MediaWiki:Centralnotice-WMCH1819 dsk lg-WMCH-2018-dsklrg-msg

We will get straight to the point: today we ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. We depend on donations averaging about CHF 15. Over 99% of our readers don't give. If everyone reading this gave CHF 5, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your coffee today is all we need. When we made Wikipedia a non-profit, people warned us we'd regret it. But if Wikipedia became commercial, it would be a great loss to the world. Wikipedia is a place for you to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. The heart and soul of Wikipedia is a community of people working to bring you unlimited access to reliable, neutral information. Please take one minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing.