Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Wikimedia Estonia Community Fund General Support Application for the year 2023/Final Report

Final Learning Report

Report Status: Under review

Due date: 2024-01-30T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Final


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General information


This form is for organizations, groups, or individuals receiving Wikimedia Community Funds or Wikimedia Alliances Funds to report on their final results.

  • Name of Organization: Mittetulundusühing Wikimedia Eesti
  • Title of Proposal: Wikimedia Estonia Community Fund General Support Application for the year 2023
  • Amount awarded: 75030.31 USD, 72148 EUR
  • Amount spent: 72336.02 EUR

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your proposed activities and strategies were implemented.

2023 was a year to focus on the stability of the organization. We brought on new people and changed at roles of employees and board. We continued as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Education and Science, which helped us to expand our outreach activities in academia and increase the range of various competitions. We also increased the amount of in-person events to finally get out of the pandemia period.

In the field of Education we conducted several where our team members introduced to the middle and high school students the principles of operating in Wikipedia. There we created opportunities for all those interested in trying to format one wiki article as well as make their best in the so-called five-click challenge. Moreover we continued with various courses created for both seniors and adults. In addition we participated in the Estonian Students' Science Festival held on April 11-12th where we introduced Wikipedia as a tool of teaching and introduced Wikipedia to University of Tartu IT students where nearly 200 students participated. We have also participated in the state-wide media literacy network activities and hope that this could help to introduce Wikimedia projects in schools as a great way to learn about media literacy.

Also various GLAM-themed projects have been completed, competitions held and photos added to Wikimedia Commons. We summarised the so-called Wikiquotes project´s results, which aim was to celebrate the Estonian Year of Libraries 2022 and encourage librarians to add new wikiquotes to wiki from their favourite books. In cooperation with the Museum of Viljandi, works of the photographer Jaan Riet (1873-1952) from the first part of the 20th century were uploaded to Commons. In addition, we created a virtual exhibition about Ruhnu Swedish women's hats and children's hats together with the Museum of Ruhnu. Moreover, a detailed manual for arranging and pulling through a photography trips was created and has been ever since freely available to everyone visiting our website. As spring arrived, our activities continued in order to include even more different GLAM projects. Agreements were concluded for some longer-term projects. Instructional material for museums for creating a virtual exhibition with all the necessary templates was completed in April and we also contributed to the GLAM newsletter.

In regards of Community we celebrated the English Wikipedia birthday and on August we celebrated the 21th anniversary of Estonian Wikipedia. At the end of the year, we held our traditional Christmas lunches in both Tallinn and Tartu and supported smaller gatherings like Võro Wikipedia and Estonian Wikiquotes meetups.In July we held our annual Summer Days. We were also represented in both at Wikimania in Singapore as well as the CEE Meeting 2023 took place in Tbilisi, Georgia. We also increased the number of photographic trips and held our 6th Language Editing Workshop (Keeletoimetamistalgud), that lasted more than three months. We organized another 30-hour article competition for all the university students in Estonia and continued our support for the Estonian Nature Photo competition (Eesti Looduse fotovõistlus) and held the Wiki Science Competition started.

2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you felt were effective in achieving your goals?

Communication has been particularly successful this year even thou we had a rough start, as Ivo Kruusamägi was targeted in one SLAPP case against Wikipedia. We have been very visible in both traditional and social media, and developing our e-mail newsletter. In addition, we have good contacts in many state offices, like the Republic of Estonia Government Office. August is the birthday month of Estonian Wikipedia, during which we carried out a month long campaign introducing the Estonian Wikipedia. We continued interviewing Wikimedians to document the history of the movement and conducted a membership survey.

We also were successful in our efforts to renew and reorganize our structure at WMEE. At the beginning of the year, Wikimedia Estonia employed 3 people including 2 people with 0.5 positions and one with 1.0. Käbi Laan continued remaind as CEO, Pille Priks managed the activities in the education field and Kerdo Kristjan Tamm GLAM direction. However in April Käbi gave in her resignation and so total restructuring of WMEE staff started. All employees working with 0.5 position kept their job, but were assigned to new roles: Kerdo Kristjan became our office manager and Pille communication manager. Searches for a new CEO who from now on would also act as a projects coordinator ended in May, as Ivo Kruusamägi (our former chairman of the board) became the new executive director. Ever since our new team is and chapter´s overral health got a big upgrade.

