Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Gender Matters in Wikimedia Movement in Taiwan : the Case Study of WikiWomen Taiwan

statusnot funded
Gender Matters in Wikimedia Movement in Taiwan : the Case Study of WikiWomen Taiwan
start and end datesThe project will get start on May 1 2022, last to April 30 2023.
budget (USD)30,000-39,999 USD
applicant(s)• Mandyaki




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Project title

Gender Matters in Wikimedia Movement in Taiwan : the Case Study of WikiWomen Taiwan

Entity Receiving Funds

Provide the name of the individual or organization that would receive the funds.

Dr. YanChiou Wu

Research proposal




Description of the proposed project, including aims and approach. Be sure to clearly state the problem, why it is important, why previous approaches (if any) have been insufficient, and your methods to address it.

This project is a case study, take local gender community WikiWomen Taiwan to clarify gender dynamics in Wikimedia Taiwan with related communities. Since Wikimedia Taiwan was founded on 2007, the chapter has done many good jobs and carried a lot of prestige for Wiki. However, not much work was done about gender in Taiwan Wiki communities till WikiWomen Taiwan was founded on 2015. WikiWomen Taiwan is a gender community, different from WikiWomen Collaborative, organized by WoFOSS and Wikimedia Taiwan Chapter. It holds routine editing meetups every month. WikiWomen Taiwan develops stably over 300 members and has consistently held 77 times editing meetups. As a community based in internet, most members of WikiWomen Taiwan come from the north Taiwan. There seems to be a geographical resistance from the community diffusion. This project tries to find out the problem and the solution to eliminate the geographical obstacles.

Moreover, according to 2030 Wikimedia Strategic Direction, 'knowledge equity' is the important target. The diversity of knowledge needs to be considered for equity. What is female knowledge? How to reconfigure the female knowledge? WikiWomen Taiwan is a good case to explore the female knowledge network. Long term observation of WikiWomen Taiwan closely and interviews to the community's members can give us gender inspirations.



Approximate amount requested in USD.


Budget Description

Briefly describe what you expect to spend money on (specific budgets and details are not necessary at this time).

The budget will pay for applicant's research grant/allowance for one year, the benefits of interviewees, hardware(a laptop), WikiWomen workshop and outcome conference (including honorarium and travel fee of Invitees, part-time worker salaries, venue fee, catering cost, publicities etc.) . The WikiWomen workshop will invite members of WikiWomen to share their thoughts about Wikimedia Taiwan and experiences.



Address the impact and relevance to the Wikimedia projects, including the degree to which the research will address the 2030 Wikimedia Strategic Direction and/or support the work of Wikimedia user groups, affiliates, and developer communities. If your work relates to knowledge gaps, please directly relate it to the knowledge gaps taxonomy.

This project will fulfill the 2030 Wikimedia Strategic Direction 'Knowledge as a service' and 'Knowledge equity'. It presents a short history of WikiWomen Taiwan and Wikimedia Taiwan, and rethinks the gender dynamics and status of female community in Wikimedia communities. The research outcomes can raise the communities gender consciousness, to empower female wiki editors. Moreover, it tries to clarify the diversity of knowledge and to reconstruct female knowledge.



Plans for dissemination.

The research outcome is planed to present in conferences( such as Wikimania, or local conferences) , upload to Wikiversity. Thanks to the support from Wikimedia Taiwan and WikiWomen Taiwan, I'll prior to present the research outcome in their meet up and receive the feedback to improve the project further.

Past Contributions


Prior contributions to related academic and/or research projects and/or the Wikimedia and free culture communities. If you do not have prior experience, please explain your planned contributions.

I'm a PhD in history, specialize in women's history, Taiwanese history, gender and medicine, STS. My PhD dissertation entitled ""the History of Women Inducing Abortions in Taiwan(1945-1984)"", describes the transformation of abortion law in Taiwan and explores the impact of the law to women, society and medical culture. In the following years, I finished the papers on the history of menstruation regulation (a method of abortion) and pregnancy test, presented the influences of the technologies on female physical autonomy and international politics of population. Thereafter, I work on the history of women in brewing. The female alcoholic history can rediscover female technology and knowledge.

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