Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Pgkla kari Seediq (ID: 21974852)/Final Report

Rapid Fund Final Report

Report Status: Accepted

Due date: 2023-08-15T00:00:00Z

Funding program: Rapid Fund, Wikimedia Community Fund

Report type: Final


This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the grantmaking web service of Wikimedia Foundation where the user has submitted their midpoint report. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.

General information

  • Title of Proposal: Pgkla kari Seediq
  • Username of Applicant: HuwacBasaw1234
  • Name of Organization: N/A
  • Amount awarded: 5000
  • Amount spent: 5000 USD, 150000 TWD

Part 1 Understanding your work


1. Briefly describe how your proposed activities and strategies were implemented


2. Were there any strategies or approaches that you felt were effective in achieving your goals? Please describe these strategies and approaches.

首先,為了掀起寫族語的運動,便開展宣導活動: o 舉辦LOGO設計徵選比賽的方式,徵選出屬與我們賽德克族維基百科社群的Logo. o 透過外展活動,宣傳與招募新的編輯加入賽德克維基百科的編輯。 o 建立聯繫並在社交媒體上推廣活動(業已在line上成立群組上進行討論多年,運用Instagram, Facebook粉絲專頁加強推廣)。 o

  • 為了增加參與度,舉辦共識會議、微型發表、維基百科翻譯工作坊及講座:

o 透過翻譯工作坊及專業技術指導講座吸引感興趣的人參加聚會,並透過翻譯的文章及習來的維基百科平台編輯操作技術,創建新文章來充實並改進賽德克維基百科的內容。 o 我們計劃在聚會針對性的培訓活動期間舉辦,旨在向新用戶介紹 Wikipedia、Wikidata 等方面的一些技能。

  • 為了建立賽德克語數據庫,我們將計劃在賽德克部落進行 4次,收集四語別語料庫的旅行,這些語料庫將用於賽德克維基媒體項目。

o 現在在賽德克語維基百科中,用戶只能引用其他語言的參考文獻來開發文章的內容,因為在網上能看到的賽德克語文檔顯少。第一手知識很重要,因此,我們計劃建立一些直接由賽德克人講述的在線文檔(當然是賽德克語)。將在賽德克部落進行多次採訪,隨後由族語老師進行逐字稿再將所有音頻或視頻文件和文稿,將被轉錄成 pdf 文件並上傳到維基共享資源(帶有賽德克語描述)。基於這些新的賽德克的文檔,我們相信賽德克維基百科的文章質量可以得到提高。

3. Please use this space to upload media and other files that help tell your story and impact.

Field to type in URLs.


4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the work carried out with the support of this Fund? You can choose “not applicable” if your work does not relate to these goals.

Our efforts during the Fund period have helped to...
A. Bring in participants from underrepresented groups Strongly agree
B. Create a more inclusive and connected culture in our community Strongly agree
C. Develop content about underrepresented topics/groups Strongly agree
D. Develop content from underrepresented perspectives Strongly agree
E. Encourage the retention of editors Strongly agree
F. Encourage the retention of organizers Strongly agree

5. Is there anything else you would like to share about how your efforts helped to bring in participants and/or build out content, particularly for underrepresented groups?


Part 2: Your main learning


6. In your application, you outlined your learning priorities. What did you learn about these areas during this period?

一、 召集族人座談 招募更多寫手及編輯手 二、 社群Logo徵稿活動 屬於Seediq Wikipidiya社群代表性的 三、 引進外部資源 1. vuvu教我看世界:如何透過自媒體經營賽德克語 2. Mnswayi姊妹操作 Seediq Wikpidiya平台予新成員 四、 部落耆老有約 走入部落與耆老聊天蒐集語料(語音與影像),並傳到維基共享資源 五、 工作坊交流會 一個月一次的工作坊聚會交流心得,創建新文章來充實並增補賽德克族維基百科的內容 六、 自媒體加強推廣 運用創建的自媒體Instagram, Facebook粉絲專頁加強推廣所採集的語料及故事。 七、 微型發表會 1. Logo徵稿 2. 優良條目發表 3. 採訪影片分享 4. 翻譯神話分享 八、精進族人見聞 邀請王岳文先生(Wikidata Taiwan社群共同召集人)講座研習 1. 建構族語鏈結開放資料?Wikidata上賽德克語的應用現況。 2. Wikidatacon 介紹徵稿說明會 3. 賽德克文獻Wikidata建置工作坊 透過以上八點主要所做的事,社群的組織建構更為健全。除了集結了族群各個方面的人才,翻譯寫手、編輯青年、社群媒體推廣人才、連結媒體、其他族群社群連結與交流外,我們更是廣邀了族人和非族人朋友加入我們社群的行列。我們透過引進的外部資源開了兩場研習課程,其中一個課程『基礎操作 Seediq Wikpidiya平台』我們增加了20 多個新帳號新成員,透過簡單的教學操作,我們交會了很多青年把平常耆老翻譯的神話傳說80篇,編輯到了維基百科平台上。另外,與耆老有約,我們到各部落採訪拍攝的影片所做的逐字稿也都完成了,即將在近期慢慢把文字整理並結合影片分享到維基百科上。 最重要的是,在維基百科的編輯技術上,我們除了邀請講師上課外,也邀請了王岳文先生(Wikidata Taiwan社群共同召集人)來開研習課程,讓我們都收穫良多。

7. Did anything unexpected or surprising happen when implementing your activities?This can include both positive and negative situations. What did you learn from those experiences?

