Grants:Project/MSIG/Michel Bakni/Scientific Methodology/Report

Movement Strategy Implementation Grant Report
Report Accepted

Please review the notes below before submitting your report.

Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:

  • What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
  • What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
  • What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
  • How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?

To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:



Please respond to the following questions below:

Where have you published your draft plan? Share the link to it here:

What Movement Strategy initiative is this draft plan supporting?

  • We put in extensive effort and attention to detail in order to meticulously craft the mentioned goal. We have taken great care to ensure that our work seamlessly integrates with the Movement strategy research kit. By doing so, we aim to enhance the individual user experience on Wikipedia.

Our primary objective is to optimize Wikipedia as a whole, making it a more enriching browsing experience for all users. We believe that by improving the user experience, we can encourage more people to actively engage with the platform and contribute high-quality content.

In line with this goal, we are committed to increasing the quantity of high-quality content on the Wikimedia community platform. We understand the importance of reliable and accurate information, and we strive to facilitate the creation and dissemination of such content. By encouraging users to contribute their knowledge and expertise, we aim to create a more comprehensive and diverse knowledge base on Wikipedia.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to expanding our research team. We recognize the value of a diverse and skilled team in conducting effective research. By bringing in more researchers with different perspectives and expertise, we can ensure a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to our research efforts. This expansion will enable us to delve deeper into various topics and provide more valuable insights for the Wikimedia community.

In addition to expanding the research team, we are also committed to raising awareness about the ongoing research efforts. We believe that transparency and communication are crucial in fostering a collaborative and engaged community. By actively sharing updates, findings, and opportunities for involvement, we aim to encourage participation and collaboration from the wider Wikimedia community. We want to ensure that our research efforts are accessible and inclusive, allowing everyone to contribute and benefit from the knowledge we generate.

Overall, our work is driven by the desire to improve the user experience, optimize Wikipedia, increase the quantity of high-quality content, expand our research team, and raise awareness about ongoing research efforts. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the Wikimedia community and ensuring that it continues to thrive as a reliable and valuable source of knowledge.

What activities have you completed to produce this draft plan?

  • Preparing material specifically for the Wikimedia community without any prior research background is quite a challenging task. It requires a tremendous amount of effort to simplify the material and gather relevant examples from the Wikimedia base. However, the hard work pays off when the material is uploaded to Wiki Commons, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Once the material is ready, recording sessions become the next step. These sessions need to be meticulously reviewed, edited, and improved to ensure the final videos are of the highest quality. The recorded English sessions are then uploaded to YouTube and Wikimedia Commons, reaching a global audience. Expanding the reach of the material, it is essential to translate it into Arabic and offer it to the Arabic Community. This allows for a more inclusive and diverse learning experience. To cater to the Arabic community's needs, there are plans to conduct 10 sessions specifically tailored to their interests, focusing on featured research material on Wikipedia. To make the material more accessible to Arabic speakers, it will be uploaded in Arabic on Wikimedia Commons. Additionally, the video recordings will also be made available on Wikimedia Commons, ensuring easy access for anyone interested in the content. To successfully achieve this project, other smaller tasks need to be accomplished. These tasks may vary but are equally important in contributing to the overall success of the project. With dedication and perseverance, this endeavor will undoubtedly benefit the Wikimedia community and foster knowledge sharing on a global scale.

In which community channels have you announced your draft plan?

  • Movement strategy forum
  • Maydan of Arabic Wikipedia
  • Letters for the Community
  • banner for the whole community
  • Social media group (Facebook, Telegram)
  • Sharing the videos on Youtube.
  • Sharing the material on Wikimedia Commons



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

Activity Cost per hour ($) Number of hours Total cost
Plan and preparation of content 35 ~180 6300
Recording and editing 35 100 3500
Teaching (virtual live classroom) 35 40 1400
Software (Zoom subscription) - 180 180
Materials for preparation (Stationary, Small hardware) - - 500
Books - - 250


Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds? We have exceeded our budget and time expected for this project. Because of different issues starting from organizing meetings with researchers from WMF, setting up banners, sending invitations, and fulfilling other tasks required to achieve the mentioned objective. On the other hand we offered the material in English and Arabic.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project? Over 160 people applied for the Arabic workshop, with 40 successfully attending all the sessions. Additionally, 20 participants contributed by creating featured articles on Arabic Wikipedia, which is an impressive accomplishment within a two-month timeframe.

The tools used are Google Forms and tracking the participants' works. Arabic Wikipedia Workshop page: here