Hi @Mjohnson (WMF):,

Just letting you know that the final report has been completed and is ready for review. :)

Also, it would be great if we could have a chat about the planned renewal proposal. Please do let me know when you would be available to talk, if possible.

Cheers! Misaochan (talk) 13:56, 3 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Accepting Final Report, contingent on closure of administrative requirements by


Dear Misaochan,

I am very sorry it has taken me this long to accept your Final Report and to follow up with your renewal request (the behind-the-scenes complexity of this situation, in fact, will likely lead to a decision that we will no longer offer renewals in Project Grants). That said, you deserved a clearer and prompter response than I've provided, and I regret the confusion or difficulty this has caused you and your team. I am accepting this Final Report now, with the following comments--incorporating feedback from staff in WMF's Audiences Department:

  • I have gotten positive feedback about your technical work on this app, and I want to applaud you for your efforts to date. Equally nice to hear as the Program Officer for this project is the positive feedback about others' experience working with you and your team.
  • Cost to impact ratio of the project: The cost per user is around $4--not cheap. However, this makes sense given that in raw numbers you went from nearly zero (217, to be precise) users to over 2000 users. Overall feedback from technical staff from WMF is that "the cost was worth it easily."
  • There is appreciation for the community-based approach to the project, and the added flexibility that gives you to innovate and take risks.

Our Grants Administrator will need to confirm that we have everything that we need from you on the administrative side before your project is complete.

Thank you for all your work on this project.

Warm regards,


Hello Misaochan, confirming here that everything is in order on the administrative side of thing. I'm closing out your grant and marking it 'completed'. Thank you! -- Best, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 00:31, 17 October 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hi Marti and Janice,
Thanks for getting in touch and accepting the final report. :) I'm sorry that the renewal request has caused such difficulty/complexity. When we were working on the application, we were deciding if we should submit it via the renewal process or as a brand new Project Grant application; after asking around, we decided to go with a renewal based on a response received in the Project Grants forum. Had we known that this would be more difficult, we would have gone with a new Project Grant application instead. Is there anything we can do to help lighten the complexity burden at this stage?
Re: the other points, we greatly appreciate the encouraging feedback, and are very happy to hear that the community and staff values our work. We have tried hard to maximize impact while minimizing cost - however, if the requested budget in the renewal application becomes an issue, we are happy to discuss a compromise.
Please feel free to contact me if there is anything else I can do to facilitate the process.
Cheers! Misaochan (talk) 10:22, 18 October 2017 (UTC)Reply
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