MediaWiki:Centralnotice-template-POTY 2015 R2


 /* MediaWiki:CentralNotice/Resources/BannerShowHideCountDate.js
  * Determine if a banner should be hidden or displayed based on the
  * contents of the cookie named `hide-cookie-name` and that + `-wait`.
  * Showing a banner entails that a certain number of impressions have
  * already occured in a time period.
  * hide-cookie-show-count - Number of impressions to show per period
  * hide-cookie-wait-count - Number of impressions to wait per period
  * hide-cookie-wait-delay - Number of second in period
  * Provides CentralNotice alterImpressionData hook
  * Banner may be forced if URL parameter force = 1
  * Counters may be reset if URL parameter reset = 1
  * Flow chart:
 (function(mw) {
     /** Total number of impressions seen by this user */
     cookieCount = parseInt($.cookie('POTY2015R2')) || 0,
     waitData = ($.cookie('POTY2015R2-wait') || ).split(/[|]/),
     /** This cycle's count of how many impressions we've waited for */
     waitCount = parseInt(waitData[0]) || 0,
     /** Timestamp (ms) until we can show another banner */
     waitUntil = parseInt(waitData[1]) || 0,
     /** Number of impressions seen this cycle */
     waitSeenCount = parseInt(waitData[2]) || 0,
     showLimit = parseInt('5') || 0,
     waitLimit = parseInt('0') || 0,
     waitDelay = parseInt('2592000') || 0,
     hideBanner = true,
     hideReason = null;
   if (\breset=1/)) {
     // Reset counters on demand
     cookieCount = 0;
     waitCount = 0;
     waitUntil = 0;
     waitSeenCount = 0;
     pastDate = waitUntil < new Date().getTime(),
     waitForHideImps = waitCount < waitLimit,
     waitForShowImps = waitSeenCount < showLimit;

   if (\bforce=1/)) {
     hideBanner = false;
   } else if (!pastDate) {
     hideReason = 'waitdate';
     waitCount += 1;
   } else if (pastDate && waitForHideImps) {
     hideReason = 'waitimps';
     waitCount += 1;
   } else if (pastDate && !waitForHideImps && waitForShowImps) {
     hideBanner = false;
     waitSeenCount += 1;
     cookieCount += 1;
     if (waitSeenCount >= showLimit) {
       waitCount = 0;
       waitSeenCount = 0;
       waitUntil = new Date().getTime() + (waitDelay * 1000);
   } else {
     hideReason = 'waiterr';
     waitCount = 0;
     waitSeenCount = 0;
     waitUntil = new Date().getTime() + (waitDelay * 1000);
   waitData = waitCount + '|' + waitUntil + '|' + waitSeenCount;

   // Finish up and store results
   $.cookie('POTY2015R2', cookieCount, { expires: 365, path: '/' });
   $.cookie('POTY2015R2-wait', waitData, { expires: 365, path: '/' });
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult = hideBanner;
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason = hideReason;
   mw.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount = cookieCount;

 mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.alterImpressionData = function( impressionData ) {
   // Returning true from this function indicates the banner was shown
   if (mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason) {
     impressionData.reason = mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideReason;
   if (mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount) {
     impressionData.banner_count = mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount;
   return !mediaWiki.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult;

</script> <style type="text/css">

  1. centralNotice.collapsed {
 display: none;
  1. cn-toggle-box {
 float: right;
  1. poty2015_round2_banner_1 {
   position: relative;
   z-index: 0;
   overflow: hidden;
   padding-top: 1em !important;
   margin-bottom: 0.5em !important;
   background-position: top center;
   border: solid 1px #CCCCCC;
   font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
   padding-bottom: 1em;
   background-repeat: no-repeat;

} .trans-box a {

   text-align: right;
   font-size: 0.8em;
   padding-right: 6px;
   color: white;
   white-space: nowrap;
   text-decoration: none;

} div#cn-toggle-box {

   position: absolute;
   z-index: 98;
   top: 2px;
   right: 6px;


  1. poty-text {
   font-size: 1.3em;
   font-weight: bold;
   color: white;
   padding: 16px 30px 10px 30px;
   line-height: 1.3em;
   text-align: left;


  1. poty2014-text-1 {
   font-size: 120%;

} .cn-full-banner-click {

   text-decoration: none;

} </style>

   <a class="cn-full-banner-click" href="//">
       <a href="//">{{{credits}}}</a>
       <a href="#" onclick="mw.centralNotice.hideBanner();return false"><img border="0" src="//" alt="Close" /></a>