Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Wikipedia Asian Month 2024 - The Connecting and Empowering of Asian Communities


The first 3 links (annual plan, timeline, budget) given in the proposal are not accessible without authorization. Is that a mistake, or is there a good reason to restrict access? whym (talk) 12:15, 21 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Follow-up questions about your grant application


Hello Wikipedia Asian Month team,

Thank you for responding to the follow-up questions. For documentation purposes, we are also making the questions and responses available here.

This file was also uploaded onto the grant application retrospectively and can be found under additional information at question 22.

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 11:22, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Your grant application has been approved


Hello Wikipedia Asian Month team,

Thank you for your responses to the follow-ups questions.

Congratulations! Your grant application has been approved in the amount of TWD 1,200,000 from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. With this approved amount, do submit a revised budget by adding tabs to your existing spreadsheet and labelling it revised. Please reply to this talkpage message once the adjustments have been made.  

Let’s continue having regular conversations over the course of your grant implementation. Please let me know if you require support in any way or would like to share your experiences with a wider community through the Let's Connect Programme or at ESEAP community meetings.

Note on grant funding amount In your award letter/email, you may observe that the USD equivalent may be different from that floating exchange rate on Oanda. This is because (at the moment) we apply a pre-determined exchange rate for each grant as determined by the WMF Finance team. That said, I've published on meta the approved amount in your local currency and we can use that as a common reference point.

We know even the best thought through plans may change.

In the event that there are changes to your implementation schedule, you can reach out to request for a grant extension (i.e. extend end date). Similarly, if there is a surplus budget or changes to your planned budget, you can reach out to your programme officer about reallocation (via email and on this talkpage). There is also the option to have the unspent funds returned or deducted against a future grant. More details here:

Disbursement of Funds

To facilitate the funds disbursement process, we seek your prompt response on Fluxx and via emails with the WMF Grants Administrator team ( We highly encourage you to submit all supporting documents and endorse the grant agreements within the stipulated time frame. When in doubt, proactively reach out to the WMF Grants Administration team and copy your programme officer for clarifications.

Additional resources which may be useful


  • For this grant application, we would like to flag questions/ responses for 3/16/18 (community engagement and representation), 7/18 (fountain tool) and 10/11/13/17/19 (staffing, job scope, deliverables, future plan) for further reflection and inclusion into your implementation plan. Note: referencing follow-up questions document on talkpage; also uploaded at question 22 of grant application.

  • Community engagement and representation: The additional information you provided in 3/4/5 serves as context and background information that supports our understanding of your thought process and proposed approach. Thank you! Still, these questions remained unanswered:
    • Process of selection of ambassadors, international committee appointment;
    • Learnings and best practices from international campaigns within the movement that can be reference/adapted for Wikipedia Asian Month campaign;
    • Approach to diversity and representation when thinking through international committee recruitment, partnerships, content etc

  • Development, potential and usage of Fountain tool: While the Fountain tool may be preferred by some survey respondents, the concerns about underutilisation and sustainability remain valid. The limited availability of developers to regularly improve/optimise the fountain tool also presents a tangible risk to the implementation of your project plans. We would recommend that

  • Staffing, job scope, deliverables, future plans: There needs to be more clarity in terms of the role of the paid staff, expectations, deliverables and transition/future plans. Many of the questions tagged to this topic lack the details needed for the reviewer(s) to fully comprehend what you hope to achieve with the upfront investment of a paid staff and office space and whether such an investment is optimal when there could be a significant deviation from the current setup/approach when the current team passes the baton onto new team/leaders. As you have referenced Art + Feminism at (1), here are also some planning documents which they have produced that could be useful:


  • It would be also helpful to flag that these considerations have been taken into account and tracked in your final report, where possible. If you find it supportive, do have a further discussion at your next check-in with your programme officer. Please feel free to reach out proactively.
  • For the next grant application, we would encourage you to start conversations early (with the programme officer) to identify and plan for the supporting structures needed for your affiliate/project to grow. We hope to tap on the collective wisdom of your experiences, peer learning and sharing to plan for your growth.

We thank you for your participation in the grant application process and hope to continue to journey with you as you embark on this project. Good luck!

Regards, Jacqueline on behalf of the ESEAP Funds Committee and WMF staff who participated in the review process of your grant JChen (WMF) (talk) 11:37, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Update Approved Budget Sheet


Approved Budget Sheet Joycewikiwiki (talk) 03:43, 17 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

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