Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Analysis of biodiversity impact in wiki for healthy environment projects in Wikimedia communities in East Africa

statusnot funded
Analysis of biodiversity impact in wiki for healthy environment projects in Wikimedia communities in East Africa
start and end datesJuly 2023 - July 2024
budget (USD)45,000 USD
fiscal year2022-23
applicant(s)• Nyinawumuntu Jeannette, Dr.Yongabo Parfait and Prof. Bizuru Elias




Nyinawumuntu Jeannette, Dr.Yongabo Parfait and Prof. Bizuru Elias

Affiliation or grant type

Wikimedia User Group Rwanda; SGM; University of Rwanda


Nyinawumuntu Jeannette, Dr.Yongabo Parfait and Prof. Bizuru Elias

Wikimedia username(s)

Nyinawumuntu Jeannette , User: RebeccaRwanda

Rubby Brown , user : Rubby D Brown

Project title

Analysis of biodiversity impact in wiki for healthy environment projects in Wikimedia communities in East Africa

Research proposal




Description of the proposed project, including aims and approach. Be sure to clearly state the problem, why it is important, why previous approaches (if any) have been insufficient, and your methods to address it.

The research aims at analyzing the impact of Wikimedia , wiki for human rights projects especially the contribution of Right to healthy environment theme to community conservation of biodiversity in Eastern Africa communities.

Analyzing the level of concerned Wikimedia communities engagement and their understanding of biodiversity concepts and community conservation beyond the campaigns period.

Specifically exploring different methods used in urban wetlands protection practices in the East Africa region and the level of dissemination of Wikimedia projects related to environmental protection in those different communities.

To analyze the level of understanding of the now UN principle of healthy environment to the three planetary crisis : climate change , pollution and biodiversity loss.

We will involve the wikimedia communities especially those who have been participating in the wiki for healthy environment of especially the DRC , Rwanda , Uganda and Tanzania and to some extent in other regional players in protection of environment to assess the level of awareness and engagement of communities using the information wikimedia platforms have provided to what extent these have played a role in behavior change and quantify the analysis on these projects, and their outcomes .

Using scientific tools and approach to collect and analyze statistical data with aim to formulate tangible recommendations on best approach to community conservation and make the most of the impact to combat the three planet crises.


  • Ndahiro Derrick , user : ndahiroderrick
  • Clementine Nyrahabihirwe , user : cnyirahabihirwe
  • Boris Bahire , user: Mrbobax



Approximate amount requested in USD.

45,000 USD

Budget Description

Briefly describe what you expect to spend money on (specific budgets and details are not necessary at this time).

Publication in peer reviewed open access journals : 8,000 USD

Facilitation of researchers on local transport and communication during onsite and online research activities : 12,000 USD

Tools and equipment to facilitate the research : 5,000 USD

Organizing workshops and conferences on research output and outcome and dissemination of the results : 10,000 USD

Regional collaboration and regional travel facilitation : 10,000 USD



Address the impact and relevance to the Wikimedia projects, including the degree to which the research will address the 2030 Wikimedia Strategic Direction and/or support the work of Wikimedia user groups, affiliates, and developer communities. If your work relates to knowledge gaps, please directly relate it to the knowledge gaps taxonomy.

This research project will contribute on mainly two subjects of impact :

  • On the community conservation : the research will scientifically recommended the

best approach informed by evidence on approach to disseminate information on key

biodiversity aspect and climate change impact in general

  • On Wikimedia movement strategy implementation : the research project will

contribute in finetuning existing initiatives of skills development and

sustainability of the movement and will contribute in Wikimedia community

engagement especially on specific theme of environmental protection



Plans for dissemination.

We plan to share the results through :

  • Peer reviewed open access journals in order to reach a wider audience without

compromising the quality of research done .

  • Organize the online and offline conferences and workshop to share and gain input from various researchers who's research interest are in community conservation and mass communication.

Past Contributions


Prior contributions to related academic and/or research projects and/or the Wikimedia and free culture communities. If you do not have prior experience, please explain your planned contributions.

Nyinawumuntu Jeannette ,

Published the Wikimedia Movement strategy in Africa great lakes and organized Healthy environment project in Rwanda

Prof Bizuru Elias have contributed extensively on biodiversity research as evidenced in his various publications :

Dr. Yongabo Parfait have contributed extensively on innovation systems and research management as evidenced in his various publications :

Rubby Brown, contributed extensively in :

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