Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/2022-2024 GLAM Macedonia's Three-year General Support Grant

2022-2024 GLAM Macedonia's Three-year General Support Grant
Establish at least 3 new Wiki Clubs or Wiki sections *Recruit at least 150 new editors and contributors
  • Engage at least 50 women and seniors in Wikimedia projects in order to avoid gender and age gap
  • Educate and train at least 120 teachers on how to use Wikipedia in classroom
  • Organize at least 45 special events *New content on Wikipedia: at least 4,100 new articles, multimedia content and references
  • Collaborate with at least 45 institutions and organizations
start date1-Jan-2022
end date31-Dec-2022
budget (local currency)23,104 EUR
amount requested (USD)26,127 USD
grant typeWikimedia Affiliate (chapter, thematic org., or user group)
applicant and people related to proposalGLAM Macedonia User Group
  • User:Violetova
  • User:MacedonianBoy
  • organization (if applicable)GLAM Macedonia

    This is an automatically generated page based on the applicant's application on the Wikimedia Foundation's Grantee Portal on Fluxx.



    What is the main objective of your proposal?

    Establish at least 3 new Wiki Clubs or Wiki sections *Recruit at least 150 new editors and contributors *Engage at least 50 women and seniors in Wikimedia projects in order to avoid gender and age gap *Educate and train at least 120 teachers on how to use Wikipedia in classroom *Organize at least 45 special events *New content on Wikipedia: at least 4,100 new articles, multimedia content and references *Collaborate with at least 45 institutions and organizations

    What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

    The availability of access to free knowledge is one of the key problems in North Macedonia. Digitalized free knowledge, still, is rarely available for the general Macedonian population. Large part of the scientific knowledge, findings and facts are not easily available for the Macedonian-speaking community. Such information either is presented in printed form, expensive to buy, or in a closed scientific circle that many people and especially students do not have access to. Students who desire to deepen their knowledge do not have sufficient sources for such improvement. Therefore, through our activities we are trying to eliminate those obstacles and offer a database available for everyone. Second big challenge is that people don't know whom to trust. Media literacy is in a low level. GLAM Macedonia is seeking and trying to find out ways or sources for gathering free knowledge that will be presented on Wikimedia's projects for access and use by the general Macedonian-speaking community. Having in the specifically oriented nature of the organization (GLAM and education), the collaboration with the GLAM institutions of Macedonia shall be in the focus of the programs in order to (1) gather free knowledge provided by the GLAM institutions, (2) include GLAM/ education employees into our activities in order to spread the message and achieve the goals of the movement in Macedonia. The students from more than 13 schools in Macedonia (as of now) are actively involved in the organization's activities to: (1) take active part in the content creation, (2) overcome background/ social/ linguistic differences and work together on achieving the goals, (3) decrease the gender-gap in terms of content on Wikimedia Projects, (4) try to implement the free knowledge into education processes in Macedonia by active involvement of students and teachers in the process of content creation and content use, (5) learn media literacy and how to write from neutral point of view.

    In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.

    Improve User Experience, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, Innovate in Free Knowledge

    Where will this proposal be implemented?

    North Macedonia

    Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?


    Project Proposal


    Describe your main strategies to achieve the objective and the activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.


    Strengthening the collaboration with GLAM institutions in North Macedonia, as well as improving the cooperation with GLAM Institutions which already exists and signed memorandum for collaboration (such as The State Archive of Republic of North Macedonia, Museum of Macedonian struggle, Archeological Museum of North Macedonia, Museum of Natural History, Institute of Natural Science in Ohrid, etc.). The WiR activities will try to implement WIkimedia projects within WiR work and using the available resources for enriching the contents. The establishing cooperation with new GLAM (like Macedonian Academy of Science, Museum of Contemporary Arts, etc.) and getting them closer to the projects shall be one of the more important task to be accomplished. Workshops, tours, edit-a-thons and training will continue to be held.


    GLAM Macedonia tries to increase the number of involved volunteers in GLAM Macedonia that will actively contribute to the development of the Wikimedia Movement in Macedonia. In the next years, several public events will be organized, as well as many workshops on various different topics, mostly concerned with creating new articles on We organize at least 10 media and press interviews to introduce Wikipedia and user group work to the audience per year. Several projects, like Meet Hungary, Meet Russia, Meet Sweden, were carried out in collaboration with the respective Embassies in Skopje. Negotiation for future collaborations: with the embassies of Serbia, Slovakia and UK.


