MediaWiki:Centralnotice-template-trilogy dsk p1 lg mw panel bnr1

<style> /* Hide when editing */ .action-edit #centralNotice, .ve-activated #centralNotice {

   display: none !important;


/* Border-Box */

.frb *, .frb *:before, .frb *:after {

   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
   box-sizing: border-box;


/* --- Main banner wrapper --- */

  1. siteNotice {
   z-index: 2;
   line-height: 0; /*reset*/


/* Survey styles */ .frb-banner, .frb.frb-banner-displayed .frb-buttons {

   display: none;



   box-sizing: border-box;
   width: 160px;
   border: 6px solid #900;
   background-color: #f8f9fa;
   margin-top: 1em;
   padding: 7px 10px 10px;
   text-align: center;
   font-weight: normal;
   color: #000;
   font-size: 15px;
   line-height: 1.3;
   transition: all 0.5s ease;


.frb-banner.frb--inline {

   position: relative;


.frb-banner.frb--fixed {

   position: fixed;
   top: 4px;
   left: 8px;


.frb-banner-message1, .frb-banner-message2, .frb-banner-message3 {

   transition: all 0.5s ease;
   display: block;


.frb-banner-message1 { opacity: 1; } .frb-banner-message2, .frb-banner-message3 { opacity: 0; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;}

.frb-banner.frb--firstChange .frb-banner-message1 { opacity: 0; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .frb-banner.frb--firstChange .frb-banner-message2 { opacity: 1; height: auto; }

.frb-banner.frb--secondChange .frb-banner-message1, .frb-banner.frb--secondChange .frb-banner-message2 { opacity: 0; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .frb-banner.frb--secondChange .frb-banner-message3 { opacity: 1; height: auto; }


   font-size: 16px;
   margin: auto;
   padding: 0;
   line-height: 1.3;


/* -- "Donate now" button -- */

.frb-banner-donate {

   display: block;
   margin-top: 4px;
   padding: 5px 0;
   width: 100%;
   background-color: #36c;
   border-color: #36c;
   color: #fff;
   border-radius: 2px;
   font-weight: bold;
   transition: all 0.5s ease;
   cursor: pointer;
   opacity: 1;


.frb-banner-donate:hover {

   background-color: #447ff5;
   border-color: #447ff5;
   text-decoration: none;
   color: #fff;


.frb-banner-donate:visited { color: #fff; }


<script> var frb = frb || {};

frb.panelHeight = $('#mw-panel').outerHeight(true); frb.stickyBanner = frb.panelHeight; frb.firstChange = frb.panelHeight + 600; frb.secondChange = frb.panelHeight + 1200;

frb.positionSurvey = function() {



frb.resetMw = function() {

 $('#mw-panel').css('top', '0px');
 $('#mw-head').css('top', '0px');
 $('#mw-page-base').css('margin-top', '0');


frb.clickedNoSurvey = function(e){



frb.stickyScrollFunction = function(){

 if($(window).scrollTop() > frb.stickyBanner){
 } else {
 if($(window).scrollTop() > frb.firstChange){
 if($(window).scrollTop() > frb.secondChange){


/* MediaWiki:FundraisingBanners/CoreJS-2017.js

* Core code for banner forms

var frb = frb || {};


* Main function to submit to paymentswiki
* @param  {Object} options
* - method (required)
* - submethod (optional)
* - gateway (optional)
* - ffname (optional)
* - skipValidation (optional boolean, for pp-usd. Not yet implemented.)

frb.submitForm = function(options) {

   var form = document.getElementById('frb-form');
   var uri = new mw.Uri('');
   var params = {};
   /* Form selection data */
   params.payment_method = options.method;
   if ( options.submethod ) {
       params.payment_submethod = options.submethod;
   if ( options.gateway ) {
       params.gateway = options.gateway;
   if ( options.ffname ) {
       params.ffname = options.ffname;
   if ( options.variant ) {
       params.variant = options.variant;
   params.recurring = frb.getRecurring(form);
   params.currency_code = frb.getCurrency( || 'USD';
   params.uselang = || 'en'; = || 'XX';
   if ( params.uselang === 'pt' && === 'BR' ) {
       params.uselang = 'pt-br';
   if ( params.uselang === 'es' && 
       ( === 'AR' || === 'CL' ||  === 'CO' || === 'MX' ||  === 'PE' || === 'UY' )
   ) {
       params.uselang = 'es-419';
   /* Adyen override. frb.ccAdyenCountries is defined in LocalizeJS-2017.js */
   if ( params.payment_method === 'cc' && frb.ccAdyenCountries.indexOf( ) !== -1 ) {
       params.gateway = 'adyen';
   /* Amount */
   var amount = frb.getAmount(form);
   // See if "Pay the fee" is checked
   if ( $('#frb-ptf-checkbox').prop('checked') ) {
       amount = amount + frb.calculateFee(amount);
   if ( !frb.validateAmount(amount) ) {
       return false; // Amount problem, bail out of submitting
   params.amount = amount;
   /* Tracking info */
   params.utm_medium   = 'sitenotice';
   params.utm_campaign = || 'test';
   params.utm_source   = frb.buildUtmSource(params);
   // No longer used since we have banner history, could use to store something else
   // params.utm_key   = mw.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount || 0;
   /* Link to Banner History if enabled */
   var mixins = mw.centralNotice.getDataProperty( 'mixins' );
   if ( mixins && mixins.bannerHistoryLogger ) {
       params.bannerhistlog =;
   if ( mixins && mixins.bannerHistoryLogger ) {
       mw.centralNotice.bannerHistoryLogger.ensureLogSent().always(function() {
           window.location.href = uri.toString();
   } else {
       window.location.href = uri.toString();



