Grants:IdeaLab/Take a firmer stance on doxing and maybe you will get some more controversial references from women.
Take a firmer stance on doxing and maybe you will get some more controversial references from women.
A lot of women have controversial views regarding sexuality; as such putting their profiles up makes them much easier to dox and send threats to. Take a stance on doxing by lobbying congress to create stronger anti stalking measures so women feel safer editing Wikipedia on things they care about.
created on15:57, 22 March 2015 (UTC)
Project idea
editWhat is the problem you're trying to solve?
editPeople with controversial views have a tendency to get bullied or even killed. That's a large part of what stops women from posting their faces and opinions on the worlds 5th largest website. Gamergate showed alot of men consdier threats of rape to be a joke; threats are not funny and there are some rather scientifically elaborate threats that can be made to silence women with strong opinions.
What is your solution?
editWork with politicians and law enforcement to create safe environment where woman that identifies as pro choice won't have her house bombed for adding information on abortion or other sensitive topics. It's not safe for anyone until it's safe for everyone.
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