一開始的召集族人座談,目的是要招募更多寫手及維基百科平台編輯手,當天吸引了族人與非族人朋友一起參與了解。 進入到社群Logo徵稿活動的時候,其目的是要選出屬於Seediq Wikipidiya社群代表性的Logo,因此辦理此活動廣邀社會大眾踴躍投件,最後也成功收到了六件作品,且各個作品都蘊含了很棒的意義,並且在微型發表的時候邀請作者前來分享,很開心的是最終也選出了數與我們社群的Logo,也順利做出了橫幅,讓我們走到哪裡都能帶著這個代表著社群及族群意象的橫幅讓大家看見。 引進外部資源的部分,我們辦理了兩場講座: 一、「pinacunan ni vuvu a i kacauan vuvu看到的世界:如何經營族語自媒體」 排灣經典Payuan Classic作為族語自媒體,始終相信如果從vuvu的角度看世界,我們的生活會變得不一樣,希望透過社群媒體的力量,讓族語成為時尚潮流。


二、「基礎Seediq Wikipidiya平台操作教學」 尋根的道路上,闖進了族語世界,體會到母語的優美。 再透過加入Seediq Wikipidiya,能深刻的體驗,除了耆老口傳之外,年輕一代的我們更應該將口語文字化,讓大家看見賽德克的悠遠傳統。


兩場講座吸引了眾多對維基百科有興趣和不同族群的族人。 部落耆老有約的部分我們走過了賽德克族四個方言別的部落,去訪問有關族群狩獵、樂舞、織布、遷移等故事,耆老都相當踴躍且講了好多的有趣故事以及生詞,我們用全程錄影的方式紀錄,打成族字稿整理,收穫良多。 最後微型發表會,總結了我們所做的事情,邀請族人分享。包括: 1. Logo徵稿 2. 優良條目發表 3. 採訪影片分享 4. 翻譯神話分享 吸引了六十幾位的族人共襄盛舉。

8. How do you hope to use this learning? For instance, do you have any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future?

順應時代變遷,族群文化也藉由科技有新的傳承方式,「賽德克族維基百科社群」在教育部及政大等單位的輔導下,兩年前正式列入全球維基百科語言列,這次也特別辦理上半年的維基百科基金會快速補助金微型發表會,分享現階段的工作內容,除了持續編修維基百科的條目,也加強族語語料蒐集,到部落採訪耆老並製作影片在平臺上永久保存。 我們在與耆老有約所拍攝的過程中,發現很多的耆老說出來的生詞與及語調(聲音)是很值得被流傳下去的,未來也期盼在維基百科平臺上,製作更多文化小辭典或是文化祭儀的記錄,在順應時代趨勢下,讓傳統文化藉由網路及數位化的模式持續保留傳承。 當然這前提,要如何將聲音和影像編輯到維基百科上,是我們未來的學習重點。

9. Documentation of resources: Use this space to upload any documents that would be useful to share with others (e.g. communications material, training material, presentations).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.

專題講座: 影片及逐字稿:

Part 3: Metrics


10a. Open Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined some open metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with your metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had.

Open Metrics Summary
Open Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
耆老匯談(訪問) 到部落與耆老進行深度匯談如(賽德克族的狩獵文化、藤編文化、傳統文化、傳統樂器製作、織布文化、生命禮俗)。 6 7 3/31 Tuda語 部落:alang Tawsay 受訪人:王耀國、詹志勳(部落遷移、狩獵、生命禮俗)

4/01 Tuda語 部落:alang Tawsay 受訪人:曾忠妹、鄭天財(樂舞、傳統文化) 4/23 Tgdaya語 部落:Alang Gluban受訪人:李敏寶、吳昌元(傳統樂器製作、狩獵文化、樂舞) 4/24Truku語 部落:高峰 受訪人:白炳華、劉文清(狩獵文化) 7/2 Tgdaya語 部落:Gluban 受訪人:桂同文(狩獵文化、傳統文化、藤編文化) 07/12 Truku語 部落:親愛國小 受訪人:黃輝光、柯明成(狩獵文化) 0713 Toda語 部落:along Snuwil 受訪人:宋愛花、朝義妹(織布文化)

專題講座 預計請專家學者進行專題講座如(賽德克族的歷史遷移及賽德克族日據時代的隘勇線)。 2 2 我們依照社群人員需求,把課程轉向於辦理精進族人見聞的研習講座

邀請王岳文先生(Wikidata Taiwan社群共同召集人) 講座研習 1. 建構族語鏈結開放資料?Wikidata上賽德克語的應用現況 2. Wikidatacon 介紹語徵稿說明會 3. 賽德克文獻Wikidata建置工作坊

