Kiwix/Plan 2020-2021

Here's our Annual plan for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Goals and Outcomes


1. Make incremental but meaningful changes to our core products.

Priorities supported: Worldwide readership, Brand awareness

  • The key to offline access is the availability of contents that are easy to find, share and use, no matter the platform. To that end, we will improve current UI and UX designs to make content retrieval easier, and keep making sure that access to free knowledge remains possible even with lower-end devices.

2. Substantially extend the range of product experiences.

Priorities supported: Worldwide readership, Brand awareness

  • We will prioritize the industrialization of content release so that end users and partners alike can use Kiwix as the centerpiece of a rich and varied offline ecosystem of free knowledge. There will be more content to share, and a new QA system will make the transition from online to offline (and vice-versa) more seamless.
  • We will extend the range of existing commercial partnerships for the distribution of Kiwix Hotspots so that it is easier to deploy, in more places around the world.
  • We will improve our measurements of content interaction in the context of readership growth.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method Baseline
Substantially extend the range of product experiences 20% increase in number of individual, non institutional users of Kiwix. Mobile: baseline/endline number of retained 30-day Android installers as measured by Google Play console.

Desktop: baseline/endline number of downloads as measured by Kiwix servers.

400k android users (June 1st, 2020)

1,130,000 desktop downloads (12 month total June 1st, 2020)

Target 2 Measurement method
Android 30 day retained installers exceeds 40% Google Play Store stats 42% (Average last 6 weeks at time of posting)
Target 3
95% of zims automatically updated on a monthly basis;
No outlier
Publication date at D-30 and D-60. 95% updated monthly (June 1st, 2020).

Still significant issues with updating larger (>2.5M articles w/pictures) wikis

Target 4 Measurement method
Establish content QA process n/a n/a
Outcome 2 Target 5 Measurement method Baseline
Make incremental but meaningful changes to our core products Improve zim reading speed by 4x, thus lowering energy consumption of devices running kiwix As measured by standard unit testing measurement methods. Measured outcome will focus on low/medium range android devices.
Target 6 Measurement method
Number of open bug tickets decreases by 20% across all repositories. Measure of code health  (published via 186 bug tickets open (June 15th, 2020)


  • Improved UI and filtering on and transform it in our definitive online customer facing content store.
  • Revamp Kiwix-desktop and -Android library management
  • Speed-up ZIM reading speed / energy consumption ~x5 (with better algorithm & caching startegy)
  • Build content management backend system and integrate it to the Zimfarm
  • Define sales and partnerships KPIs and implement reporting board
  • First version of an online Wikipedia selection tool linked to our toolchain
  • Offer Wikipedia mirrors (via our ZIM schnapshots) on IPFS
  • Implement operational system backup strategy
  • Develop business plan to build financial sustainability


  • Volunteer developers to accelerate project speed
  • Google for GSoC selection and slot allocation.

Other programs, outcomes, and goals in 200-300 words.

Improve UI and filtering on cardshop so as to make card creation easier. We will continue to establish partnerships with commercial distributors of Kiwix-hotspot, and aim to increase non-grant revenue to 25% of total revenues. In order to keep abreast of market development and better connect with deployment opportunities, we will establish an advisory board whose member will represent key markets and partner segments.

We will also establish ourselves as the de facto solution for offline platforms, be it through whitebranding or implementing of offline capacities / zim compatibility in other projects, most notably those managed by members of the Offline Internet Consortium (e.g. OLIP).





50% grant payment

  • Properly support multiple flavours for a same content within kiwix-lib/OPDS   Doing...
  • ZIM reading speed-up   Done
  • Planning for a WP1 public selection tool   Done
  • Planning for the ZIM CMS   Done
  • Define sales & partnership KPIs   Done
  • Mockup of welcome page 2.0   Done
  • API provides all the necessary API for the catalog   Done
  • Kiwix-Android library manage properly managing filters   Doing...
  • First tool to rename/delete ZIM content from the catalog   Doing...
  • Publish Business plan   Done
  • Business KPI dashboard   Done



50% grant payment

  • 2.0 online with filtering allowing easy content discovering   Done
  • ZIM files available on IPFS   Done
  • Kiwix-Android library manage properly managing flavours   Doing...
  • Proper library cache mgmt in kiwix-lib   Done
  • Kiwix-Desktop library with proper flavour mgmt   Doing...
  • First version of the WP1 public selection tool   Done
  • Kiwix-Desktop native library   Doing...
  • offers widgets for and   Done
  • offers a way to directly download ZIM files   Done
  • At least 5 Wikipedias fully available & updated to surf on IPFS   Done
  • Kiwix-Desktop library with proper filters   Done
  • Reliable backup strategy up & running   Done