3. Would you say that your project had any innovations? Are there things that you did very differently than you have seen them done by others?

We are especially proud of our collaboration with Võro Wikipedia. Supporting different Estonian dialects has been under our care for a several years by now and we shall most certainly continue with the project in the upcoming years. At the end of this year we filmed a tutorial video in Võro dialect where research fellow at University of Tartu Sulev Iva introduced Võro Wiki and called people up to join and contribute to it. Continuing with making educational videos, in which the entire staff takes part, is definitely an innovation for us. This required previously completed video training and the making of test videos. But by now we've got decent video footage of writing an article for Wikipedia.

In addition, in February during a Job and Internship Fair in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at University of Tartu we met and recruited our intern Britta Junolainen who started her Wikimedia Estonia internship in March and ended it in May the same year. She complemented Estonian Wiki specially with Korean culture and pop music which is also something very niche, new and something interesting that no one had previously systematically done! To be noted: students studying languages have been able to complete their internships with us also previous years - the most common type of interns are language editing interns.

4. Please describe how different communities participated and/or were informed about your work.

About university students: We have found that the most effective way to approach students is to find enthusiastic lecturers who implement writing a wiki article as an assignment for their subjects. We communicate directly with students as well: for example, the internship program, the 'Science to Wikipedia' article competition aimed at students etc.

About students of middle and high schools: We approach pupils and high school students using contacts with their teachers. However as Estonian teachers are almost constantly overwhelmed with different school projects it´s often very difficult to motivate teachers. We have also taken another direction and participated in we participated in the Estonian Students' Science Festival held in April where we introduced Wikipedia as a tool of teaching. that was directly aimed at middle and high school students.

About seniors and different ethnic groups: In this regard we have held a few wikiclub meetings during 2023 and although we have continuously tried to engage different ethnic groups in our activities, we feel that our resources are quite limited in this regard.

5. Documentation of your impact. Please use the two spaces below to share files and links that help tell your story and impact. This can be documentation that shows your results through testimonies, videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, etc.) social media posts, dashboards, etc.

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Our report on meta-wiki:

Our website/blog:

Our Facebook page:

Our educational videos:

6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with the support of this Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals.

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Neither agree nor disagree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Neither agree nor disagree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Strongly agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Neither agree nor disagree
G. Increased participants' feelings of belonging and connection to the movement. Agree

7. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build out content, particularly for underrepresented groups?

One group activity was especially successful this year. As our new chairman of the board Robert is also architecture historian, we threw two bigger wikiexpeditions to the Kalaranna Fort and Kultuurikatel in Tallinn. They were both open to our chapter members and interested people outside. In addition we helped to finance the Estonian Association of Archaeologists trip to Hiiumaa island in an attempt to get them more acquainted with uploading images to Wikimedia Commons.

Part 2: Your main learning


8. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What did you learn about these areas during this period?

Our experience from 2023 suggests that the best way to incorporate middle and high school student into wiki projects is through their teachers and assignments given to them by their supervisors. It is highly unlikely – according to our experience – for a student to start contributing to Wikipedia on their own and without schoolteacher previously given them the input for it. So attracting teachers is the main goal in order to introduce the possibilities of Wikipedia to students.

Experience of 2023 aligns with the previous year´s: people tend to make the first edit when they feel personally motivated - whether it is as part of an internship or participating in a competition motivated by a prize. That´s why we carried out many different events over the year to increase the number of those lucky encounters.

As previously mentioned, communication has been particularly successful this year. We have been very visible in both traditional and social media, and developing our e-mail newsletter. In addition, we have good contacts in many state offices, like the Republic of Estonia Government Office. Moreover, our communications manager Pille has done a great job in creating a communication plan for each month, inc interviews with wikipedians, creating our monthly newsletter etc.

9. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities?

One of the most interesting and unexpected part of the year for us happened in December when we hosted Asmah Federico, a member from Wikimedia Malaysia, who spent more than three weeks in Estonia. We got to know her we and introduced our work in WMEE and Estonian culture. She also gave us interview where she spoke openly about her experiences in wiki as well as her journey to Wikipedia.

