Grants:IdeaLab/Wikipedia Communication Project

Wikipedia Communication Project
The idea of that project is to create a communication strategy and bot for Wikipedia through the use of wikipedia's statistics and edits streaming to correlate media subjects and trend topics on social networks to undertand the impact of the regular media and social networks on Wikipedia.
idea creator
Rodrigo Padula
created on18:13, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Project idea edit

What is the problem you're trying to solve? edit

Undestand the impact of the regular media and trend topics from social network on Wikipedia to generate an improved communication strategy based on consolidated data

What is your solution? edit

  • Create a bot and scripts to monitoring social networks and regular media subjects
  • Generate Wikipedia statistics and edits streaming
  • Correlate both informations to find patterns
  • Create scripts to generate info-graphics based on that information and data
  • Create and publish automatic posts on social media and blogs with consolidated data, recomendind topics and content to be improved and accessed by the followers and community of contributors

Goals edit

Get Involved edit

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