Kiwix/Plan 2022-2023

Here is Kiwix' Annual plan for FY2022-2023.

Deliverables for the first half of the fiscal year will include: (i) Beta release (after Milestone 3 is completed) of a Content Management System; and (ii) fix and release of Kiwix-Android 3.4.6/3.4.7 on the Google Play Store and F-Droid.

Goals and Outcomes


1. Maintain the quality of our content.

  • The key to success (and sustainability) for offline access is the availability of a broad range of contents that are easy to find, share and use.
  • For the first half of the fiscal year we will focus on rolling out our new Content Management System that will ensure that end users are not met with corrupted or incomplete zim files

2. Maintain (or improve) ease of access to offline content

  • The goal here is to ensure that all platforms and dependencies are up-to-date. The expected outcome is that users have no particular issue downloading, installing and using Kiwix.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method Baseline
Maintain the quality of content Establish content QA process

Deploy CMS Milestone 3

Spot check of available zim files returns no empty or incomplete content -
Target 2
95% of Wikimedia zim files automatically updated on a monthly basis Publication date at D-30 and D-60. 99% updated monthly (July 1st, 2022)
Outcome 2 Target 3 Measurement method Baseline
Access offline content 20% increase in number of institutional and individual users of Kiwix. Feedback from deployment partners.

Mobile: baseline/endline number of retained 30-day Android installers as measured by Google Play console.

Desktop: baseline/endline number of downloads as measured by Kiwix servers.

ca. 4M users via institutional deployments across all platforms (June 30, 2022)
1M Android users (June 30, 2022)
1,220,000 desktop downloads (12 month total June 30, 2022)
Target 4
No major backlog on maintenance status of current platforms (Server, Android, Desktop) and dependencies: fix Kiwix-Android access issues on F-droid and Google Play Store

Increase Code coverage by 5-10% at least

- All platforms can be run and installed on recent off-the-shelf systems

- Code coverage / Code factor analytics as provided by Github

  • Android 3.4.6 not available on the PlayStore as of June 2022 (Codefactor: A; Code coverage: 49%)
  • Windows/Linux 2.3 (Codefactor: A; Code coverage: n/a)
  • Kiwix-tools 3.3.0 (Codefactor: A; Code coverage: n/a)
  • Libkiwix 11.0.0 (Codefactor: A; Code coverage: 71%)
  • Libzim 8.0.1 (Codefactor: A; Code coverage: 85%)
Target 5
Number of open bug tickets remains below 250 across all repositories (-11%) Measure of code health  (published via 281 bug tickets open (July 1st, 2022)


  • Deploy Content Management System and content QA strategy/process
  • Zimit-generated files work across all platforms (android, desktop, server)
  • Revamp hotspot image installer: it is now faster and easier to create an image for the Kiwix-hotspot

Other programs, outcomes, and goals in 200-300 words.

  • Increase our fundraising efforts so as to acquire large grants that will help use decrease the share of WMF funding as part of our total budget
  • Increase our commercial offer, with an end target of 45% of our total revenue.


  • Volunteer developers to accelerate project speed
  • Google for GSoC selection and slot allocation
  • WMF Products dept for all mediawiki-related issues




  • 50% grant payment
  • Kiwix-desktop 2.4 integrates service workers
  • Release Image Creator base image
  • Deploy CMS
  • Release Kiwix-Android 3.4.7 with OPDS-based library
  • Release Libzim 8.1.0, finish the New Library project, deploy libzim and libzim-python for Windows
  • Release Libkiwix 12.0.0
  • Release Kiwix-tools 3.3.1
  • Release Content strategy v1.0


Q3 - TBD
  • 50% grant payment
  • Release Outreach strategy v1.0
  • Multizim search in libzim
  • mwoffliner maintenance solution