    As one of the key programs of the organization, GLAM Macedonia tries to achieve several key strategic education aspects. Establishing new Wiki Clubs and Wiki sections with students will get Wikipedia closer to schools and improve the content. We have 8 Wiki Clubs at the moment all over the country. The recruiting new members and contributors that are willing to improve Wikimedia Projects. Our strength in this project so far is the reputation of the Wiki Clubs. Each club has an appointed coordinator, member of GLAM Macedonia. Training new teachers to edit and contribute and use the Wikipedia in the education process. The teachers’ conferences are an excellent opportunity for improving the community as well. The third strategic aspect are the Wiki Camps. The main purpose of the Camps are to build strong connections between students’ experiences, develop skills and expanding knowledge. It is a good event for engaging new members and activists.

    What is your organization or group's mission?

    GLAM Macedonia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collect and share free knowledge available for everyone with the special focus on collaboration with GLAM and education institutions, by creating activities to make Wikipedia a place where correct information can be read.

    Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries?


    Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.

    Organizing Meet-up online, Organizing Meet-up offline, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Train-the-Trainer, WikiCamp, Wikimedian-in-Residence, Conference/Event Organizing, Media outreach campaign, Central organizing for movement campaign

    Are you running any in-person events or activities?


    Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified content knowledge gaps?

    Content Gender gap, Age (regency), Geography, Language, Socioeconomic Status, Sexual Orientation, Important Topics (topics considered to be of impact or important in the specific context), Cultural background, ethnicity, religion, racial

    Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.

    Sexual Orientation, Geographic, Ethnic/racial/religious or cultural background, Linguistic / Language, Socioeconomic status, Age, Digital Access

    Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.

    Education, Culture, heritage or GLAM, Human Rights, Diversity

    Please tell us more about your target participants.

    Students and education workers from different cultural/ linguistic and social background make the diversity of the organization on a level that it strives for. The diversity of the group will establish stronger and more efficient organization, while successful accomplishment of the activities is expected.
    • Geography - the activities are planned and organized so that people/ students/ teachers of different geographical regions of the country contribute and actively take part in the process. We run so far 8 Wiki Clubs established in different cities. Activities, such as Wiki Camp will bring most of the active contributors in one place and provide a chance for socializing.
    • Ethnic/ cultural background - the activities will try to engage people/ students/ teachers of different cultural and ethnic background, such as Serbians, Bosnians or Aromanians (we already work with those ethnicity), and guide them to focus on single goal - contribution and development of the organization/ movement.
    • Language - since the activities cover students of different language background, the nature of the activities will promote use of standardized language and development of linguistic/ translation skills. Our Wiki Club members have different mother tongue.
    • Socioeconomic status - the programs do not divide or make distinction of the social and economic status of the members and students, but instead they are all treated equally, provided with the basic necessary tools in order to improve Wikimedia Projects and activities.
    • Age - Education Program is the most diverse in terms of age. It includes students from at least 12 years of age up to teenagers and adolescents. Moreover, the program covers adult teachers and seniors who all work together in accomplishing the tasks.
    • Digital Access - While implementing the activities, the organization makes sure all participants who contribute and improve the content have access to digital gadgets. The digitalization of the materials gathered by the WiR is also an important segment of this process. It provides the activists digital materials for easier handling and processing.

    Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?


    Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.

    This proposal is created by GLAM Macedonia board and other members, on offline events.

    We had several meetings when we discussed and planed the future events and activities of GLAM Macedonia. Shared activities with Shared Knowledge user group were discussed via e-mail this year.

    Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal? Please describe these partnerships.

    To implement this proposal, we are working with other external organizations and institutions, such as schools and GLAM institutions in our country.

    For example, our biggest Wiki Club in Skopje has regular meetings in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje. Wiki Club Ohrid meetings are held in the office of Red Cross in Ohrid. Some of the activities were held in the other Museums all over the country. All collaboration we mention, are in-kind support from the organizations and institutions.

    How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?

    Since GLAM institutions in the Republic of Macedonia are closed ones and not easily accessible, we are happy to be warm welcome and to have a productive collaboration. However, in order not to lose these good links and good collaboration ground, we are sending Wikipedian in Residence in order to maintain the connections and expand the possibilities for further collaboration.

    The big interest of teachers and students in the Republic of North Macedonia is giving us the strength and satisfaction, as the great interest points that with such activities (Wiki Clubs and teacher's conferences) we are on the right track to reach them and continue to work with them in the future. We have members, teachers and students who become GLAM Macedonia members in 2016 and 2017, and they are still active, implementing projects and activities in their area of interests. The continuum of successful enlargement of GLAM Macedonia's community is evident and the results are doubling each year. GLAM Macedonia user group has more than 150 members who signed the application form. We cannot list any problem which may appear during the future events according to work with community.

