Grants:IdeaLab/Video studio at Wikimania

Video studio at Wikimania
A video studio is set up at Wikimania. Anyone, such as presenters, gets support to video record their presentation in the video room. Videos are uploaded for sharing.
idea creator
created on17:42, 5 August 2015 (UTC)

Project idea edit

What is the problem you're trying to solve? edit

In Wikimania 2015 there were complaints that talks were not recorded. Mostly this was a cost issue - it is expensive both to record 5 conference tracks simultaneously and to edit and process the videos. Still, there is demand for videos, and some videos need to be made.

What is your solution? edit

Instead of trying to get video and audio equipment to every session at Wikimania, let's set up an inexpensive video studio and invite anyone to schedule some camera time. Wikimania presenters may wish to record their presentation in the studio for a higher quality presentation than they would ever get live. This would mean that they do their presentation an additional time outside of their scheduled public talk.

The recording would need to have two functions - live stationary camera recording pointed to one place where the presenter stands, and an option to switch from live video to slides on a computer. The audio would run throughout. There would be no budget for video editing. The finished product would be one take of a presentation in which a person presents something they have prepared. The only special effect is switching from live video to slides and back to video, and this can be done with standard webcasting software.

Beyond scheduled talks, maybe other people would give other talks and could use the studio time to make non-English Wikipedia talk videos for YouTube, or anything else which could be done with a stationary camera pointed to a chair and backdrop along with the options for slides.

Having a video studio set up at Wikimania would make it possible to produce videos in one location. Quality would improve, which is a serious concern, because presenters would be forced to come to the studio, wear a microphone, and present in a quiet, isolated place. The nature of the talks would change because presenters would be speaking to the Internet instead of to a crowd, but for many or most talks which need to be recorded, the message would be for the Internet anyway and capturing the live event is less important. Also, live conference talks for many people are less useful than streamlined made-for-Internet talks.

  1. Identify an A/V point person to set up a video studio at Wikimania 2016. This could happen in any quiet room. The minimal recording studio could be a camera, microphone, computer, desk, and chair.
  2. Recruit community volunteer to get the word out that anyone attending Wikimania who wants a recording should rehearse to speak in a private setting to a camera.
  3. At Wikimania, the video operator needs support from volunteers to queue people into a schedule, talk to them about how to present to a camera, etc.
  4. When someone presents, they use a screencasting model as is popular on YouTube and elsewhere. They are a talking head, but they can switch to show slides, and at the end they show their face again to end the recording.
  5. Presenters get their recording immediately after recording. Perhaps we convert the file to mp4 and upload it to YouTube right then without editing, or perhaps it is put on a jump drive and the presenter should go on and upload it themselves. Historically, cutting videos to separate the different talks in a block has been a pain, so recording in a way that creates individual files prevents this problem.
  6. In either case, the presenter applies their own metadata to the recording. They title it, list themselves as presenter, etc. Applying metadata historically has been a major problem in post-production.
  7. The resulting product has clear audio, video, and moves more quickly for lack of audience interaction. Audience interaction is sometimes helpful, but for many online videos, it is as nice or better to watch a video of only the presenter without audience interaction.
  • Inexpensive as compared to filming in multiple locations
  • Better video quality because quiet location, better placed camera, microphone on speaker
  • Streamlined production - without audience interaction the video will be more like a webcast, which is appropriate for online viewing
  • Feasible compromise, better than nothing
  • Offers a chance for people on schedule to get a high quality recording for web use, like something not in English
  • Much easier to manage speaker names, talk title, and other metadata
  • Individual recordings make file management easier than cutting blocks of talks
  • Loss of the spirit of live speaking
  • People would need to present twice - their scheduled talk, then scheduled studio time
  • Studio resources may not accommodate all speakers

Goals edit

  1. There is an option for video recording to all Wikimania participants who can be scheduled to the studio camera.
  2. Wikimania recordings are made available online.
  3. Video views are noted to judge the utility of this program. Videos should get some number of views to justify the program.

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