Kurdish Wikimedians User Group/One Featured Articles per a Month

Despite the small size of Kurdish Sorani Wikipedia, volunteers and contributors are participating in a monthly featured article that is close to the Level of English version of Wikipedia (In term of size and references). The selection of the featured article will be by vote, we made a special page for this project.

  • Kurdish Kurmanji Wikipedia (ku.) have similar but separated project weekly.

Year Month Main Contributor(s) Articles
2020 August kushared ئەنجلینا جۆولی
September kushared ئانە فرانک
October دیاکۆ پێترا
Novermber kushared سەددام حوسێن
December Épine


مێژووی کورد
2021 January Kurd2021 سازمانی خەباتی کوردستانی ئێران
February ساکاتا گینتۆکی لەسێدارەدانی فیرعەون
March ArkanEN123 شازادە دایانا
April دیاکۆ بیابان
May kushared فریدا کالۆ
June دیاکۆ خەتەنەکردنی کچان
July ئاراس نوری
Diyar se
August kushared ھیندستان
September Hastyar Abdullah بۆرات
October Kurd2021 مێژووی جامی جیھانیی فیفا
November Aram باخچەی وشەکان
December Épine ڤیگنیزم
2022 May Ahrir سەردەشت
September Épine ماریوانا