Moreover, in January this year for the first time, an Estonian Wikipedian was taken to court for his editing. The claim was directed against our incumbent CEO Ivo Kruusamägi. In a nutshell the Estonian businessman and a local party sponsor Parvel Pruunsild stated his dislike of the Wikipedia article about him and filed a claim in Court to get it changed. By March this case resulted in a compromise where Mr Pruunsild withdrawed his lawsuit.

This year also affirmed that in the field of GLAM, larger memory institutions – in spite of the abundance of their cooperation partners - are not generally inclined to do anything together, for an example, new smaller projects. However we found out that in case of enthusiastic workers – as we found in May in Narva Art Gallery –, it is still sometimes possible to find new opportunities to widen the reach of wiki.

10. How do you hope to use this learning? For instance, do you have any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future?

The main goal for next year is to increase the number of volunteers. For this we hope to make the most of the Wikimedia Hackathon in Tallinn, WMEE summer days, Wikimania in Krakow, and summer photo tours, where preparations have started already this year. Our former ED Käbi Laan is part of the CEE Hub responsible for organizing Wikimania 2024 and WMEE office manager Kerdo Kristjan is currently a member of WMF hackathon applications´ committee. Wiki club is also a format that we are trying to continue and widen during 2024. We have found that in Estonian conditions regular meetings in our office in Aparaaditehas, Tartu. That version of the wiki club seems to suit to average introverted Estonian.

11. If you were sitting with a friend to tell them one thing about your work during this fund, what would it be (think of inspiring or fascinating moments, tough challenges, interesting anecdotes, or anything that feels important to you)?

We consider a restructuration of our employees´ structure probably the biggest win of the year, as it sets the ground for the success of the entire WMEE. In this way the chapter in whole has taken a calmer pace and found its stability. Since we are a small NGO, we manage to figure it all out within 2 months and thus guarantee continuous stability of the organization and all in a way where all former employees working with 0.5 position kept their job!

In addition we made in total 12 photo expeditions this year, which is a new record! More than 1000 new pictures were added to Wiki as a result.

12. Please share resources that would be useful to share with other Wikimedia organizations so that they can learn from, adapt or build upon your work. For instance, guides, training material, presentations, work processes, or any other material the team has created to document and transfer knowledge about your work and can be useful for others. Please share any specific resources that you are creating, adapting/contextualizing in ways that are unique to your context (i.e. training material).

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Story in ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting):

About Võro-language wiki:

Part 3: Metrics


13a. Open and additional metrics data

Open Metrics
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Projects with students Tried or tested projects involving students: 5 5 4 During the first half of the year we had some great outcomes in regard of organizing several meeting and small projects with various Estonian middle and high school student (Kehra Gymnasium and Luunja middle school being here some examples.

More information about it can be read from our meta-wiki activity report 2023:

Counting the times when we had a project together with middle or high school students
Projects with teachers Tested or tested projects involving teachers: 5 5 3 Similar to projects with students, we concentrated to this part during Spring last year. We had more success with university lecturers than school teachers, so we added events with them under this metric.

Again, more information about it can be read from our meta-wiki activity report 2023:

Counting the times when we had a project together with teachers or university fellows and lecturers.
Joint projects with GLAM institutions Projects made with GLAM institutions: 10 10 7 We had several new projects with some smaller and bigger GLAM institutions: the more remarkable of which were the joint article competition in collaboration with the Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum and creating a virtual exhibition together with the Narva Art Gallery. Counting times when we managed to finish a joint project with GLAM institution.
Newsletter New newsletter subscribers: 70 70 17 N/A N/A
Communication Different communication channels were used: 10 10 9 As previously written, communication was one of the biggest wins for us this year. We were present in national media as well as on local level. Of course mainly we used our own different channels for interacting with our NGO´s members: newsletter, FB, website etc Counting different methods used.
Additional Metrics
Additional Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of people reached through social media publications N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of activities developed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Number of volunteer hours N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

