Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Pelatihan Hukum Hak Cipta Indonesia serta Pengunggahan Naskah di Wikisource Indonesia menggunakan Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource Indonesia dan Wikidata (ID: 21944112)

Endorsment from Empat Tilda (talk)


--Empat Tilda (talk) 07:36, 28 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

  • menurut saya proposal ini sangat penting utk keberlangsungan komunitas kontributor wikisource, karena beberapa bulan yang lalu salah satu konten kami (Boekoe peringatan staatspoor wagen) dihapus karena ketidak tahuan komunitas mengenai hak cipta. Kami harap dari acara ini dapat menghasilkan pengetahuan terkait hak cipta. Empat Tilda (talk) 07:36, 28 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Ikanahampun (talk)


1. Untuk menambah partisipan dalam menyunting Wikisource. 2. Menambah pengetahuan dalam hal kebijakan hukum hak cipta 3. Menjangkau lebih banyak orang dalam kegiatan luring 4. Ya 5. Ya --Ikanahampun (talk) 18:30, 29 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

--Ikanahampun (talk) 18:30, 29 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Astari28 (talk)


Menurut pendapat saya, proposal ini berhasil menganalisis masalah yang terjadi dalam hak cipta di Indonesia khususnya dalam menggugah naskah domain publik yang perlu dilakukan agar naskah tersebut tidak hilang begitu saja seperti dokumen sejarah, budaya dan lainnya. Hanya saja kecakapan anggota komunitas dan relawan Wikisource masih terbatas. Selain itu, target proposal ini juga jelas bukan hanya berdampak pada Wikisource Indonesia, tetapi memperkaya Wikimedia Commons dan Wikidata secara bersamaan.

--Astari28 (talk) 09:40, 30 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Kadek Ayu Sulastri (talk)


Kegiatan Pelatihan Hukum Hak Cipta serta Pengunggahan Naskah di Wikisource ini penting untuk dilaksanakan karena anggota komunitas Wikisource masih belum memahami naskah mana yang boleh untuk diunggah sehingga adanya keraguan dalam mengunggah naskah di Wikisource. Harapan dengan adanya kegiatan ini yaitu, para anggota komunitas dapat memahami mengenai hak cipta naskah sehingga tidak ragu untuk menambahkan naskah di Wikisource. Selain itu, pelatihan ini juga dapat menarik kontributor baru di komunitas untuk semakin aktif menyunting di Wikisource.Kadek Ayu Sulastri (talk) 09:29, 31 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

--Kadek Ayu Sulastri (talk) 09:29, 31 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Endorsment from Akbar Soepadhi (talk)


to filter new contributors, and improving the more comprehensive editing's dynamics on Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource Indonesia.

--Akbar Soepadhi (talk) 22:31, 1 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

Follow-up questions from our conversation


Hello @Agus_Damanik,

It was so lovely to meet you and to learn about your project. As discussed, these are further questions, we'll love to have your responses to.

1) About learning and evaluation, you've identified 3 key questions: a) How many people are interested in contributing to Wikisource Indonesia? b) How large is the capacity gap for copyright law? c) Is it difficult to learn how to upload manuscripts on wikisource? We've discussed a few additional metrics to collect for your report. Could you also list them here?

2) Could you provide an overview timeline for your project?

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 06:20, 17 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

For the first question, i will answer for every alphabet one by one.
a. We will compare the participants in five phase. The first phase will be collecting by looking on the number of like which comes from our social media. Then, we will count the person who register. After the registration, we count the number who actually come to the event and also count the number of person who has done the task by uploading 5 text into indonesian wikisource. For the final phase, i will counting the person who keeps doing the uploading or just do proofreading in wikisource after one month of the event.
b. We will do pretest before the event to gauge the knowledge of copyright law and doing the post test to know what they learn after the training.
c. We will do the post test from number 1 to 5 which starts from 1 means easy, quite easy, normal, quite hard and end with 5 means hard.
2. I will share the timeline in monthly basis below:
January: Preparation for the event by preparing survey, learning material and booked the accommodations and transportation to the city
February: Event in Medan and Bandung
March:Event in Manokwari
April: Event in Denpasar
May: Event in Surabaya and reporting
Do i need to add this time line to the proposal and make answer to the question in a metric?
Regards, Agus Damanik Agus Damanik (talk) 11:10, 18 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Hello @Agus Damanik, I've added the above on Fluxx and you'll be able to see it reflected on the Meta page in the next 1-2 days. Your response to the first question is added to main open metrics (question 16) and your response to second question is added to question 3. Thank you. Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:20, 28 November 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a lot Agus Damanik (talk) 05:06, 28 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Your grant application has been approved


Hello @Agus_Damanik,

Thank you for putting in an application on behalf of the Indonesian Wikisource Community.

Your grant application has been approved in the amount of 73,525,000 IDR from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 May 2023.

Good luck for your project and please feel free to reach out if you need any further support.

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 06:35, 17 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Next Steps - Implementation and Reporting


Hello @Agus_Damanik,

Happy New Year. Congratulations once again with your grant application and approval.

Let’s continue having regular conversations over the course of your grant implementation. Please let me know if you require support in any way or would like to share your experiences with a wider community through the Let's Connect Programme.

The reporting requirements for the grant can be found here and templates are available here. Timelines for reporting can be found in your grant agreement or on Fluxx. All reports are to be completed and submitted via Fluxx.

We thank you for your participation in the grant application process and hope to continue to journey with you as you embark on this project.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 02:44, 6 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Request for grant extension approved


Hello @Agus_Damanik,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing about your latest implementation timeline. Your request for a 2 month extension has been approved. The new grant end date will be 31 July 2023. And the final learning report will be due 30 August 2023.

Thank you for connecting and glad to hear the project is going well.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:33, 28 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Project end date extended


Hi, this is to note that the project end date has been extended to August 31, 2023. The new reporting deadline is September 31, 2023. @Agus Damanik has requested to use the remaining funds to organize offline meetings in Denpasar, Madura, Medan, Solo and an offline workshop in Palembang as part of this project. The project end date was adjust to support additional activities. DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 11:20, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

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