InternetArchiveBot/Documentation/Interface information

This page describes operational details concerning InternetArchiveBot.

  • Loaded library information: This section describes the PHP libraries in use for InternetArchiveBot.
  • API information: This section includes links to InternetArchiveBot’s API endpoint and documentation.
  • Credits and authorship: This section lists the people who worked on InternetArchiveBot.
  • User groups information: Users are assigned to groups automatically based on certain criteria like registration date and edit count. Users can also be manually added to user groups based on access requirement or trust. This section describes the various user groups that exist and the specific user permissions conferred to each group.

User permissions


These are the specific permissions that users can be granted, detailing varying levels of access control to InternetArchiveBot. These permissions are typically granted indirectly through user groups though permissions can be granted individually as well.

  • alteraccesstime: - This permission grants users the ability to alter the access timestamp of a URL the bot has encountered.
  • alterarchiveurl: - This permission grants users the ability to alter the archive URL snapshot of a URL the bot has encountered.
  • analyzepage: - This permission grants users the right to use the single page analysis tool.
  • blacklistdomains: - This permission grants users the ability to blacklist entire domains the bot has encountered.
  • blacklisturls: - This permission grants users the ability to blacklist a URL the bot has encountered.
  • blockuser: - This permissions grants users the ability to block other interface users.
  • botsubmitlimit5000: - This permission raises the bot job submission limit to 5000 articles per job.
  • botsubmitlimit50000: - This permission raises the bot job submission limit to 50000 articles per job.
  • botsubmitlimitnolimit: - This permission removes the bot job submission limit placed on articles.
  • changefpreportstatus: - This permission grants users the ability to change the status of any reported false positive.
  • changebqjob: - This permission grants users the ability to modify the status of any active bot job, and grants the ability to suspend any active bot job.
  • changedomaindata: - This permission grants users the ability to modify the status of entire domains the bot has encountered.
  • changeglobalpermissions: - This permission grants users the ability to change the permissions of another user and apply it on all wikis.
  • changemassbq: - This permission grants users the ability to change all active jobs to any state of their choosing simultaneously.
  • changepermissions: - This permission grants users the ability to change the permissions of another user.
  • changeurldata: - This permission grants users the ability to change the data of a URL the bot has encountered.
  • configurecitationrules: - This permission grants users the ability to change the citation template definitions of the bot.
  • configuresystemsetup: - This permission grants users the ability to alter the core system configuration.
  • configurewiki: - This permission grants users the ability to control the on wiki default behavior of the bot.
  • deblacklistdomains: - This permission grants users the ability to remove an entire domain, the bot has encountered, from the blacklist.
  • deblacklisturls: - This permission grants users the ability to remove a URL, the bot has encountered, from the blacklist.
  • definearchivetemplates: - This permission grants users the ability to create new archive template definitions to use on wiki.
  • defineusergroups: - This permission grants users the ability to define the user groups on this interface.
  • definewiki: - This permission grants users the ability to add new wikis to the bot and UI.
  • dewhitelistdomains: - This permission grants users the ability to remove an entire domain, the bot has encountered, from the whitelist.
  • dewhitelisturls: - This permission grants users the ability to remove a URL, the bot has encountered, from the whitelist.
  • highapilimit: - This permission grants users and bots the ability to make up to 5000 requests per minute to the API.
  • fpruncheckifdeadreview: - This permission grants users the ability to run the checkIfDead URL analyzer on all open false positive reports, and mark as fixed any no longer seen as dead.
  • invokebot: - This permission allows the user to make an edit from the bot.
  • overridearchivevalidation: - This permission grants users the ability to override the checks made on a submitted archive snapshot.
  • overridelockout: - This permission grants users the ability to access the interface despite being disabled.
  • reportfp: - This permission grants users the ability to report a false positive URL, seen as dead.
  • submitbotjobs: - This permission grants users the ability to submit a bot job of up to 500 articles per job.
  • togglerunpage: - This permission grants users the ability to switch the bot on and off on their respective wikis.
  • unblockuser: - This permission grants users the ability to unblock other users on the interface.
  • unblockme: - This permission grants users the ability to unblock themselves on the interface.
  • viewbotqueue: - This permission grants users the ability to view the bot queue of all bot jobs.
  • viewfpreviewpage: - This permission grants users the ability to access all the reported false positives.
  • viewmetricspage: - This permission grants users the ability to access the bot's performance metrics.
  • whitelistdomains: - This permission grants users the ability to whitelist entire domains encountered by the bot.
  • whitelisturls: - This permission grants users the ability to whitelist a URL encountered by the bot.