Grants:Project/MSIG/WCUG CI/Akwaba N'Fana

Applications are not required to be in English. Please complete the application in your preferred language.
Project Goal
editWhat will be the outputs of your project and how will those outputs contribute to advancing a specific Movement Strategy Initiative
- What specific Movement Strategy Initiative does your project focus on and why? Please select one of the initiatives described here
Recommandation 6. Développement des compétences et du leadership, portant sur deux initiatives 31-32.
Project Background
edit- When do you intend to begin this project and when will it be completed?
- Nous comptons le déployer entre août et octobre 2022.
- Where will your project activities be happening?
- Une première phase se déroulera à Abidjan en présentiel, puis à Bamako à distance.
- Are you collaborating with other communities or affiliates on this project? Please provide details of how partners intend to work together to achieve the project goal.
- Ce projet est porté par les communautés Wikimedia du Mali et de la Côte d'Ivoire. C'est donc une initiative conjointe de partage d'expérience et de renforcement de capacités par les pairs, nos communautés évoluant des environnement socio-linguistiques proches, voire similaires. Le User Group de Côte d'Ivoire, du fait de son ancienneté ouvrira ses portes au leader de la communauté du Mali durant un séjour d'immersion, à la suite duquel nous poursuivrons un coaching distanciel pour capitaliser les acquis de cette expérience.
- What specific challenge will your project be aiming to solve? And what opportunities do you plan to take advantage of to solve the problem?
- Le défi en question dans ce projet se rapporte à la restructuration de la communauté Wikimedia du Mali afin qu'elle soit mieux organisée dans la bonne gouvernance pour répondre aux exigences de Wikimedia en la matière. Wikimedia Mali voudrait saisir L'opportunité d'une immersion dans un user group beaucoup plus expérimentée à conduire les projets wiki depuis bien des années dans des contextes socio-culturels proches.
- Does this project aim to apply one of the examples shared in the call for grants and if so which one?
Project Activities
edit- What specific activities will be carried out during this project? Please describe the specific activities that will be carried out during this project.
- Visite d'immersion en Côte d'Ivoire de 2 semaines du leader de Wikimédia Mali. Durant son séjour en Côte d'Ivoire, le User Group lui ouvra ses portes en l'association à ses rencontres afin qu'il s'imprègne du fonctionnement et des pratiques de gouvernance qui font la réussite de la communauté. Il devra produire un rapport à la fin de sa mission, assorti d'un plan d'actions pour sa communauté au Mali.
- Coaching distanciel De retour au Mali, il sera suivi via un coaching en ligne pour la mise en œuvre du plan d'actions. Le tout étant documenter et diffuser sur Meta pour partager l'expérience de ce mentorat entre paires de même région.
- How do you intend to keep communities updated on the progress and outcomes of the project? Please add the names or usernames of these individuals responsible for updating the community
- Nous diffuserons régulièrement sur Meta le niveau d'avancement du projet. De même, nous mettrons à contribution le blog et les réseaux sociaux de Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire. Papischou aura la charge d'assurer les mises à jour relatives au projet.
- Who will be responsible for delivering on this project and what are their roles and responsibilities?
- Papischou en qualité de Président du UG de Côte d'Ivoire assurera le rôle de chef de projet. N'Fana du Mali en est le bénéficiaire et aura la charge des rapports relevant de ses activités dans le projet, notamment lors de l'immersion et du coaching à distance.
Additional information
edit- If your activities include community discussions, what is your plan for ensuring that the conversations are productive? Provide a link to a Friendly Space Policy or UCoC that will be implemented to support these discussions.
- If your activities include the use of paid online tools, please describe what tools these are and how you intend to use them.
- Do your activities include the translation of materials, and if so, in what languages will the translation be done? Please include details of those responsible for making the translations.
- Are there any other details you would like to share? Consider providing rationale, research or community discussion outputs, and any other similar information, that will give more context on your proposed project.
editAfter your activities are complete, we would like to understand the draft implementation plan for your community. You will be required to prepare a document detailing this plan around a movement strategy initiative. This report can be prepared through Meta-wiki using the Share your results button on this page. The report can be prepared in your language, and is not required to be written in English.
In this report, you will be asked to:
- Provide a link to the draft implementation plan document or Wikimedia page
- Describe what activities supported the development of the plan
- Describe how and where you have communicated your plan to relevant communities.
- Report on how your funding was spent
Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:
- What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
- What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
- What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
- How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?
To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:
- Overview of logic models on Meta-wiki
- Example logic models for reference for other movement activities (such as partnerships and edit-a-thons)
- Blank logic model template on Google Drive
Please confirm below that you will be able to prepare a draft implementation plan document by the end of your grant:
- ...
Optionally, you are welcome to include other information you'd like to share around participation and representation in your activities. Please include any additional outcomes you would like to report on below:
editHow you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
- Research (time needed to review, perform analysis, or investigate any information needed to support implementation ideas or planning):
- Facilitation (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing):
- Documentation (document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work): 1 432 USD (allocations formateurs/coachs (2-3))
- Translation (translation costs for briefs and global materials): 95 USD (Documentation)
- Coordination (coordinator work to manage or support multiple workflows to prepare for meeting): 1 670 USD (hébergement, frais de séjour)
- Online tools or services (subscription services for online meeting platforms, social media promotion):
- Data (internet or mobile costs for organizers or participants to access or participate in activities): 931 USD (Dotations Internet/téléphonique)
- Venue or space for meeting (costs of renting a physical meeting space):
- Transportation costs (costs of supporting organizers or participants to attend the meeting): 3 364 USD (Frais de transport local (location de voiture), Billet A/R Bamako-Abidjan, Carburan déplacement inter-communes (Abidjan))
- Meals (costs related to refreshments, lunches, or other meals during in-person activities): 954 USD (Déjeuner et Dîner, Pause-café)
- Other: 477 USD (Imprévu)
Completing your application
editOnce you have completed the application, please do the following:
- Change the application status from
in the {{Probox}} template. - Contact strategy2030 to confirm your submission, as well as to request any support around your application.
editAn endorsement from community members (especially from outside your community) will be part of the considerations when reviewing your application. Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
- Je soutiens ce projet Didierwiki (talk)
- Je soutiens ce projet Emmanuel Dabo (talk)