List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Physical sciences

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Physical sciences, 1350 edit

Science, 17 edit

Astronomy, 293 edit

Astrometry, 88 edit

  1. Astrometry
  2. Angular resolution
  3. Cosmic distance ladder
  4. Parallax
  5. Photometry (astronomy)
Celestial sphere, 83
  1. Celestial coordinate system
    1. Declination
    2. Right ascension
  2. Celestial equator
  3. Celestial sphere
  4. Equinox
  5. Ecliptic
  6. Horizon
  7. Nadir
  8. Solstice
  9. Star chart
  10. Zenith
  11. Zodiac
Constellations, 70
IAU constellations, 65
  1. Constellation
  2. Andromeda (constellation)
  3. Aquarius (constellation)
  4. Aquila (constellation)
  5. Ara (constellation)
  6. Aries (constellation)
  7. Auriga (constellation)
  8. Boötes
  9. Camelopardalis
  10. Cancer (constellation)
  11. Canes Venatici
  12. Canis Major
  13. Canis Minor
  14. Capricornus
  15. Carina (constellation)
  16. Cassiopeia (constellation)
  17. Centaurus
  18. Cepheus (constellation)
  19. Cetus
  20. Columba (constellation)
  21. Coma Berenices
  22. Corona Australis
  23. Corona Borealis
  24. Corvus (constellation)
  25. Crater (constellation)
  26. Crux
  27. Cygnus (constellation)
  28. Delphinus
  29. Draco (constellation)
  30. Equuleus
  31. Eridanus (constellation)
  32. Gemini (constellation)
  33. Hercules (constellation)
  34. Hydra (constellation)
  35. Lacerta
  36. Leo (constellation)
  37. Leo Minor
  38. Lepus (constellation)
  39. Libra (constellation)
  40. Lupus (constellation)
  41. Lynx (constellation)
  42. Lyra
  43. Monoceros
  44. Ophiuchus
  45. Orion (constellation)
  46. Pegasus (constellation)
  47. Perseus (constellation)
  48. Pisces (constellation)
  49. Piscis Austrinus
  50. Puppis
  51. Pyxis
  52. Sagitta
  53. Sagittarius (constellation)
  54. Scorpius
  55. Scutum
  56. Serpens
  57. Sextans
  58. Taurus (constellation)
  59. Triangulum
  60. Triangulum Australe
  61. Ursa Major
  62. Ursa Minor
  63. Vela (constellation)
  64. Virgo (constellation)
  65. Vulpecula
Chinese constellations, 5
  1. Chinese constellations
    1. Vermilion Bird
    2. White Tiger
    3. Black Tortoise
    4. Azure Dragon

Astronomical objects, 74 edit

Galactic astronomy and Extragalactic astronomy, 32 edit

Physical cosmology, 15 edit

Stellar astronomy, 33 edit

Celestial mechanics, 20 edit

Physics, 381 edit

Fundamental physics concepts, 25 edit

Mechanics, 121 edit

General mechanics, 88 edit
Fluid mechanics, 15 edit
Aerodynamics, 2 edit
  1. Aerodynamics
  2. Mach number
Wave phenomena and acoustics, 16 edit

