendenbetrag ist zu hoch.',
	allBannersImpCookie = 'centralnotice_banner_impression_count',
	singleBannerImpCookie = 'centralnotice_single_banner_impression_count',
	bannerCloseTrackRatio = replaceWikiVars( '{{{banner-close-track-ratio}}}' ) || 0.01,
	showBanner = true,
	BannerEventHandlers = BannerEventHandlers || {},
	messages = {
		en: {
			day: 'day',
			days: 'days'
		de: {
			day: 'Tag',
			days: 'Tage'

BannerEventHandlers.handleAmountSelected = function () {
	$( '#amount_other' ).prop( 'checked', false );
	$( '#amount-other-input' ).val( '' );
	// function call for backwards compatibility, once all banners support validation events, trigger validation:amount:ok instead

BannerEventHandlers.handleCustomAmount = function() {
	$( 'input:radio[name=betrag_auswahl]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
	$( '#amount_other' ).prop( 'checked', true );

function bannerHasValidationEventHandling() {
	return typeof $( '#WMDE_Banner' ).data( 'validation-event-handling' ) !== 'undefined';

function initializeBannerEvents() {
	var banner = $( '#WMDE_Banner' );

	banner.on( 'amount:select', null, BannerEventHandlers.handleAmountSelected );
	banner.on( 'amount:custom', null, BannerEventHandlers.handleCustomAmount );

	if ( bannerHasValidationEventHandling() ) {
		banner.trigger( 'validation:init', 'validation-event-handling' ) );

$( function () {
	$( '#WMDE_Banner-close' ).click( function () {
		if ( Math.random() < bannerCloseTrackRatio ) {
			$( '#WMDE_Banner-close-ct' ).attr( 'src', '{{{BannerName}}}&rec=1' );
		$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).hide();

		return false;
	} );

	// hide banner when the visual editor is initialized
	$( '#ca-ve-edit, .mw-editsection-visualeditor' ).click( function () {
		$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).hide();
	} );

	// TODO: remove when all banners use custom events
	$( '#amount-other-input, #amount_other' ).on( 'click', BannerEventHandlers.handleCustomAmount  );

	// Does not work in current banners because the input field is hidden - remove whan all banners use custom event
	$( 'input:radio[name=betrag_auswahl]' ).on( 'click', BannerEventHandlers.handleAmountSelected  );

	$( '#interval_tab_onetime, #interval_onetime' ).on( 'click', function () {
		$( '.interval-options' ).addClass( 'interval-hidden' );
		$( '#interval_onetime' ).prop( 'checked', true );
		$( '#interval_multiple' ).prop( 'checked', false );
	}  );

	$( '#interval_tab_multiple, #interval_multiple' ).on( 'click', function () {
		$( '.interval-options' ).removeClass( 'interval-hidden' );
		$( '#interval_multiple' ).prop( 'checked', true );
		$( '#interval_onetime' ).prop( 'checked', false );
	} );
	$( '.donation-interval' ).on( 'click', function () {
	} );

} );

function getDaysLeft() {
	var daysLeft = Math.floor( new Date( finalDateTime - new Date() ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 );
	return ( daysLeft < 0 ) ? 0 : daysLeft;

function getDaysRemaining( language ) {
	var daysRemaining = getDaysLeft(),
		lang = language || 'de';
	// TODO manually hack to fix older banners from 2014
	if ( daysRemaining === 0 ) {
		$( '#donationRemaining' ).width( 0 );
		$( '#donationRemaining' ).html( '' );
	return daysRemaining + ' ' + ( daysRemaining > 1 ? messages[ lang ].days : messages[ lang ].day );

function getSecsPassed() {
	var startDate = baseDate.split( '-' ),
		startDateObj = new Date( startDate[ 0 ], startDate[ 1 ] - 1, startDate[ 2 ] ),
		maxSecs = Math.floor( new Date( finalDateTime - startDateObj ) / 1000 ),
		secsPassed = Math.floor( ( new Date() - startDateObj ) / 1000 );

	if ( secsPassed < 0 ) {
		secsPassed = 0;
	if ( secsPassed > maxSecs ) {
		secsPassed = maxSecs;

