Kiwix/Plan 2019-2020

Here's our Annual plan for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Goals and Outcomes

Annual Plan FY19-20 topline goals #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content

X #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
X #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures

How does this program affect the annual plan topline goal?

Kiwix brings knowledge to people without free/broadband internet access (50% world population): it increases reach (in terms of readership) and is a tech solution.

Program Goal We want to facilitate the distribution of content to people without reliable internet access, either directly or through third party organization. To do so, we will:
  • continue to upgrade and maintain Kiwix/OpenZIM code, so that there is no interruption in our distribution channels;
  • improve accessibility and value proposition for distributors and integrators.
Outcome 1 More people without internet access use Kiwix to access Wikimedia contents.
Outcome 2 Distributors and integrators can easily integrate Kiwix to their own programs and services. Increased number of Kiwix partners.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method Baseline July 2019
People without internet access use Kiwix to access Wikimedia contents. 20% increase in number of individual, non institutional users of Kiwix. Baseline/endline number of downloads and retained 30-day installers as measured by Google Play console.

Baseline/endline number of downloads as measured by Kiwix servers.

Target 2 Measurement method Baseline
Android 30 day retained installers exceeds 40% Google Play Store stats
Target 3
90% of zims automatically updated on a monthly basis;
99% bimonthly
Publication date at D-30 and D-60.
Outcome 2 Target 4 Measurement method Baseline
Distributors and integrators can reliably integrate Kiwix to their own programs and services. Increase number of official partners to 10 An official partner or integrator has a signed distribution or integration agreement, or openly indicates that they are using Kiwix on their communication material.
Target 5 Measurement method Baseline
30% increase in testing code coverage (kiwix-android, libzim, libkiwix, mwoffliner, zimfarm) Measure of code coverage  (published transparently once a night via
Target 6 Measurement method Baseline
Implement KPI measurement system Cross-platform and platform-specific are identified and implemented n/a


Outcome #1 : access
Output 1
Publish content strategy.
Output 2
Namespace parameter is removed from ZIM structure, which reduces dev time for new scrapers and maintenance costs overall.
Output 3
Release Kiwix Hotspot 3.0
Outcome #2 : distribution
Output 4
Online cardshop is launched and allows single users or distributors to pay for and generate their own hotspot-based content selection.
Output 5
Maintain professional development of key software solutions. Our core portfolio (zimwriterfs / zimtools / libzim / kiwix-lib / kiwix-tools, MediaWiki Offliner / Kiwix-desktop / Kiwix-Android / Kiwix-Hotspot) is maintained by contracted employees so as to have regular and reliable release dates.
Output 6
KPI and KPI dashboard are selected and implemented in order to help Kiwix and integrators/distributors to improve their offer to end users.


Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

  • Volunteer developers to accelerate project speed
  • Google for GSoC selection and slot allocation.

Please summarize your other programs, outcomes, and goals in 200-300 words.

We will look into expanding the range of non-Wikimedia content so as to position Kiwix as a content platform rather than "Wikipedia offline".




  • 50% grant payment   Done
  • Define KPI collection strategy and dashboard structure   Done
  • Roll out custom tiles in MWoffliner selections   Done
  • Organize yearly community hackathon   Done
  • Introduction of ZIM JS API   Doing...
  • Introducing code Javascript coverage for MWoffliner   Done
  • Introducing code C++ coverage in libzim, libkiwix   Done
  • Introducing ZIM QA (automated) processes - zimcheck improvements   Done
  • Publish content strategy   Doing...
  • Reduce Android crash scenarios by 30%   Done
  • Implement Android hotspot functionality   Done
  • Implement KPI collection strategy and dashboard structure   Done
  • Add ability to have no namespace in ZIM articles in libzim/zimwriterfs in order to optimize zim creation and scraper maintenance   Doing...
  • Revamped kiwix-serve/ landing environment   Doing...
  • Google Code-In (November-January): Kiwix will select an intern to assist with the development and support of all work related to Google Code-in (as described at   Done


  • 50% remaining grant payment   Done
  • Roll out namespace removal from zim files
  • Introduce zim-python binding   Done
  • Kiwix-desktop 2.1 fixes   Done
  • Introducing library manager in Kiwix MacOS   Done
  • Release five new android custom apps based on content strategy   Doing...
  • Kiwix Hotspot 3.0 release   Doing...
  • Google Summer of Code: Kiwix will select two Google Summer of Code interns for a 3 month term to assist with Android coverage, UX implementation and any other tech or dev support required during the internship.   Done
  • Maintain Mediawiki content update above 90% mo/mo   Done
  • Optimise Python scrapers to write ZIM files on the fly   Done
  • Measured code coverage increased by +30% for Kiwix-android & C++ repositories compared to Q1   Done
  • Kiwix-Android 4.0 release (incl. offline library hotspot feature)   Done
  • Overall backlog on staff-supported OpenZIM/Kiwix repositories reduced by 20% vs. Q1   Done