Optics, 18 edit

Heat and thermodynamics, 50 edit

Electricity and magnetism, 68 edit

Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics, 99 edit

  1. Condensed matter physics
  2. Isotope
  3. Amorphous solid
  4. Solid-state physics
  5. Compton scattering
  6. Degenerate matter
  7. Quantum tunnelling
Elementary and fundamental particles, 47 edit
  1. Fundamental interaction
  2. Elementary particle
  3. Graviton
  4. Atom
  5. Strong interaction
  6. Weak interaction
  7. Quantum chromodynamics
  8. Quantum electrodynamics
  9. Particle physics
  10. Particle
  11. Cloud chamber
  12. Standard Model
  13. String theory
  14. Spontaneous symmetry breaking
  15. Supersymmetry
  16. Particle accelerator
    1. Large Hadron Collider
    2. Synchrotron
    3. Synchrotron radiation
    4. Tevatron
  17. Quark–gluon plasma
  18. Geiger–Marsden experiment
Subatomic particles, 25
  1. Subatomic particle
Fermions, 18
  1. Fermion
  2. Lepton
    1. Electron
    2. Muon
    3. Tau (particle)
    4. Neutrino
  3. Quark
    1. Up quark
    2. Down quark
    3. Charm quark
    4. Strange quark
    5. Top quark
    6. Bottom quark
  4. Hadron
    1. Baryon
      1. Neutron
      2. Proton
    2. Meson
Bosons, 6
  1. Boson
  2. Gauge boson
  3. Gluon
  4. Photon
  5. Higgs boson
  6. W and Z bosons
Radioactivity, radioactive decay, 15 edit
  1. Ionizing radiation
  2. Radioactive decay
  3. Alpha decay
  4. Alpha particle
  5. Beta Radiation
  6. Beta decay
Antimatter, 6
  1. Antimatter
  2. Antiparticle
  3. Positron
  4. Antihydrogen
  5. Antiproton
  6. Antineutron
Units, 3
  1. Becquerel
  2. Gray (unit)
  3. Sievert
Nuclear reactions, 7 edit
  1. Binding energy
  2. Nuclear physics
  3. Nuclear fusion
    1. Tokamak
    2. Fusion power
  4. Nuclear fission
  5. Atomic nucleus
Atomic physics, 21 edit
  1. Atomic physics
  2. Atomic orbital
  3. Atomic theory
  4. Bohr model
  5. Electron configuration
  6. Electron shell
  7. Excited state
  8. Hydrogen-like atom
  9. Hyperfine structure
  10. Plum pudding model
  11. Principal quantum number
  12. Pauli exclusion principle
  13. Stimulated emission
  14. Ionization energy
  15. Ion
  16. Auger effect
  17. Bremsstrahlung
  18. Atomic mass unit
  19. Atomic radius
  20. Spin (physics)
  21. Ionization
Molecular physics, 2 edit
  1. Molecular orbital
  2. Molecular orbital theory