	return secsPassed;

function getApprDonationsRaw( rand ) {
	var startDonations = collectedBase,
		secsPast = getSecsPassed();

	return startDonations + getApprDonationsFor( secsPast, rand );

function getApprDonatorsRaw( rand ) {
	var startDonators = donorsBase,
		secsPast = getSecsPassed();

	return startDonators + getApprDonatorsFor( secsPast, rand );

function getApprDonationsFor( secsPast, rand ) {
	var apprDontionsMinute = donationsPerMinApproximation,
		randFactor = 0;

	if ( rand === true ) {
		randFactor = Math.floor( ( Math.random() ) + 0.5 - 0.2 );

	return ( secsPast / 60 * ( apprDontionsMinute * ( 100 + randFactor ) ) / 100 );

function getApprDonatorsFor( secsPast, rand ) {
	var apprDonatorsMinute = donorsPerMinApproximation,
		randFactor = 0;

	if ( rand === true ) {
		randFactor = Math.floor( ( Math.random() ) + 0.5 - 0.2 );

	return ( secsPast / 60 * ( apprDonatorsMinute * ( 100 + randFactor ) ) / 100 );

function getCurrentGermanDay() {
	switch ( new Date().getDay() ) {
		case 0:
			return 'Sonntag';
		case 1:
			return 'Montag';
		case 2:
			return 'Dienstag';
		case 3:
			return 'Mittwoch';
		case 4:
			return 'Donnerstag';
		case 5:
			return 'Freitag';
		case 6:
			return 'Samstag';
			return '';

function getCurrentDayInEnglish() {
	switch ( new Date().getDay() ) {
		case 0:
			return 'Sunday';
		case 1:
			return 'Monday';
		case 2:
			return 'Tuesday';
		case 3:
			return 'Wednesday';
		case 4:
			return 'Thursday';
		case 5:
			return 'Friday';
		case 6:
			return 'Saturday';
			return '';

function getDigitGroupingCharacter() {
	switch ( mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) ) {
		case 'de':
			return '.';
		case 'en':
			return ',';
			return '.';

function addPointsToNum( num ) {
	// jscs:disable disallowImplicitTypeConversion
	num = parseInt( num, 10 ) + '';
	// jscs:enable disallowImplicitTypeConversion
	num = num.replace( /\./g, ',' );
	return num.replace( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + getDigitGroupingCharacter() );

function floorF( num ) {
	return Math.floor( num * 100 ) / 100;

function getImpCount() {
	return parseInt( $.cookie( allBannersImpCookie ), 10 ) || 0;

function getBannerImpCount( bannerId ) {
	var cookieValue, cookieData;

	if ( $.cookie( singleBannerImpCookie ) ) {
		cookieValue = $.cookie( singleBannerImpCookie );
		cookieData = cookieValue.split( '|' );
		if ( cookieData[ 0 ] === bannerId ) {
			return parseInt( cookieData[ 1 ], 10 );
	return 0;

function increaseImpCount() {
	var impCount = getImpCount();
	$.cookie( allBannersImpCookie, impCount + 1, { expires: 7, path: '/' } );
	return impCount + 1;

function increaseBannerImpCount( bannerId ) {
	var impCount = getBannerImpCount( bannerId );

	$.cookie( singleBannerImpCookie, bannerId + '|' + ( impCount + 1 ), {
		expires: 7,
		path: '/'
	} );
	return ( impCount + 1 );

function validateForm() {
	var chkdPayment = $( 'input[name=pay]:checked', '#WMDE_BannerForm' ).val(),
		form = document.donationForm,
		error = false,

	switch ( chkdPayment ) {
		case 'BEZ':
			$( '#form-page' ).val( 'Formularseite2-Lastschrift' );
		case 'UEB':
			$( '#form-page' ).val( 'Formularseite2-Überweisung' );
		case 'PPL':
			$( '#form-page' ).val( 'Formularseite2-PayPal' );
		case 'MCP':
			$( '#form-page' ).val( 'Formularseite2-Micropayment' );

	if ( !validateAndSetPeriod() ) {
		return false;
	amount = getAmount();