    About financial stability, we'll have to make a plan in order to not be dependent only on WMF funds. Till now, we received funds from organizations who approached us, as it was in 2019 with the 3-day project ""Meet Germany"", which was fully financially covered by the Goethe Institute in Skopje, and much in-kind supports.

    Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?

    Applied previously and did receive a grant

    Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?


    Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?

    • Snezhana Shtrkovska, user:Violetova, president: creating and submitting grant proposals, budget planning, WMF liaison, overall projects coordinator.
    • Nikolche Stojanoski, user:MacedonianBoy, board member: creating and submitting grant proposal, WMF liaison, responsible for overall projects planning
    • Nataša Nedanoska, user:NatasaNedanoska, board member and coordinator of Wiki Club Ohrid: event logistics, social events, coordinator of volunteers in Ohrid, responsible for projects maintain in Ohrid
    • Gordana Jović Stojkovska, user:Gordi, board member: events PR, coordinator of volunteers, responsible for starting new Wiki Clubs
    • Igor Kuzmanovski, user:Wikimk, board member: technical support, logistical help during the events
    • Stojna Arsovska-Donevska, user:Stojnaa, coordinator of Wiki Club Staro Nagoricane, coordinator of volunteers in St. Nagoricane, responsible for projects maintain in St. Nagoricane
    • Valentina Trajkoska, user:Vale Trajkoska, coordinator of education: responsible for projects and volunteers in Drachevo
    • Irena Trajkovska, coordinator of education in the High School Josip Broz Tito: responsible for projects and volunteers coming from that high school
    • Atanas Sopostski, user:Besmrten, coordinator of education in high school Korchagin in Skopje: responsible for projects and volunteers coming from that high school in Skopje
    • Lili Arsova, user:Lili Arsova, coordinator of education in Veles: responsible for creating events, maintain projects and work with volunteers in Veles
    • Tatjana Gogoska, user:Tatjanagogoska, member: media outreach for events and projects of GLAM Macedonia
    • Nikola Štrkovski, user:SirGoldenBlade, IT coordinator: technical support and maintain the web pages of GLAM Macedonia
    • Ana Vishinova, user:Vishinova, GLAM coordinator: GLAM liaison, responsible for planning and maintain GLAM events
    • Frosina Dimitrova, administration and logistic manager

    Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)


    Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation


    What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?

    • What activities proved to be most effective in terms of content creation and content improvement? Especially, what activities triggered participants’ willingness to improve the quantity and quality of the project.

    • What program areas or events improved the community, its growth and effectiveness? How the number of active users and volunteers increased significantly and what influenced such growth/ interest? • What were the methods/ approaches and the strategies for deeper collaboration of the state GLAM Institutions with the organization? What motivated the GLAM institutions and employees to work with GLAM Macedonia for the purposes of improving Wikimedia Projects?

    Core Metrics


    Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

    Core Metrics Summary
    Core metrics Description Target
    Number of participants The number of participants who attend events, programs and activities online or in person, in GLAM, Education and Community all together, including new participants and returning participants: 590
    Number of editors The number of new registered participants in GLAM, Education and Community programs, all together: 150
    Number of organizers Organizers and other outreach liaisons for GLAM, Education and Community programs, all together: 30
    Wikipedia Number of content pages improved or created: 4100

    If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.


    Additional Metrics


    Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.

    Additional Metrics Description Target
    Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities
    Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities 120 30
    Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability The number of involved institutions or organizations we work with in all our programs: 45
    Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors N/A
    Diversity of participants brought in by grantees 20
    Number of people reached through social media publications 25
    Number of activities developed The number of events in all our programs: 45
    Number of volunteer hours 15000

    What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impacts of your activities? (optional)

    We would like to find out how volunteers see the process of volunteerism and contributing to the spread of the idea of free knowledge. We would like to find out if there is a willingness in the participants for continuing this contribution while being involved in other activities which are out of the scope of GLAM Macedonia’s standard programs. Especially, the organization wants to find out if the idea of volunteerism and free knowledge creation is passed on among other peers and students/ friends who are not involved in GLAM Macedonia’s programs.

    What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?

    As for now, we use to measure activities, number of articles and editors involved in our programs.

    We haven't use yet, but we want to use it starting next year.

    How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?

    Create a video of our experience, Make a short presentation of the experience, Create a training workshop to show others what we learned, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Share it on Meta-Wiki

    Financial Proposal


    What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.

    26120 EUR

    What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?

    30344 USD

    Please share your budget for this proposal.


    By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

    I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friend Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


