Grants:Let's Connect Profile/Thomas Baah tawiah
Thomas Baah tawiah

Best way to connect: Via telegram or whatsapp
Open Foundation West Africa, hub lead
Ghana • Middle East and Africa (MEA) region
Preferred times: Friday, Saturday (12 - 16 UTC, 17 - 20 UTC)
Can dedicate: Between one (1) hour and three (3) hours per week
Languages: English
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia, Wikimedia Commons → media repository, Wikidata → knowledge database, Incubator → language versions in development
Areas of interests: Education, Advocacy, Human Rights
Let's Connect Barnstars
Skills this profile would like to learn
Preferred way of learning: Participate learning clinic sharing my case, Share resources through emails / platforms …, Through formal training, By being mentored by an organization with more experience
Organization skills: Building your organisation’s plan and strategy • Proposal writing for funding • Financial planning and management • Leadership growth and sustainability
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Defining learning and evaluation plans • Methods and tools for qualitative evaluation • Designing learning /retrospective sessions • Wikimedia tools to measure quantitative metrics
Interpersonal skills: Skills that are important for managing teams and volunteers • Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline • Processes and tools to manage conflicts
Click below if you want to connect with this profile to share skills they want to learn.
Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Share resources through emails / platforms …, Organizing face-to-face workshops.
Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.
More to learn
editFurther details about what I would like to learn.
I want to know more about bot development. Identifying topics for impact and software and digital skills
Stories about sharing
editInteresting stories about applying the skills I want to share.
As a contributor of wikidata , I was able to use wikidata in my research work. I used the query language to find the number of articles on diatomaceous earth published on Wikidata.