Chemistry, 380 edit

Basics, 49 edit

Solid-State Chemistry and Crystallography, 14 edit

Analytical chemistry, 6 edit

Chemical substances, 261 edit

Chemical elements, 148 edit
Basics, 6
  1. Chemical element
  2. List of elements
  3. Atomic number
  4. Atomic mass
  5. Periodic table
  6. Period (periodic table)
Chemical element groups, 24
  1. Metal
  2. Alkali metal
  3. Alkaline earth metal
  4. Lanthanide
  5. Actinide
  6. Transition metal
  7. Group 3 element
  8. Group 4 element
  9. Group 5 element
  10. Group 6 element
  11. Noble metal
  12. Group 11 element
  13. Group 12 element
  14. Metalloid
  15. Nonmetal
  16. Boron group
  17. Carbon group
  18. Pnictogen
  19. Chalcogen
  20. Halogen
  21. Noble gas
  22. Period 1 element
  23. Period 2 element
  24. Period 3 element
Chemical elements, 118
  1. Hydrogen (H)
  2. Helium (He)
  3. Lithium (Li)
  4. Beryllium (Be)
  5. Boron (B)
  6. Carbon (C)
  7. Nitrogen (N)
  8. Oxygen (O)
  9. Fluorine (F)
  10. Neon (Ne)
  11. Sodium (Na)
  12. Magnesium (Mg)
  13. Aluminium (Al)
  14. Silicon (Si)
  15. Phosphorus (P)
  16. Sulfur (S)
  17. Chlorine (Cl)
  18. Argon (Ar)
  19. Potassium (K)
  20. Calcium (Ca)
  21. Scandium (Sc)
  22. Titanium (Ti)
  23. Vanadium (V)
  24. Chromium (Cr)
  25. Manganese (Mn)
  26. Iron (Fe)
  27. Cobalt (Co)
  28. Nickel (Ni)
  29. Copper (Cu)
  30. Zinc (Zn)
  31. Gallium (Ga)
  32. Germanium (Ge)
  33. Arsenic (As)
  34. Selenium (Se)
  35. Bromine (Br)
  36. Krypton (Kr)
  37. Rubidium (Rb)
  38. Strontium (Sr)
  39. Yttrium (Y)
  40. Zirconium (Zr)
  41. Niobium (Nb)
  42. Molybdenum (Mo)
  43. Technetium (Tc)
  44. Ruthenium (Ru)
  45. Rhodium (Rh)
  46. Palladium (Pd)
  47. Silver (Ag)
  48. Cadmium (Cd)
  49. Indium (In)
  50. Tin (Sn)
  51. Antimony (Sb)
  52. Tellurium (Te)
  53. Iodine (I)
  54. Xenon (Xe)
  55. Caesium (Cs)
  56. Barium (Ba)
  57. Lanthanum (La)
  58. Cerium (Ce)
  59. Praseodymium (Pr)
  60. Neodymium (Nd)
  61. Promethium (Pm)
  62. Samarium (Sm)
  63. Europium (Eu)
  64. Gadolinium (Gd)
  65. Terbium (Tb)
  66. Dysprosium (Dy)
  67. Holmium (Ho)
  68. Erbium (Er)
  69. Thulium (Tm)
  70. Ytterbium (Yb)
  71. Lutetium (Lu)
  72. Hafnium (Hf)
  73. Tantalum (Ta)
  74. Tungsten (W)
  75. Rhenium (Re)
  76. Osmium (Os)
  77. Iridium (Ir)
  78. Platinum (Pt)
  79. Gold (Au)
  80. Mercury (element) (Hg)
  81. Thallium (Tl)
  82. Lead (Pb)
  83. Bismuth (Bi)
  84. Polonium (Po)
  85. Astatine (At)
  86. Radon (Rn)
  87. Francium (Fr)
  88. Radium (Ra)
  89. Actinium (Ac)
  90. Thorium (Th)
  91. Protactinium (Pa)
  92. Uranium (U)
  93. Neptunium (Np)
  94. Plutonium (Pu)
  95. Americium (Am)
  96. Curium (Cm)
  97. Berkelium (Bk)
  98. Californium (Cf)
  99. Einsteinium (Es)
  100. Fermium (Fm)
  101. Mendelevium (Md)
  102. Nobelium (No)
  103. Lawrencium (Lr)
  104. Rutherfordium (Rf)
  105. Dubnium (Db)
  106. Seaborgium (Sg)
  107. Bohrium (Bh)
  108. Hassium (Hs)
  109. Meitnerium (Mt)
  110. Darmstadtium (Ds)
  111. Roentgenium (Rg)
  112. Copernicium (Cn)
  113. Nihonium (Nh)
  114. Flerovium (Fl)
  115. Moscovium (Mc)
  116. Livermorium (Lv)
  117. Tennessine (Ts)
  118. Oganesson (Og)
Chemical compounds, 65 edit
Chemical mixtures, 19 edit

Pharmacy, 2 edit

Earth science, 270 edit

For specific geographical objects see Geography

General, 1 edit

Earth, 165 edit

Geomorphology, 58 edit
Biomes, 26 edit
Pedology (soil study), 3 edit

Air, 61 edit

Climatology, 7 edit
Meteorology, 45 edit

Water, 27 edit

Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 9 edit

Biophysical processes and cellular transport, 2 edit

  1. Biophysics
  2. Osmosis

Engineering and applied sciences, 7 edit

  1. Fatigue (material)
  2. Electrical network
  3. Fluorescent lamp
  4. Remote sensing
  5. Pump
  6. Ballistic missile
    1. Soil mechanics