Grants:Let's Connect Profile/ABDELILAH JALAL

Best way to connect: Via email
Wikimedia Morocco User Group
Participating as: Indivudal
Morocco • Middle East and Africa (MEA) region
Preferred times: Wednesday, Friday (12 - 16 UTC, 21 - 23 UTC)
Can dedicate: Between one (1) hour and three (3) hours per Month
Languages: Arabic
Main Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia → encyclopedia, Wikimedia Commons → media repository, Wikidata → knowledge database
Areas of interests: Education, Open Technology
Other peer learning/training initiatives participating in: Reading Wikipedia in the classroom Morocco
Let's Connect Barnstars
Skills this profile would like to learn
Preferred way of learning: Participate learning clinic sharing my case, Share resources through emails / platforms …, By being mentored by an organization with more experience, Through formal training, Have a 1:1 online coffee/tea with someone
Organization skills: Proposal writing for funding • Staffing / Team management • Skills to better connect with networks within the Free Knowledge Ecosystem
Learning, evaluation and communications skills: Documenting knowledge in ways that are easy to communicate with others • Building a communications strategy to reach key stakeholders
Interpersonal skills: Use various tools related to community health • Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline
Click below if you want to connect with this profile to share skills they want to learn.
Skills this profile would like to share
Preferred way of sharing: Organise face-to-face workshops, Sharing resources via email and/or resource sharing platforms
Organization skills: Building your organisation’s plan and strategy • Financial planning and management • Program/project implementation
Interpersonal skills: Cultivate more inclusive and safe environments online and offline
Programatic and tactic skills: Small editing events, campaign and contests • Designing and developing educational programs • Event organising
Click below if you want to learn any of the skills this profile wants to share.
More to learn
editFurther details about what I would like to learn.
Stories about sharing
editInteresting stories about applying the skills I want to share.