Learning patterns/Quiet room

A learning pattern forconferences
Quiet room
problemSome conference participants need rest, sleep or personal time.
solutionProvide a quiet room, where participants can relax in silence.
creatorNetha Hussain
created on13:46, 6 September 2018 (UTC)

What problem does this solve?


Conferences can be exhausting for the participants. The participants may want to spend some time in silence, have a quick nap, meditate, pray or reflect on ideas. They might want to do so in silence, without being disturbed or interrupted.

What is the solution?


A quiet room is a place where the participants can relax in silence. Anyone who enters the quiet room shall not make any noise. The quiet room may have beds, beanbags, chairs and workbenches for people to relax or work in silence. It is a place to recover for those who are exhaused or those who simply require some alone-time.

Things to consider

  • The quiet room should ideally be located far from where the conversations in the conference happen. Noise from the conference area should not disturb the silence in the quiet room.
  • The walls should ideally be sound proof, the curtains should be dark and there should be ample space to hold over 10 people at a time.
  • There should be signboards on the door and on the walls of the room asking the participants to maintain silence.
  • Internet connectivity should be provided for people who want to work in silence.
  • It is good to keep water and snacks in the quiet room.

When to use

  • In conferences and multi-day editing events, where participants are likely to want some private time.



See also


Quiet room was used in Ada Camp, the conference for women involved in open stuff. More details can be found here.