13b. Additional core metrics data.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants All participants: 300, new of them: 200. 300 264 All 264, new of them approx 200 The number is formed mostly from the number of participants in trainings. However, the number can be higher 100-200 persons, because we visited also various fairs and festivals. There it is almost impossible to count the people who are touched by our info.
Number of editors All editors: 1000, new of them: 600. 1000 1000 All 1000, new of them 600. As a result of our work, many students have become editors - for example, students in various subjects are required to write wiki articles (lectures with 100 plus students). Moreover it is very likely that some participants from our many competitions have also started their journey as a editor. So it's really difficult to present some exact number.
Number of organizers All organizers: 15, new of them: 10. 15 12 12, out of which 3 new Also, as previously mentioned, sadly the recruitment of volunteers lagged behind the rapid turnover of new people. So instead we focused on stabilizing the association than bringing in new blood which are hoping to take on 2024.
Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Wikipedia New articles created or improved 5000 5000 841 The number above consists only of new articles written during competitions organized by WMEE. We haven´t counted in new articles added by various editors outside contests. That´s why the number is significantly lower as a result. Almost half of these 800 plus articles were added during CEE Spring (466). N/A
Wikimedia Commons Images uploaded 1000 1000 1181 We had more than 1100 new pictures added to Commons during Estonian Nature Photo competition. In addition 81 new photos were added during international Science Photo competition 2023. N/A
Wikiquote Pages created or improved 200 200 0 We didn´t hold any wikiquote projects previous year as we deceided to focus more on articles´ competitions and WM commons. Although more than 1500 wikiquotes were added during the year by our editors. N/A

14. Were there any metrics in your proposal that you could not collect or that you had to change?


15. If you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results, please describe and add any recommendations on how to address them in the future.


16. Use this space to link or upload any additional documents that would be useful to understand your data collection (e.g., dashboards, surveys you have carried out, communications material, training material, etc).

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Part 4: Organizational capacities & partnerships


17. Organizational Capacity

Organizational capacity dimension
A. Financial capacity and management This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
B. Conflict management or transformation This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
C. Leadership (i.e growing in potential leaders, leadership that fit organizational needs and values) This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
D. Partnership building This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
E. Strategic planning This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
F. Program design, implementation, and management This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
G. Scoping and testing new approaches, innovation This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
H. Recruiting new contributors (volunteer) This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
I. Support and growth path for different types of contributors (volunteers) This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
J. Governance This capacity has grown but it should be further developed
K. Communications, marketing, and social media This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
L. Staffing - hiring, monitoring, supporting in the areas needed for program implementation and sustainability This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
M. On-wiki technical skills This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
N. Accessing and using data This capacity is low, and we should prioritise developing it
O. Evaluating and learning from our work This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high
P. Communicating and sharing what we learn with our peers and other stakeholders This has grown over the last year, the capacity is high

17a. Which of the following factors most helped you to build capacities? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Formal training provided from outside the Wikimedia Movement, Peer to peer learning with other community members in conferences/events, Using capacity building/training resources onlinee from sources OUTSIDE the Wikimedia Movement

17b. Which of the following factors hindered your ability to build capacities? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Lack of volunteer time to participate in capacity building/training, Lack of training that fits contextual needs and interests

18. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your organizational capacity has grown, and areas where you require support?

Low capacity areas: wiki technical skills, accessing and using data, recruiting new contributors and volunteers. The search for new collaborators has been low because we have just been more focused on keeping the old ones and encouraging them more. Although in the general picture our activities raise people's awareness of the wiki. So at the end of the day, it is slightly misleading to say that we have not dealt with it this theme at all.

19. Partnerships over the funding period.

Over the fund period...
A. We built strategic partnerships with other institutions or groups that will help us grow in the medium term (3 year time frame) Strongly agree
B. The partnerships we built with other institutions or groups helped to bring in more contributors from underrepresented groups Strongly agree
C. The partnerships we built with other institutions or groups helped to build out more content on underrepresented topics/groups Agree

19a. Which of the following factors most helped you to build partnerships? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Permanent staff outreach, Board members’ outreach, Staff hired through the fund

19b. Which of the following factors hindered your ability to build partnerships? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors.

Lack of interest from partners, Difficulties specific to our context that hindered partnerships

20. Please share your learning about strategies to build partnerships with other institutions and groups and any other learning about working with partners?

As discovered already last year, in the GLAM field it´s easier to cooperate with smaller partners. Larger memory institutions are mostly already involved in large networks and collaborative projects, which means that it is often more difficult for them to tune in to smaller projects as well. So we continue to work briskly with smaller partners.

In the field of education, we are about to start our last year of three-year strategic partnership with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science. Since 2022 we stand for our common interest and in addition to that, we´ve continued to try and reach the right people through universities.

