Grants:Wikimedia UG Nigeria Grants/Wikimedia User Group Nigeria Community Support Fund/Exploring Local Government Areas in Nigeria on Wikivoyage

Project summary


Briefly summarize your project proposal.

Nigeria operates a federal system of government with 774 local government areas, which serve as the smallest administrative units in the country. These local government areas possess unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions that are often not widely known. Moreover, the lack of information and proper documentation about local government areas in Nigeria on Wikivoyage creates a significant content gap. While there is a wealth of information about popular tourist destinations, many local government areas are relatively unknown and have little to no information available online.
Building upon the success of the previous project, "Wikivoyage for Lagos State Local Government Offices and Secretariat," which aimed to bridge the information gap about Lagos state local government areas, this new project aims to extend the initiative to cover local government areas across Nigeria. The previous project's report can be found at [1].
The primary objective of this project is to engage and train both new and existing Wikimedian editors on effectively creating high-quality Wikivoyage content. Through editing, improving, and creating new articles about Nigeria's local government areas, the project seeks to bridge the content gap and contribute to the growth of open knowledge. By doing so, we aim to provide easier access to travel guides and enrich the experiences of those interested in exploring these areas.
Through this project, we strive to empower editors to contribute valuable information about Nigeria's local government areas, highlighting their cultural, historical, and natural significance. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance Wikivoyage as a comprehensive and reliable resource for travelers, promoting tourism and exploration within Nigeria.

Wikimedia Project


Please state the Wikimedia project your project will focus majorly on (e.g. Wikipedia, Wikidata, etc). It is advisable to focus on one Wikimedia project, but a maximum of two projects is allowed.


Contact person and Location


Please state the contact details of the contact person(s) for this project including email(s) and location. For more than one contact person, indicate same details for everyone

  • Full name:Chukwuahachie Sylvester
  • Email
  • Location address:AGEGE,LAGOS.

Project class


Please state if this grant is for individual project or network/club project

  • Individual Project

Timeline of activities


Please state the timeline of your activities, and include the start and end date for your project

  • Start Date:3rd August 2023
  • End Date:10th September 2023

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. Feel free to add or delete goals as required by your project.

  1. Recruit new editors and also Empower and train new and existing Wikivoyage editors to contribute high-quality content about local government areas in Nigeria.
  2. Add or improve content to Bridge the content gap and provide comprehensive travel information about Nigeria's local government areas.
  3. Increase awareness and usage of Wikivoyage as a reliable travel resource for exploring Nigeria's local government areas.
  4. Drive tourism and exploration of Nigeria's local government areas through effective promotion of Wikivoyage.

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:

1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?

One Training and edit a thon alongside an online Contest
  • Physical Training Day 1:During the Physical Training/Event and Edit-a-thon our day will consist of two sessions. In the first session, our team will actively assist and guide new editors in creating their Wikimedia accounts. The main session will involve interactive presentations to inform participants about the event's purpose, goals, and the importance of their participation. Experienced volunteer facilitators will provide training using teaching aids such as projectors, slides, and Wikivoyage resources. Participants will learn how to make basic edits, search for information,learn the general editing skills on wikivoyage and improve articles Wikivoyage to bridge the information gap about Nigeria's local government areas. Participants will be equipped with the unique art and act of contributing to wikivoyage.
  • Contest:The event will end with an online contest .This is a great way to engage participants and award prizes to the top 4 contributors as incentives to encourage wider engagement in other and future wiki projects .We will take utmost care that the contest is free and fair that the winners are chosen by criteria established by us .

2. How have you let relevant Wikimedia communities know about this proposal? You are required to provide links to on-wiki pages to inform these communities about your proposed work. Examples of places where this can be done include community discussion pages, affiliate discussion pages, or relevant project talk pages.
You may also provide information about external social media channels you may be using.

We have posted about the proposal on the Wikimedia UG Nigeria community discussion pages to engage with the wider Wikimedia community and seek their feedback and support. Here are the links to the on-wiki pages:[2]

3. How will you let participants know about the edit-a-thon? In what ways will you be communicating with them?
For example, these can include on-wiki spaces, social media channels, mailing lists, messaging apps, or physical/online gatherings.

Our target participants are individuals of all background including students, youths ,existing wikimedia editors and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and making a positive impact.
Creating Awareness About the Event: To inform both new and existing Wikimedian editors,we will be sharing and distributing E posters and fliers across the designated platform of our target participants as this will offer a comprehensive way to reach our target audience,ensuring that the event awareness is heard by variety of people with maximum reach. Utilizing this designated platform and messaging channels will enable us create a WhatsApp group for those who generate interest about the event in an efficient,cost effective manner that will reach a wide audience.Additionally by applying an integrated approach we will create a consistent message to ensure maximum impact.

4. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event? Please provide links to the usernames of these individuals.
For example: User:Kaizenify

  1. Sylvesterchukwu04
  2. kingaustin07

5. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?

Yes the participnats have the required skills and equipment which includes,Mobile phones and laptops to enable them make and contribute effectively and efficiently on Wikivoyage

6. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?

To ensure the long-term sustainability and engagement of participants, we have designed a comprehensive post-event support system. Here's how we will foster their continued involvement:
1. Community Membership: Participants will be invited to join as esteemed community members of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. This exclusive membership will provide them with ongoing updates, opportunities, and invitations to future wiki events. By becoming part of our community, participants will stay connected, informed, and inspired to contribute to upcoming initiatives.
2. Dedicated WhatsApp Group: We have created a dedicated WhatsApp group exclusively for event participants. This platform will serve as a direct line of communication between participants and our team. It will facilitate ongoing support, addressing follow-up questions, providing guidance, and fostering a vibrant community where participants can exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate.
3. Post-event Survey: To continuously enhance our offerings, we highly value participants' feedback. After the event, we will conduct a comprehensive post-event survey. This survey will allow participants to share their thoughts, experiences, and suggestions for improvement. By collecting their valuable insights, we will be able to refine our strategies, address any concerns, and ensure that future events meet their expectations.

7. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?

Our project aims to bridge the knowledge gap by providing comprehensive and reliable information about each local government area in Nigeria, promoting knowledge equity and aligned with the goals of the Wikimedian movement. By making this information accessible to all, we empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions, appreciate the cultural heritage, support local development, enhance tourism potential, and strengthen national identity. Through collaboration and innovative practices, we strive to create lasting impacts, contributing to a more inclusive understanding and sustainable development of Nigeria's local government areas.
We are committed to creating a safe,supportive and equitable environment for all participants.We will adhere strictly to promote the Wikimedia UCOC and friendly space policy.We are also committed to fostering an environment that actively uplifts and respects diversity, while striving to eliminate any form of discrimination and bias.We will ensure that we are best equipped to help create an environment of respect and inclusivity.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:

  1. Number of events:2
  2. Number of participants:20
  3. Number of new editors:10
  4. Number of of articles created or improved:150 improved and 50 created articles
  5. Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events):20

Metrics tracking


How do you plan to track your project metrics?

Outreach Dashboard ,X tool and Foundation tool: To collect and track accurately and efficiently participants data activities and edit contributions



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

  1. Sylvesterchukwu04(Project lead):I am an experienced Wikimedian editor and trainer,with an extensive capacity and experience to lead this project.I was the project Lead for the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria microgrant Wikivoyage for Lagos State Local Government Offices and Secretariat's which was a tremendous success.I have won many online Wikipedia campaigns and edit a thon's which includes Nigerian cuisine whose one of it's project focus was on wikivoyage, Wikidata for Nigerian Museum amongst others.
  2. kingaustin07(Co-facilitator):He is an experienced editor and trainer on wikipedia.He co facilitated and trained editors during wikivoyage for Lagos State Local Government Offices and Secretariat's. He has participated and won series of Wikimedian contest which includes Nigerian Expenditure whose project focus was on wikivoyage, Nigerian cuisine amongst others.He will be providing his volunteer support to facilitate this event.

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

  • Venue(30,000):NGN 30,000
  • Refreshment and Takeaway pack(1500*20):NGN30,000
  • Equipment Rentals:Camera and photography(3,000)+projector(5,000)+speaker and microphone(2000):NGN10,000
  • Internet services(1000*20*2):NGN40,000
  • E fliers(2000) and roll up banner(10,000):NGN12,000
  • Airtime for communication(1000*2=2000)+ Transportation(hike in fuel prices((2000))+ data for team members(2500*2=5000)(9,000*2):NGN18,000
  • Prizes for contributors(1st:10,000 2nd:10,000 3rd:5,000 top highest new editor:5,000):NGN30,000
  • Contigencies,Miscellaneous and Logistics: NGN 10,000
  • TOTAL:NGN 180,000



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

User:kingaustin07 I strongly support this project as it will bridge content gap on wiki voyage and create more entries for local government areas in Nigeria.

The project lead is also an active member of the Nigerian community as he contributes actively towards improving content about Nigeria

User:Favourdare123 I Strongly and Vehemently Concur to the Move of this project, The project lead has led a successful local Similar Project before and this Been a national Project it is Well to be part of the success of A campaign like this.

with my Knowledge of wikivoyage, I and the team including the project lead would see to reaching the Goal of this project.

User:Ebubechukwu1 I strongly support the implementation of this project to further bring into limelight the local government areas of Nigeria into one of Wikipedia's sister project, wikivoyage. Making wikivoyage an easy guide for tourists visiting Nigeria.

Submit your report