* Build the utm_source for analytics.
* Own function so it can be overriden for weird tests
* @param  {Object} params
* @return {string} utm_source

frb.buildUtmSource = function(params) {

   var utm_source;
   var fullDottedPaymentMethod = params.payment_method;
   if ( params.recurring ) {
       fullDottedPaymentMethod = 'r' + fullDottedPaymentMethod;
   if ( params.payment_submethod ) {
       fullDottedPaymentMethod = fullDottedPaymentMethod + '.' + params.payment_submethod;
   utm_source =;
   utm_source += '.no-LP.' + fullDottedPaymentMethod;
   return utm_source;



* Determine if we should show recurring choice on step 2
* @param  {Object} options     Including method and optional gateway
* @param  {String} country
* @return {boolean}

frb.shouldShowRecurring = function(options, country) {

   if ( frb.noRecurringCountries.indexOf( country ) !== -1 ) { // Defined in LocalizeJS-2017.js
       return false;
   if ( options.method === 'paypal' ) {
       return true;
   if ( options.method === 'cc' ) {
       if ( options.gateway === 'adyen' || frb.ccAdyenCountries.indexOf( country ) !== -1 ) { // Defined in LocalizeJS-2017.js
           return false;
       } else {
           return true;
   return false;


/* Is recurring method selected?

* Own function so can be overriden for different forms

frb.getRecurring = function(form) {

   return form.frequency.value === 'monthly';



* Return amount selected

frb.getAmount = function(form) {

   var amount = null;
   // If there are some amount radio buttons, then look for the checked one
   if (form.amount) {
       for (var i = 0; i < form.amount.length; i++) {
           if (form.amount[i].checked) {
               amount = form.amount[i].value;
   // Check the "other" amount box
   if (form.otherAmount.value !== ) {
       var otherAmount = form.otherAmount.value;
       otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[,.](\d)$/, ':$10');
       otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[,.](\d)(\d)$/, ':$1$2');
       otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[$£€¥,.]/g, );
       otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/:/, '.');
       amount = otherAmount;
   amount = parseFloat(amount);
   if ( isNaN(amount) ) {
       return 0;
   } else {
       return amount;



* Check if given amount is valid i.e. a positive number, between minimum and maximum.
* If not, show an error and return false.
* @param  {number}  amount [description]
* @return {boolean}        [description]

frb.validateAmount = function( amount ) {

   var currency  = frb.getCurrency( );
   var minAmount = frb.amounts.minimums[ currency ];
   var errorMessage;
   if ( amount === null || isNaN(amount) || amount <= 0 || amount < minAmount ) {
       errorMessage = "Please select an amount (minimum $1)"
           .replace( '$1', minAmount + ' ' + currency );
       window.alert( errorMessage );
       return false;
   } else if ( amount > 10000 * minAmount ) {
       errorMessage = "We cannot accept donations greater than USD $4 ($1 $2) through our website. Please contact our major gifts staff at $3."
           .replace( '$1', 10000*minAmount )
           .replace( '$2', currency )
           .replace( '$3', '' );
       window.alert( errorMessage );
       return false;
   } else {
       return true;



* Shared code for amount input handling

frb.initAmountOptions = function() {

   // Reset "Other" input if user clicks a preset amount
   $('#frb-form [id^=frb-amt-ps]').click(function() {
   // Block typing non-numerics in input field, otherwise Safari allows them and then chokes
   document.getElementById('frb-amt-other-input').onkeypress = function(e) {
       // Allow special keys in Firefox
       if ((e.code == 'ArrowLeft') || (e.code == 'ArrowRight') ||
           (e.code == 'ArrowUp') || (e.code == 'ArrowDown') ||
           (e.code == 'Delete') || (e.code == 'Backspace')) {
       var chr = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
       if ("0123456789., ".indexOf(chr) === -1) {
           return false;

}; /* End of MediaWiki:FundraisingBanners/CoreJS-2017.js */

/** Provides alterImpressionData hook for CentralNotice

*  This info will be sent back with Special:RecordImpression

mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.alterImpressionData = function( impressionData ) {

   // Returning true from this function indicates the banner was shown
   if (mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason) {
       impressionData.reason = mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason;
   if (mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount) {
       impressionData.banner_count = mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount;
   return !mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult;



 var language =;
 var country  =;
 /* Hide banner outside of main namespace (and Main Page, for sites where that isn't in main namespace) */
 if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') > 0 && !mw.config.get('wgIsMainPage')){
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult = true;
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason = 'namespace';
 /* Hide banner on mobile site, in case wrong device settings were chosen */
 if(mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva'){
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult = true;
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason = 'other';

}); </script>