Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Taiwan/2018/Staff Plan

Introduction/概述 edit

Wikimedia Taiwan hires staff since 2014, and hires a part-time employee since 2015. It's staffs have the following duties:
Wikimedia Taiwan自2014年起有正式職員處理協會事務,2015年起增雇一名兼職人員協助行政事務。由受雇職員處理的業務大致如下:

Community Affairs in Taiwan/ 台灣社群事務
Meetups, edit-a-thons and workshops held by the chapter. Community development affiliated with other organization. Consulting, training and workshops to communities organizers. Providing support for local communities on promotion, fundraising and logistics. Chapter's website, social media accounts and collecting
International Affairs/ 國際社群事務
International events, especially editing collaborations, include Wikipedia Asian Month, Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon, as well as chapter's initiative.
In purpose of improving the local communityAdditionally, the chapter will provide assistance and invite Wikipedians outside Taiwan to visit.
Finance and Operation/ 財務與行政事務
Essential paper work and documents required by local laws as a registered organization. Staffs are required to plan the budget, record the income and outcome, as well as collect receipts.
Miscellaneous/ 其他
Help to clean the office, and attending office activities, as a part of a co-working space.

We plan to add 1 FTE staff in 2018. 0.5 FTE is from administration who hired by self-raising income last year. We hope that can back to simple APG this year. Another 0.5 FTE is for education program manager.

2018我們計畫增加1FTE的職員。其中0.5FTE是來自去年以自籌款項雇用的行政人員,今年希望改由Simple APG支應。另外0.5FTE是教育專案的經理人。

Staff Plan/ 各職務工作計畫 edit

Secretary (Full-time) edit

  • Duty:
    1. Execute all works listed above
    2. Assign the work to operation assistance and supervise it
  • Time:5 days a week (equivalent 40 hours per week )
  • Distribution of Work Time:
    30% administration, 25% tender project execution, 20% community or event management, 15% teaching material development, 10% public relation & other works.

Operation Assistance (Part-time) edit

  • Duty:
    1. Documentation
    2. financial works
    3. Website and social media management
    4. works assigned by the Secretary
  • Time:3 days a week (equivalent 24 hours per week)
  • Distribution of Work Time:
    25% Social Media Managment, 15% Report editing, 10% Meeting recording, 10% accounting, assisting community activities 20%, other works 20%

Education Program Manager (Part-time) edit

  • Duty:
    1. Hold events and track outcome of education program.
    2. Find new partners.
    3. Write research reports.
    4. Manage education program channel on social media.
  • Time:3 days a week (equivalent 40 hours per week )
  • Distribution of Work Time:
    50% Events holding and tracking, 25% finding new partners, 20% Report editing, 5% social media management.

祕書長 (全職) edit

  • 工作內容:
    1. 執行以上所列所有工作事項
    2. 負責分派行政專員的工作事項,並督導其工作成果
  • 工作時數:每週5日 (相當於每週40小時)
  • 工時分配:
    30% administation, 25% tender project execution, 20% community or event management, 15% teaching material development, 10% public relation & other works.

行政專員 (兼職) edit

  • 工作內容:
    1. 各項文書工作
    2. 會計
    3. 社群網站經營
    4. 其他祕書長交辦業務
  • 工作時數:每週3日 (相當於每週24小時)
  • 工時分配:
    25% Social Media Managment, 15% Report editing, 10% Meeting recording, 10% accounting, assisting community activities 20%, other works 20%

教育專案經理 (兼職) edit

  • 工作內容:
    1. 舉辦教育專案活動並追蹤活動成果
    2. 開發新的合作對象
    3. 撰寫教育專案的研究報告
    4. 經營教育專案相關的社群頻道
  • 工作時數:每週3日 (相當於每週24小時)
  • 工時分配:
    50% Events holding and tracking, 25% finding new partners, 20% Report editing, 5% social media management.