
Bring Wikimedia projects into hospitals: patients adding value
idea creator
created on17:42, 18 July 2015 (UTC)

Project idea edit

What is the problem you're trying to solve? edit

Hospital patients, their loved ones and other people experiencing difficult health disorders and situations often have a sense of despair and futility that prevents them from feeling the slightest satisfaction of making a difference in the world.

What is your solution? edit

By introducing these people to the concept that ANYONE can contribute and share his/her knowledge, they can acquire a sense of purpose and self-esteem that they so desperately need to overcome their difficulties. They could contribute to Wikimedia projects directly related to their problem (i.e. upload a photo related to their ailment) or they could contribute in a subject related to their hobby or passion (i.e. in a way similar to the concept behind "Make a Wish")

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