	// Check amount is at least the minimum
	if ( amount === false ) {
		showAmountError( amountEmptyMessage );
		return false;
	} else if ( amount < 1 || error ) {
		showAmountError( amountTooLowMessage );
		return false;
	} else if ( amount > 99999 ) {
		showAmountError( amountTooHighMessage );
		return false;
	return amount;

function showAmountError( text ) {
	if ( !bannerHasValidationEventHandling() ) {
		alert( text );
	$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).trigger( 'validation:amount:error', text );

function hideAmountError() {
	$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).trigger( 'validation:amount:ok' );

function showFrequencyError( text ) {
	if ( !bannerHasValidationEventHandling() ) {
		alert( text );
	$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).trigger( 'validation:period:error', text );

function hideFrequencyError() {
	$( '#WMDE_Banner' ).trigger( 'validation:period:ok' );

 * Check the "interval" radio buttons and change the "period" and "intervalType" fields accordingly.
 * If "periodically" is selected but no interval is selected, this function
 * will display an error message via alert.
function validateAndSetPeriod() {
	var form = document.donationForm;
	if ( $( '#interval_multiple' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
		if ( $( 'input[name=interval]:checked', form ).length !== 1 ) {
			showFrequencyError( noIntervalSelectedMessage );
			return false;
		} else {
			$( '#intervalType' ).val( '1' );
			$( '#periode' ).val( $( 'input[name=interval]:checked', form ).val() );
	} else if ( $( '#interval_onetime' ).is( ':checked' ) )  {
		$( '#periode' ).val( '0' );
		$( '#intervalType' ).val( '0' );
	} else {
		// check if we have interval tabs (non-fulltop-banner)
		if ( $( '.interval_tab' ).length > 0 ) {
			$( '#periode' ).val( '0' );
			$( '#intervalType' ).val( '0' );
		else {
			showFrequencyError( noIntervalSelectedMessage );
			return false;
	return true;

function getAmount() {
	var amount = null,
		otherAmount = $( '#amount-other-input' ).val(),
		form = document.donationForm;

	amount = $( 'input[name=betrag_auswahl]:checked' ).val();

	if ( otherAmount !== '' ) {
		otherAmount = otherAmount.replace( /[,.](\d)$/, '\:$10' );
		otherAmount = otherAmount.replace( /[,.](\d)(\d)$/, '\:$1$2' );
		otherAmount = otherAmount.replace( /[\$,.]/g, '' );
		otherAmount = otherAmount.replace( /:/, '.' );
		$( '#amount-other-input' ).val( otherAmount );
		amount = otherAmount;

	if ( amount === null || isNaN( amount ) ) {
		return false;

	return amount;

function addBannerSpace() {
	var expandableBannerHeight = $( 'div#WMDE_Banner' ).height() + 44,
		bannerDivElement = $( '#WMDE_Banner' ),
		skin = getSkin();

	if ( !showBanner ) {
	switch ( skin ) {
			case 'vector':
				bannerDivElement.css( 'top', 0 );
				bannerDivElement.css( 'display', 'block' );
				$( '#mw-panel' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight);
				$( '#mw-head' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
				$( '#mw-page-base' ).css( 'paddingTop', expandableBannerHeight );
			case 'minerva':
				$( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
				$( '#mw-mf-page-center, #mw-mf-page-left' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
			case 'monobook':
				$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'position', 'relative' );
				$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
				bannerDivElement.css( 'top', '-20px' );
				bannerDivElement.css( 'background', 'none' );

function addBannerSpaceWithRollo() {
	var expandableBannerHeight = $( 'div#WMDE_Banner' ).height() + 44,
		bannerDivElement = $( '#WMDE_Banner' ),
		skin = getSkin();