Part 5: Sense of belonging and collaboration


21. What would it mean for your organization to feel a sense of belonging to the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement?

For us the sense of belonging means first and foremost knowing, that there´re similar organizations all around the world with similar concerns (Birds of a feather flock together!) in addition to sharing concerns and working solutions. Instead of starting to develop new solutions from scratch, it is often more cost-effective to use solutions that have already proven themselves elsewhere. The existence of such network also means that everyone is able and willing to stand up for everyone at local level as well. Wikimedia movement should be like a parent here, someone to whom you can turn to and ask for help and advice.

22. How has your (for individual grantees) or your group/organization’s (for organizational grantees) sense of belonging to the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement changed over the fund period?

Somewhat increased

23. If you would like to, please share why it has changed in this way.

Through face-to-face meetings, which are the most effective in this aera, we have gained new acquaintances and also increased participation in the activities of the CEE hub (Käbi Laan being a member of the steering committee responsible for the Wikimania 2024).

24. How has your group/organization’s sense of personal investment in the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement changed over the fund period?

Somewhat increased

25. If you would like to, please share why it has changed in this way.

We continuously continue to participate and contribute to education and GLAM network. A bigger contribution is setting an example and looking for inspiration from others.

26. Are there other movements besides the Wikimedia or free knowledge movement that play a central role in your motivation to contribute to Wikimedia projects? (for example, Black Lives Matter, Feminist movement, Climate Justice, or other activism spaces) If so, please describe it below.

Media literacy network has been going on in Estonia for a few year by now and the term media literacy has also been included in the new integrated elementary school curricula. We ourselves feel that Wikipedia has the potential to be an excellent place for learning and teaching media literacy, where you can analyze sources and statements.

On climate issues we are – as previous year – trying to develop competition and draw attention to it more widely with the help of Wikipedia and its projects.

Supporting Peer Learning and Collaboration


We are interested in better supporting peer learning and collaboration in the movement.

27. Have you shared these results with Wikimedia affiliates or community members?


27a. Please describe how you have already shared them. Would you like to do more sharing, and if so how?

The highest decision-making body of our NGO is the general meeting, and last year we held two. The first which took place in April, we mainly needed to approve the fiscal year report from 2022 and choose our new member of board. During the one that took place in July we once again had to approve two new board members. On both occasions all our members had the chance to ask questions in an open mic format. We definitely plan to continue with this strategy (moreover the past has shown that active members almost always tend to attend to our general meetings).

28. How often do you currently share what you have learned with other Wikimedia Foundation grantees, and learn from them?

We do this occasionally (less than once a month)

29. How does your organization currently share mutual learning with other grantees?

The input received and given from the ED group meetings and the meetings related to the CEE hub and the sharing of one's thoughts at these meetings are the main places for it. Of course these meetings are usually not enough in terms of time for a thorough exchange of experiences. Face-to-face meetings and conferences are also invaluable here. With that said, we are currently looking forward to share our experiences during Wiki Hackathon in Tallinn in May. Therefore preparations for recruiting new volunteers are currently ongoing.

Part 6: Financial reporting and compliance


30. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.


31. Local currency type


32. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

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33. If you have not already done so in your budget report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal.

This year we had bigger administrative expenses than planned, however due to strategic partnership with Estonian Ministry of Educations and Science we had about 1000 € surplus from the Education related expenses. We also had some unspent funds from GLAM and Wikidata related expenses. So in total we managed to come off very well with the grant for this year.

34. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?

34a. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.

634,24 €

The unspent part consists mainly of the money that found no use in May for CEO´s wage. We didn´t have CEO between mid-April to June 2023 and thus about 2500 € was left unspent. We reused that partly in some other areas and paid out a small year-end bonus for employees for excellent work results, but not all of it got used.

34b. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?

A. Propose to use the underspent funds within this Fund period with PO approval

34c. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.

In our 2024 grant request public policy advocacy work was not supported by the committee and that resulted in cuts in funding. At the same time, we are still engaged in the SLAPP topic, going on a second round of trying to get FoP in Estonia, promoting free licenses, etc. We would appreciate it if this work would get some funds. This 634,24 € would be a valuable addition to this field.

35. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?

As required in the fund agreement, please report any deviations from your fund proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

36. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


37. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


38. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here.