InternetArchiveBot/Documentation/User lookup and management
Looking up users is a simple task. To lookup a user, select Interface Users, under the Meta menu.
Select the wiki the user has worked on, and type in their username. If the user is found, you are presented with a suite of options.
The user ID is the user ID of the user’s local wiki account. This segment also reports when the user last logged on to the management interface, and what time they were last active on the management interface, which groups they are members of, whether or not they are blocked on the interface, or blocked because they are blocked on wiki, and all user permissions they hold on this interface. For more information about user permissions, refer to the permission descriptions found in Interface Information.
Above you can see some small details about the user’s activity.
Users with the blockuser permission will see an option to block the user they look up, seen below.
Conversely, users with the unblockuser permission can unblock any user they look up, provided the block source is not on wiki, and provided they are not trying to unblock themselves. However, if a user possesses the unblockme permission, they can unblock themselves, provided they are not blocked on wiki.
Users with the changepermissions permission will be allowed to change the user permissions of any user. These users will see something like this pictured below:
Users with the changepermissions permission will still be restricted to what groups/permissions they can add and remove based on the groups they are a member of. For more information about what a user can/cannot add based on group membership, refer to Interface Information.
Permissions and groups that are greyed out, cannot be altered. If a user grants a user membership of a group, all permissions inherited by the group membership will automatically be assigned, and grayed out. Conversely, removing group membership will also automatically remove all inherited permissions of said group, and reactivate the option to assign the individual permissions.
If a permission was granted individually, and then the same user became a member of the group inheriting the permission, it will still present as a removable option. Note that removing the permission while the user is a member of the group will not actually remove the permission. The permission transitions from an assigned state, to an inherited state. Conversely, if an inherited permission is still assigned to a user, and the user loses membership of the group inheriting said permission, the permission will remain assigned to the user.
Users with the changeglobalpermissions permission are presented with the additional option to “Change global permissions”. Permissions and groups applied globally are highlighted, like “root” is in the example above. Global permissions carry across all wikis enrolled in the management interface.
Lastly as seen above, you are presented with the last 100 actions performed by the user on the management interface