	if ( !showBanner ) {
	switch ( skin ) {
		case 'vector':
			bannerDivElement.css( 'top', 0 - expandableBannerHeight );
			$( '#mw-panel' ).animate( { top: expandableBannerHeight }, 1000 );
			$( '#mw-head' ).animate( { top: expandableBannerHeight }, 1000 );
			$( '#mw-page-base' ).animate( { paddingTop: expandableBannerHeight }, 1000 );
		case 'minerva':
			$( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
			$( '#mw-mf-page-center, #mw-mf-page-left' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
		case 'monobook':
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'position', 'relative' );
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'top', expandableBannerHeight );
			bannerDivElement.css( 'top', '-20px' );
			bannerDivElement.css( 'background', 'none' );
	bannerDivElement.css( 'display', 'block' );
	bannerDivElement.animate( { top: 0 }, 1000 );

function removeBannerSpace() {
	var skin = getSkin();
	switch ( skin ) {
		case 'vector':
			$( '#mw-panel' ).css( 'top', 0 );
			$( '#mw-head' ).css( 'top', 0 );
			$( '#mw-page-base' ).css( 'padding-top', 0 );
		case 'minerva':
			$( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( 'top', 0 );
			$( '#mw-mf-page-center, #mw-mf-page-left' ).css( 'top', 0 );
		case 'monobook':
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'position', 'relative' );
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'top', 0 );

function addSpaceForIntervalOptions() {
	var $intervalOptionsContainer = $( 'div.interval-options' ),
		expandableBannerHeight = $intervalOptionsContainer.height();
	if ( $intervalOptionsContainer && $ ':visible' ) ) {

	switch ( getSkin() ) {
		case 'vector':
			$( '#mw-panel' ).css( { top: parseInt( $( '#mw-panel' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-head' ).css( { top: parseInt( $( '#mw-head' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-page-base' ).css( { paddingTop: parseInt( $( '#mw-page-base' ).css( 'padding-top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );
		case 'minerva':
			$( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( { top: parseInt( $( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-mf-page-center, #mw-mf-page-left' ).css( { top: parseInt( $( '#mw-mf-page-center' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );
		case 'monobook':
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( { top: parseInt( $( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) + expandableBannerHeight + 'px' } );

function removeSpaceForIntervalOptions() {
	var $intervalOptionsContainer = $( 'div.interval-options' ),
		expandableBannerHeight = $intervalOptionsContainer.height() + 5;
	if ( $intervalOptionsContainer && !$ ':visible' ) ) {

	switch ( getSkin() ) {
		case 'vector':
			$( '#mw-panel' ).css( { top: ( parseInt( $( '#mw-panel' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-head' ).css( { top: ( parseInt( $( '#mw-head' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-page-base' ).css( { paddingTop: ( parseInt( $( '#mw-page-base' ).css( 'padding-top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );
		case 'minerva':
			$( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( { top: ( parseInt( $( '#mw-mf-viewport' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );
			$( '#mw-mf-page-center, #mw-mf-page-left' ).css( { top: ( parseInt( $( '#mw-mf-page-center' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );
		case 'monobook':
			$( '#globalWrapper' ).css( { top: ( parseInt( $( '#globalWrapper' ).css( 'top' ), 10 ) - expandableBannerHeight ) + 'px' } );

 * Calculate the number of donors needed, given an average donation amount.
 * This function cannot return less than 0 donors when the target has been reached.
 * @param  {number} averageDonation Average donation amount in EUR
 * @return {number} Number of donors needed (rounded up)
function getRemainingDonorsNeeded( averageDonation ) {
	var dRemaining, dCollected, numDonors;
	dCollected = getApprDonationsRaw();
	dRemaining = GlobalBannerSettings.goalSum - dCollected;
	numDonors = Math.ceil( dRemaining / averageDonation );
	return Math.max( 0, numDonors );

function replaceWikiVars( text ) {
	var re = /\{\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}\}/g,
	while ( ( wikiVarMatch = re.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
		if ( GlobalBannerSettings[ wikiVarMatch[ 1 ] ] ) {
			text = text.replace( wikiVarMatch[ 0 ], GlobalBannerSettings[ wikiVarMatch[ 1 ] ] );
		} else {
			text = text.replace( wikiVarMatch[ 0 ], '' );
	return text;

function getSkin() {
	if ( onMediaWiki() ) {
		return mw.config.get( 'skin' );
	return 'vector';

function onMediaWiki() {
	return typeof mw === 'object' && typeof mw.centralNotice !== 'undefined';