Learning and Evaluation/Case studies/Wikimania Esino Lario Survey Results

Learning and Evaluation

Wikimania Esino Lario Survey Results



This is the report page for the 2016 Wikimania evaluation survey from the event in Esino Lario. The survey was carried out by WMF Learning and Evaluation team. Conferences and hackathons had been identified as key programs to develop evaluation insight. This third survey offers more information and data on the process and outcomes of the conference. It is intended as a means for participants to share what they got out of the conference and a platform to collect information on how we might improve future conferences and their evaluation. We hope that the lessons learned through the years help inform the creation of future issues of Wikimania. Share, comment and discuss!


  • Online survey via Qualtrics (Preview of questions)
  • Data collection:
    • June 20th – July 21st, 2016
    • Conference participants: 1368 attendees
  • Survey Respondents: 401 completed survey


  • 68% of survey respondents were between the ages of 25 and 44
  • 62% identified as men
  • 47% of respondents have been involved in the Wikimedia movement for between 6 and 12 years
  • 40% indicated it was their first Wikimania

Overall rating


88% of respondents said the conference was «excellent» or «good».

Overall Rating of Wikimania 2016
Expand data tables
What is your rating of the conference overall? N %
Excellent 183 49.5%
Good 139 37.6%
Average 41 11.1%
Poor 5 1.4%
Very Poor 2 0.5%
Total 370

Excellent + Good 94.22%
Average 4.89%
Poor + Very Poor 0.89%

Conference Outcomes



  • 95% agree that the conference helped them to gain knowledge from others.
  • 90% agree that the conference helped them to share my knowledge with others.
  • 88% agree that the conference helped to motivate me to contribute to Wikimedia and its' projects.
  • 91% agree that the conference helped them to gain a better understanding of others' viewpoints.
  • 87% agree that the conference helped them to strengthen my friendships with online colleagues.
  • 74% agree that the conference helped them connect to resources.
  • 68% agree that the conference helped them to join or start a project



Nearly all respondents (88%) reported that they plan on pursuing at least one new project or collaboration in the next six months that will involve people that they met at Wikimania 2016.

Number of Contacts to Pursue New project with in the future
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Number of new projects or collaborations you are planning on pursuing in the next six months that will involve people you met at this Wikimania N %
None 37 10.2%
1 to 3 228 63.2%
4 to 6 71 19.7%
11 to 14 1 0.3%
15 to 17 2 0.6%
18+ 4 1.1%

Conference Design and Content Feedback

  • 94% said that the conference gave me the opportunity to exchange ideas with others on Wikimedian issues.
  • 94% said that the conference was aligned in the spirit and values of the Wikimedia movement .
  • 88% said that the conference was suitable for my background and experience.
  • 87% said that the conference provided useful information.
  • 76% said that the conference contributed to reaching a shared understanding of the future of open knowledge.
Expand data table
For the following, please rate to what extent you agree or disagree.The conference... N Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree % Agree or Stronly Agree
... was suitable for my background and experience. 378 3 7 35 193 140 88%
... provided useful information. 380 2 9 39 195 135 87%
... contributed to reaching a shared understanding of the future of open knowledge. 382 2 19 69 172 120 76%
... gave me the opportunity to exchange ideas with others on Wikimedian issues. 382 4 3 17 94 264 94%
... was aligned in the spirit and values of the Wikimedia movement. 382 2 1 19 127 233 94%

Liked bests and Next Times

The four aspects of the conference that respondents were the most satisfied with:
Registration at Piazza Italia 89%
Conference catering 82%
Conference venue 80%
Getting help from Wikimania team for logistical problems 76%
The four aspects of the conference that respondents were the least satisfied with:
Selection of topics 67%
Conference Wifi 64%
Accommodations 63%
Evening events 43%
Expand data table
Satisfaction with different aspects of conference venue and logistics % Agree or Strongly Agree

Favorite Sessions


The top three favorite sessions were: ""Meetups"", The Coolest Projects of Wikimedia Chapters- Be Inspired, and Privacy- A Limit to "The Sum of all Knowledge"? .

Expand data table
Session Count
Meetups 28
The Coolest Projects of Wikimedia Chapters- Be Inspired - Darya Kantor and Deror Lin 24
Privacy- A Limit to "The Sum of all Knowledge"? - Lukas Mezger 22
The Future of Wikimania 20
Wikipedia Depicting Mohammed: Different Approaches in Different Environments 18
Hackathon 18
SVG Illustration Workshop - Shyamal, Cmglee 16
Community Health II: Tackling Harassment 16
Content Gender Gap an International Movement - Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight 14
Dynamic SVG for Wikimedia Projects: Exploring Applications, Techniques and best practices for interactive and animated vector graphics - Gordon Lee 14
Wikipedia Addiction and its Comorbidities- What Role does Mental Health play in a community that wants to create an encyclopedia? - Kritzolina 13
Legal War Stories: A Review of Key Legal Issues Facing the Wikimedia Movement - Jacob Rogers and Michelle Paulson 13

Comparison to Wikimania 2015 sessions showed mixed results. One-hundred and thirty-one respondents indicated that they attended Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. Of these 131 respondents, the majority (35%) indicated that the overall quality of the content of this year’s sessions were about the same compared to last year. Twenty-four percent indicated that they were better and 27% indicated that they were worse.


Respondents who attended Wikimania 2015 reported a variety of outcomes from last year's conference






Hackathon attendee's self-reported experience with developing was mixed. Most, (26%) indicated they have intermediate level of experience, followed by advanced level of experience (23%), and beginning level of experience (15%).

Hackathon attendees experience as developer
Expand data table
How would you describe your experience as a developer? N %
No experience 15 12%
Novice 15 12%
Beginner 19 15%
Intermediate 33 26%
Advanced 29 23%
Expert 15 12%
Total who responded to the Hackathon survey 111



80% of the respondents said the hackathon was a positive or very positive experience. About 17% said the experience was neither positive or negative, 3% reported that experience was negative.

Hackathon Attendees: Hackathon Experience
Expand data table
How would you describe your overall experience at the Hackathon? N %
Very Positive 32 27%
Positive 64 53%
Neither Negative nor Positive 20 17%
Negative 4 3%
Very Negative 0 0%

Direct products


The most commonly reported tasks that were accomplished at the hackathon included discussing future work (16%), fixing bugs (14%), and adding features to an existing tool (11%).

What different tasks did you accomplish during your hackathon time? (Select all that apply) N %
Discussed future work (RFC, specifications, etc.) 63 16%
Fixed bugs 56 14%
Added features to an existing tool 43 11%
Wrote code for a new tool or project 28 7%
Worked on or contributed to a new project from the Community Wishlist 23 6%
Other (e.g., created a tutorial, helped others) 22 6%
Answered research questions 18 5%
Created templates 19 5%
Ran statistical analyses 18 5%
Presented in Hackathon Showcase 18 5%
Completed a demoable project 14 4%
Pulled research data 17 4%
Deployed updates to live sites 10 3%
Ran a session in a breakout room 12 3%
Made updates to deployment tooling 6 2%
Added citations 6 2%
Packaged software 3 1%