Lithuania "Kám-un-tsè" Pian-tsip Hāng-bo̍k
Ačiū, Lietuva!
In a nutshell: Create original (or translate) or improve articles related to Lithuania topics. 3,000 bytes and 300 words minimum, with better sources, edited between 00:00, 22 June 2021 - 23:59, 30 July 2021 (UTC).
- The article should be related to Lithuania topics.
- The article should be edited between 00:00, 22 June 2021 - 23:59, 30 July 2021 (UTC).
- The article should meet all of the Chinese Wikipedia "Did You Know" criteria with the exception of the item "New" (近期). (exclude Infobox, template etc.)
- The article must have decent references; doubtful or controversial statements in the article should be verifiable by the citation(s) listed in that article.
- The article must not be purely machine translated and should be properly copyedited.
- There must be no major issues with the article. (no copyright violations, questions of notability, etc.)
- The article should be informative.
- Judge(s) will determine whether an article is accepted or not.
- Articles submitted by an organizer need to be checked by other organizers.
- Each participant who submits at least one article will get a barnstar after the end of the event.