工作坊 預計每月1次的線上工作坊,收集關鍵詞彙(10詞),上傳到維基平台。 6 6 我們透過每個月一次的工作坊,線上討論翻譯寫手老師的神話故事,並直接在維基百科平台上增加和編輯內容。 google meet 視訊討論。


社群媒體設計教學 預計辦理1次的社群媒體設計教學,主要是讓我們的社群媒體能夠更專業、新穎,吸引更多的族人關注進而增加我們的知名度。 1 1 「pinacunan ni vuvu a i kacauan vuvu看到的世界:如何經營族語自媒體」
  排灣經典Payuan Classic作為族語自媒體,始終相信如果從vuvu的角度看世界,我們的生活會變得不一樣,希望透過社群媒體的力量,讓族語成為時尚潮流。
維基平台操作編輯教學 預計辦理1次的維基平台操作編輯教學,主要是培養更多賽德克族編輯維基百科的人才。 1 1 「基礎Seediq Wikipidiya平台操作教學」

再透過加入Seediq Wikipidiya,能深刻的體驗,除了耆老口傳之外,年輕一代的我們更應該將口語文字化,讓大家看見賽德克的悠遠傳統。


10b. Core Metrics reporting

In your application, you defined targets for some core metrics and targets (goals). You will see a table like the one below with each core metric in the title and the target you set in your proposal automatically filled in. Use the tables to report the result. Use the comments column to describe any aspects of this result that you find relevant. If the results were different from the initial target (goals) then you can explain why and what you learned from this. You can also provide any qualitative analysis regarding these results. In the last column please describe the tools and methodology used to collect this data and any difficulties you might have had. Note: a table will appear for each Wikimedia project content contribution you defined in your proposal.

Core Metrics Summary
Core metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
Number of participants 聚會將會邀請20人參加來凝聚共識。

工作坊也有23人(線上)。 部落會談20人。 專題講座20人。 期末發表會20人。

40 152 討論聚會18人

工作坊每場次20人(線上討論四語,共六場次) 部落耆老訪談每場次10人(共七場次) 專題研習講座 pinacunan ni vuvu a i kacauan vuvu看到的世界:如何經營族語自媒體,24人參與, 基礎Seediq Wikipidiya平台操作教學,28人參與。 期末發表會52人參與。


翻譯工作坊,用Line各大小群組宣傳廣邀族人朋友參與。(視訊方式執行) 部落耆老訪談,透過部落族人邀請耆老參與。(錄影拍照紀錄) 專題研習講座 pinacunan ni vuvu a i kacauan vuvu看到的世界:如何經營族語自媒體與基礎Seediq Wikipidiya平台操作教學,透過海報的方式宣傳。(講師自備講義) 期末發表會,透過海報的方式宣傳。

Number of editors 賽德克族維基百科編輯人數 23 17 我們再專題研習講座基礎Seediq Wikipidiya平台操作教學的過程中,廣邀對維基百科有興趣的人,創建新的帳號,以及教他們如何操作編輯。 每天都會上維基百科平台上編輯,增加語言活躍度。
Number of organizers 1位主持人、1位召集人、15位顧問及6位維基百科平台編輯人。 23 26 一位諮詢委員 Lituk Teymu

召集人 Walis Huwac 15位顧問為四個方言別每方言別四位共16位 6位維基百科平台編輯人,每方言別兩位位共8位

Number of new content contributions per Wikimedia project
Wikimedia Project Description Target Results Comments Methodology

12. Did you have any difficulties collecting data to measure your results? This could include things like a lack of time or resources, or the expertise in your team to collect this data. It could also include difficulties with particular data collection tools.


12a. State what difficulties you had.


12b. How do you hope to overcome these challenges in the future? Do you have any recommendations for the Foundation to support you in addressing these challenges?


13. Use this space to upload any documents and provide links to any tools you have used that would be useful to understand your data collection (e.g., surveys you have carried out, communications material, training material, program and event dashboard link, project page on Meta).

Here is an additional field to type in URLs.


14. Have you shared these results with other Wikimedian communities (either affiliates, user groups, volunteers, etc., different to yours)? This can include things such as data and direct outcomes, lessons you have learned, or information on how to run or recreate your programs.


14a. If yes or partially, please describe how you have already shared them and if you would like to do more sharing, and if so how.

Part 4: Financial reporting and compliance


15. & 14a. Please state the total amount spent in your local currency.

150000 TWD

16. Please state the total amount spent in USD.

5000 USD

17. Please report the funds received and spending in the currency of your fund.

17a. Upload a financial report file.

17b. Please provide a link to your financial reporting document.


As required in the fund agreement, please report any deviations from your fund proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

17c. If you have not already done so in your budget report, please provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal.


18. Do you have any unspent funds from the Fund?


18a. Please list the amount and currency you did not use and explain why.


18b. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?


18c. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.


19. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement?


20. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?


21. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.


22. If you have additional recommendations or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here.

Other documents